Just Your Normal Girl ...
Just Your Normal Girl ...
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████ ▌ Down to the Basics of Me
Just Alluma please
December 14th
████ ▌Well, Aren't You Nosy
5 feet
Body Type
Petite, curvy, delicate, and lean
Long straight blonde hair that falls just below her waist
████ ▌Get to Know the Real One
One word to describe Alluma would have to be youthful. Being at the young age of eighteen she chooses to live life to the fullest and makes sure that everyone around her also does the same. She is honest to all and may even be blunt about certain things. Alluma doesn’t always watch what comes out of her mouth so many hear her speak out loud during a stressful day. The one thing people must know is that she is stubborn as they come. Alluma does listen to others but once something is in her mind it will take a long time to change her opinion. Besides all that the young girl only wants to make others happy and to somehow help her pack gain a better future.
Alluma since the day she was born had been placed under careful watch. She was born into a royal werewolf family and being the first child made her the hire to the pack and her father’s company. As a child she had little freedom and had to stay within her pack’s limits making her have a rather boring childhood. It wasn’t until she turned five when she was able to play with the other pups in her pack. Growing up the young blonde took notice of her she was different, human beings seemed to have less troubles than she and this made her quite upset.
By the time she became a teenager her werewolf ways had been taking over her whole life. No longer was she allowed to interact with humans or even visit the cities that rested outside of the forest. Alluma began to understand how important she was to her pack and soon took her role seriously leaving little time to think of such silly thoughts about communicating with humans.
One day while checking out the perimeter of their packs limits she found herself caught in a trap. While thrashing around the young were knocked herself unconscious and when she awoke she was no longer in the forest but in a tiny cage made of big animals.
Parents: Head of the NightShade pack.
████ ▌Insides and Outsides
If You Want to Get On My Good Side
❧Helping those who need it most: Haha that’s what I live by really
❧Long summer nights: It’s the best for sleeping out in the meadows
❧Sweets: No girl can resist such treats
❧Adrenalin: you know right when it gets exciting
❧Her pack: they taught me everything
❧Singing and Howling: It’s a way to express one’s feelings
You Obviously Don't Like Me
❧Oppression: Being told what I can and can’t do
❧Crying: It’s a sign of weakness thus I must never shed a tear.
❧Bugs: Yeah so what! They’re creepy and always up in my face
❧Failing: There's no room for failure especially when a life is on the line
❧Egotistical beings: this hate is reserved for some of the wealthy that chose to turn a blind eye to us poor
❧Being underestimated: Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I can’t flip your butt to the ground
Sh, Don't Tell Anyone But I Fear These ...
❧Dying at an early age: I want to make a change which means I can’t afford to die easily
❧Being caught: Humans don’t take a liking to my kind and would much rather see us burn to death
❧Trusting an outsider: I can only afford to trust people who are like me
❧Cats: They are evil
Check Out My Awesome Skills
❧Slyness: Alluma is able to act as ones shadow making it easy for her to pick-pocket… n-not that she does that or anything (Interested in human objects)
❧Medical Knowledge: She picked this up from her mother as a child seeing that they would help those who needed it. Know be able to research the medical field Alluma has become a rather good nurse and helps out when a pack member is injured.
❧Flexibility: She will literally bend backwards for her pack.
❧Singing: This is the only thing that can put the little ones to sleep in her pack.
████ ▌Leaving Your Signature
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You Can't Take Me- Bryan Adams
Life is a Boat- Rei Fu