S H I M I Z U • K A Z U M A
Head Captain merpmerpmerpSquad 10
"I remember my past...

Shimizu thought fast; using a move that was simple but elegant to counteract Dorobo's first attack. He dropped to his left knee and pressed his sheathed zanpaku-to behind his calf as a sort of shield against the oncoming blade. Dorobo's blade struck the scabbard and caused sparks to fly around them as Shimizu used the distraction to now unsheathe Ikazuchi in one swift motion and, pressing off his now poised right foot, flipped in a perfect circle over the challenging captain, bringing the blade-now in the right hand- along with him until he landed behind Dorobo and pulled the sharp edge of the blade near his throat.
"I know this is not enough to detain you." He muttered into the captain's ear before lifting his blade and sending a kick into the backside of his opponent. Shimizu was not out for blood just yet. He was truly interested in the skill of this captain and how he would fight with all this fiery hatred. It was the kind of fight which raised his heartbeat for the enjoyment of battle. Nothing of a massacre, but of extremely violent sparring.

"I must know why."