Grade:11th(Fast learner.)
Appearance: Short with shaggy hair. His hair is blond and he has brown eyes like his wolf form. He has a scar going across his nose similar to Iruka from Naruto but slightly thicker.
Animal Form: Spirit Wolf.

Bio:Once in a great while a wolf is born with the traits of the great warrior Kyoshi, who lived ten-thousand years protecting his pack until he finally died of old age. Kioshi is such a wolf. He's also Tsukiko's little brother and was very clingy when she lived back in the forest, so of course he missed her dearly when she left. Though after she left the security went up and he couldn't escape to look for her even if he had the courage to. A week later Fuyuki left as well, leaving him lonely and the rest of the pack uneasy now that there were only five members left. Their uneasy-ness was well placed since word of their recent loss in members spread fast through the forest and only two weeks after Fuyuki left they were attacked by the two other packs at once. He survived due to him running far away after seeing many deaths and being attacked himself. He was wandering paths and forests after going through the gate to get away for days until he passed out directly in front of the academy, covered in dry blood and with a scar across his nose. He awoke in the infirmary and enlisted as soon as he had healed. His heart had pulled him all this way, he wasn't just going to walk out. Plus...they had free food.
Usual Clothes: Here.