The next morning Cheetor and Snow Stalker where awakened by the sound of alarms just after something hit the ship. "We're under attack! Come on, gotta fly!" Cheetor exclaimed after jumping off of his bed and ran out to the command center room.
Snow Stalker soon followed, slowly at first, it wasn't much different from her old body really when she awoke. Because of the fact she still had a flesh and blood brain, she still needed sleep, and was still groggy when she awoke, there for she couldn't command her body the way she could once fully away. Once she was able to finally make it out of her own bed, which was one the other side of the room from her Dad's, she joined everyone in the main section of the ship.
"So how are we going to get those neighbors off our lawn?" Cheetor asked Rhinox as he transformed and sat at his station next to the larger robot.
"We should engage and destroy them!" Dinobot said, slamming his fist against the circular table, as he did he transformed into battle mode, sword and shield in his left hand.
"No, we need to have a plan!" Optimus said firmly.
"You two always have this argument.." Snow Stalker sighed, hanging her head, shaking it, exhausted by the two already. The base continued to shake as predicons proceed with their attack, though the shields where holding, it was only a matter of time before they would start to fade.
"The more time we spend in here, the weaker the shields become. We must defeat them before they break through!" Dinobot insisted, taking a step closer to the commander.
"I know that Dinobot, but we also need to be smart about it. If we wait, then the predicons will have less energy to use on us, and so making it easier to drive them away."
"Ah I see, good thinking big bot." Cheetor said, turning his seat around and moved forward, now next to Optimus.
"Looks like we got Tarantulas, Scorpanock, and Blackaraknia. No sign of Grape-face." Rattrap pointed out. "Looks like we got about 2 clicks before the shields start fading, so eh, feel free to start scrappin' them preds."
"I know which one I want." Snow Stalker growled, stretching out her claws.
"You have the eliminate of surprise if you remain in beast mode." Dinobot suggested, turning for the elevator.
"Oh, and do us all a favor and don't get scraped this time." Rattrap said in a whiny tone.
"Ya ya ya, don't worry about it, I'm the new Snow Stalker remember? They don't have a clue what I've got in store for them." She then hopped down the open elevator shaft.
"Ha, can tell who she takes afte'" Rattrap commented, Cheetor grinned and shrugged, jumping into the elevator after it came back up, Rattrap following after him.
Once out side the maximals shot at the predicons, and ducked behind some rocks. Snow Stalker how ever, was stalking behind Tarantulas on a small cliff. She was focused on her target, getting set to pounce. 'How should I scrap this guy?' She thought to herself, having mastered how to keep all of her thoughts from being announced. 'I must make this quick though before he sees me.. Though if I just attack him here, then I might just have a repeat of the last time.' She shook her head. "I must grasp victory while it's within my grasp!" She suddenly said allowed, catching Tarantulas's attention just before she pounced, allowing him to side step her attack.
"Ah, the kitty came back for more play time, eh?" Tarantulas pointed his gun in her direction and fired a shot. The leopard jumped out of the way and jumped at him, not paying any mind to the shots going on around them. Landing on her target, she chomped on his breast-plate, and ripped it off. Tarantulas screamed in agony, gripping at the open circuits .
"How are you so strong? No mere animal could be so strong!" He activated the guns located at the ends of his spider legs. Snow Stalker roared as the shots hit her. Jumping off of Tarantulas, she turned to face him again.
"I'm just full of surprises! Snow Stalker, maximize!" With that her secrete was revealed. Tarantulas stopped and admired the new robot.
"Very interesting, very interesting indeed, Eh he he he.." The spider chuckled, and shouted aloud. "Beast mode!" Turning into a tarantula, and spun around, shooting a web from his abdomen, pinning her to the ground.
Roaring in disapproval, Snow Stalker struggled against the web, then realizing she had claws on her robotic fingers, she cut the web, just in time to see Tarantulas disappear over the rocks, as did the rest of the predicons. Snow Stalker growled as she watched the villains retreat, stomping the ground with her heeled foot angrily. She turned back to her comrades as they all holstered their guns, Dinobot his sword. "He escaped! Again!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air in frustration.
"Hey don't be so hard on yourself, at lest you weren't slagged like last time. Am I right?" Rattrap shrugged.
"I guess so.. " Snow Stalker replied grudgingly.
"You will get your chance, there is always next time." Dinobot then transformed into beast mode, and proceeded to scour the area, for what Snow Stalker wasn't sure.
"Ya ya, patience patience." Snow Stalker brushed off his advice.
"He's right ya know, if you get too wrapped up in Tarantulas's web, then you're going to be too distracted and end up on the wrong end of a predicon's weapon.." Cheetor then gave Snow Stalker a pat on her shoulder.
Snow Stalker sighed, " Ok Dad, I'll try to pay attention to All of the predicons.. You shouldn't worry so much though, your spots 'll turn grey." She smiled and playfully bumped her fist on his shoulder. "I gotta be going though, it's my turn to keep watch, see you guys." With that she transformed to beast mode, and went on her way to relieve Airrazor. Snow Stalker traveled some ways to get to the look out post, it was also on top of a tall mountain ridge, just out side of predicon territory.
Upon arrival, Airrazor greeted Snow Stalker like always. Airrazor was one of the nicest fem-bots she had ever met, though the only other fem-bot Snow Stalker had met was that Blackaracknia. Airrazor told the kitten that everything had been quiet in that sector.
"Well that's good, we had another attack on the base again." The leopard informed Airrazor.
"Why that's the third time this week! Those preds are awful bold these days, I wonder what they're up to."
"Ya me too," Snow Stalker looked to the horizon torwards the predicon's territory, " I would think they'd get tired of running away time and time again."
"Me too, I would think thy'd want to conserve on their energy, but I guess Meg's must have some reason for it." Airrazor assumed, she then flapped her wings, now air born. "Stay safe, and stay in beast mode as much as possible while you're out here, there's plenty of energon around, though it's not usable so normally not much that goes on." Snow Stalker nodded, evidently Tigertron must have told Airrazor of her new body. With that Airrazor flew off, leaving the kitten by herself, though she felt uneasy for some reason. Little did she know that she did indeed have company, and not the friendly kind either.
"Eh he he, why lookie what we have here.. A maximal all by her self.."
Snow Stalker jumped up the air, turning around to face her enemy. "Tarantulas!" She growled baring her teeth as the spider rubbed his legs together in front of him menacingly. "I thought something was a miss!"
"Oh but not in time to save yourself, Tarantulas terrorize!" The spider changed his form, and took aim at the snow leopard with a dose of venom, and blasted it her way. With a yell the feline transformed, the projectile then hit her in stomach, lodging itself there. It was an all too familiar dose of venom, but luckily she was no longer flesh, but then she started to cough and felt weak.
"I.. I should be immune to.. your venom.." She found herself struggling just to stand up straight, it quickly took hold, forcing her to kneel before the spider.
"Eha haha, fool. That's cyber-venom," The spider stated, smiling as his prey soon was laying on the ground twitching in a silent agony. "I'm sure you've seen it's effects on your comrades before.. but no matter, you'll be ou.." Tarantulas's voice faded as did the sight of him as she sank into a familiar darkness.
"Like a a light, eh ha ha ha ha!" The spider laughed maniacally, shooting a web over his victim, and proceeded to drag her away to his layer.
Snow Stalker stirred awake, her vision adjusted to the low lighting. She was in a cave of some kind, she saw display screens and a control counsel. She discovered that her wrists and ankles where bound as she laid on a metal table, like some kind of test subject about to get dissected .
"Ah, you're awake.. Eh he he.. wouldn't want you to miss this now do we?" An all too familiar voice said, she turned hearing his foot steps clank against the rock floor.
"You, let me go!" She commanded, struggling against the bindings of energy.
"Hmm.. I, think, not." Just as he finished his sentence, he took out a cutting lazor, and started to cut next to her metallic face, leaving a scorch mark on the table. Yelling for her life, Snow Stalker moved her head away from the instrument as far as she possibly could. "Oh, what's the matter? I'm just going to find out what makes you tick.." The spider moved away from the table surprisingly. "I'm sure that you're curious as well.." Stepping to his computer, he brought up a sound file, the bars on the screen moved up and down with the volume of the voices on it.
"I have to ask, what do you mean by 'sense'?" The voice belonged to Rhinox.
"I can't tell you exactly how, I'm not really sure myself. Though I don't think I've always been able to do it." A sigh, it was her own voice on the recording now, Snow stalker vaguely remembered the conversation, it seemed like so long ago. "Sorry, I don't know more than that."
The recording ended. "How the Primes did you get that recording?"
Tarantulas made a movement to his head with his claw. "From right inside your data banks. I've learned quite a bit about you already, but not what I am truly curious about.. "
Suddenly a machine dropped down from the ceiling, a thin slit was across it's round face. A light emitted from this machine as it started to scan her slowly, up, then down. Snow Stalker looked to Tarantulas after the scan had completed. The spider typed away as information ran across the screen. She couldn't quit see what it said, but she saw the words "Alien signature" and an ex-ray of her body showed up on the computer, rotating, showing everything from every angle. "Hmm, very interesting..." Tarantulas turned and looked over his shoulder at the fem-bot, then turned right back to his work on the computer, hitting keys. Another screen popped up, magnifying a symbol that appeared to be branded on her brain. In another screen, an image of a golden disc showed up, a symbol on that was highlighted, and over lapped into the previous screen, the symbol was an exact match.
"Wha.. what does that mean?" She had heard of the aliens and the tests they had presented to the maximals and predicons alike. The trigger that Blackaraknia lusted after and failed to control, and the latest incidents at the standing stones.
"This my dear means that You are a result of alien tampering.. I knew a normal animal wouldn't be able to fight so well..Let alone be able to have a civilized conversation.." Another beam of light shined off the global shaped scanner, this time it was some how different, it seemed to tug at a part of herself, and her optical sensors glowed bright green.
"Ah.. stop.. Taranculas.." She spoke brokenly as her eyes where nearly as bright as Dinobot's lazors.
The spider looked behind him, and noticed the screen briefly. "Hmm, it seems this wavelength has an effect on the alien's technology.. I'll have to remember this.. Just in case."
Suddenly Snow Stalker blacked out, but her body continued to move. Breaking free of the energy bindings, it sat up from the table. Seeing an error message on his screen, and alarms sounding Tarantulas looked back to the table to find Snow Stalker now standing next to the table she was once held to. "Ah, no!" He quickly turned back to his counsel, rapidly typing as she stepped closer, and was upon him, lifting her right arm over she knocked him away from the center.
Tarantulas grabbed his gun, and quickly started to fire in her direction, missing, missing, then finally landed a hit on her shoulder. She turned back to him and growled more angrily then before. Getting back up the spider started to turn tail to run, only to be hit in the back of the head by one of his very own flashlight spiders. He then fell to the ground, knocked out.
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