She'd lost her temper. Hyakutake didn't easily get angry but...Polaris had just made something SNAP inside her. She had stayed close to Quartz and Uigite when they came into CC, the girl making no move to go close to the center of the room. She didn't feel very leaderly at that moment. A leader kept their cool. She'd...done the opposite. And two more of them had almost been taken. Some of theirs had been hurt. As questions started flying, and discussion started, she took hold of Uigite's hand, seeking stability she didn't feel she herself had at the moment. The first topic was ambushes. A good topic to start with. And...Encke's advice was solid, she felt. And things she herself had started doing. A dedicated channel for Refuge sounded brilliant, though. And his suggestion for rouges that stuck around a court often...yup, he looked over towards her and Uigite. She squeezed Uigite's hand a bit, a little comforted that he could be on the same channel. He wasn't part of her court, not truly, but...he was still close to her.
As things progressed, she found herself nodding, shuffling her insecurity away for the moment. Things had to be done. She still stayed where she was but...she could speak now. She resolved to offer her services to Encke later, on the defensive side of things. So far...her own ability was defensive, Water Lily's was healing, and Quartz was best suited defending Water Lily. Perhaps they could find out if any other healers or defensive sorts would be willing to work with them...
As for resource-sharing, she was all for that. And then the topic of those they had fought that day came up.
She listened to a few...then spoke up herself. Were those that they fought traitors or...was there something else at work? She internally prayed for the latter. The thought of anyone turning traitor...it chilled her. And it made her think...Had anyone seen the Haumeans lately? And Phoenix, had anyone seen her around? What of Orion? Were they alright? (Even if she was...less than happy with the first group, they were still among their number, and thus she worried.) As Encke continued and more questions came up, she kept her ears and mind open. Injury came up, and it firmed her resolve to talk to Encke about getting those who were defensive and healing sorts together. Perhaps...if they ensured there was at least one person that could run defense and one healer in each patrol group, along with at least two who could drive, things might work better. Less injuries, and a way to ensure at least one person was good to drive their fellows to medical attention if needed. She herself could drive...and she was tempted more and more to take a first aid class herself. She'd have to ask Alais to help her prep if she did.
Then...Polaris came up. And when Alais essentially...well, chastised those asking why Encke didn't attack her, Hyakutake found herself shrinking into Uigite a bit. Oh...that just had to be brought up, didn't it? And all her guilt regarding losing her temper came forward again. She'd lost her temper. At a stronger opponent. On the battlefield. When she needed to be helping. Dammit, she was a bit of a failure that day. She closed her eyes, not saying anything else as the meeting went on, just trying to keep herself together. She'd see if Uigite wanted to go to the willow grove with her after she talked to Encke.
Things wrapped up, and she found herself with a lot to chew on, to think about. She asked Uigite to wait a moment for her, and made her way to Encke to offer to talk to him later about strategy regarding defense. She wouldn't mention 'later' was because she needed to talk to a tree.
Das Tor · Sat Sep 22, 2012 @ 01:32am · 0 Comments |