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Hmmmmm I should post all the character profiles I have made from past/dead RPs, lol

Name: Celeste Xarif
Age: 19 in human years
Race: Vampire
Occupation: Wanderer, occasionally mercenary-for-hire
Family members: Younger sister, missing father
Personality traits: Quiet but not shy, Celeste doesn't openly express her thoughts unless she knows the person well. She tends to say what she's feeling through actions rather than words. Celeste has a passive personality, tending to fight back only if someone's intentions are clearly hostile.
Character History:Celeste grew up in a relatively happy family, with a loving mother, father and sister ten years younger than her. When her sister Lily, was one year old, her mother died in a car crash or so the officials said; her parents were both vampires and a mere car crash wouldn't have killed her off. Bravely, Celeste took up the role of mom and helped raise Lily with the help of her father, Jason. When she was barely a teenager, her father never came home from work one night. He was officially declared missing two days later. Celeste was forced to grow up at a young age. She's been taking care of her baby sister ever since, though she's never given up hope that Jason is somehow alive.
Highest Level of Education: School-wise, one year of college, but she's had plenty of life experiences and has learned many lessons through trial and error.
Physical traits: mid-height 5' 6", lean but muscled body, agile and fast. Somewhat graceful.
Biggest Motivation: To see all that the world has to offer her.
Biggest Fear: Impenetrable darkness; being completely alone, her sister getting hurt
Things she likes: sword fighting, archery, reading good books, exploring unknown places, stealth focused obstacle courses, moonlight, the night, swimming
Things she dislikes: arrogant, self-righteous people, being controlled against her will, those who prey on the weak; (she's very protective of her loved ones), a lot of noise, being stuck in one place for a while
Where does she live: Anywhere and nowhere, she loves to wander, though Celeste has a permanent home near the mountains: Home
What kind of music does he/she like: Celeste doesn't really care what kind of music she listens to, though she's not very fond of Rap.
What does she like about herself: That she's outgoing enough to be heard, but listens and is quiet when she needs to
What does she dislike about him/herself: Sometimes she's a little too quiet and won't tell someone when something's bothering her.
Favorite childhood memory: Her and her younger sister used to play hide and go seek often. She loved hiding, and would always jump out and scare her sister.
What is her most traumatic life event: When she was only 13, her father went missing. People suspect he was taken and held prisoner by a gang of rival werewolves. Celeste was traumatized, but kept it together for the sake of her sister; she took care of the family ever since then; her mother died in a car crash years earlier. They never found out what happened to their father or if he's even alive.
What is her most prized possession: The sword Skie, her father gave her, and the homemade bracelets her baby sister made
What kind of transportation does he/she use: Celeste likes to use her feet, but when traveling far distances, she has a motorcycle
What is her favorite food: Celeste loves Italian, Chinese and Japanese food, especially sushi. Since she's a vampire, she does drink blood but only from those willing to give it to her.
Most interesting thing about her: Her sense of adventure. Celeste is up for anything, and her eyes. Her eyes show all the emotion she's feeling.
What does her voice sound like: Mature and deep, but feminine.
What is their motto or favorite saying? “I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it.”
What is their greatest strength? Celeste has exceptional skills in stealth and silence. She's agile and can be unpredictable.
What type of person would be their ideal mate? Someone who is willing to take the lead and be her protector. She wants to be the non-dominant one for a change, and someone who will love her as she is and be willing to go on travels/adventures with her.
(NOTE: Celeste is straight)
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Name: Lily Xarif
Age: 9
Race: Vampire
Occupation: N/A
Brief Physical description: small, thin, platinum blond hair
Brief History: When Lily was one year old, her mother died and Celeste raised her. She thinks of Celeste as her mother since she doesn't remember her real one.
Relationship to main Character(s): Younger Sister
Purpose in the scene: Supporter of Celeste, Celeste is her only family left so she tends to stick with the girl most of the time.
What does he/she reveal about main character(s): Her older sister will do anything to protect her, she's the only one who's truly seen Celeste's caring and soft side.
Other: Animals seem to love Lily and aren't afraid of her.
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Dark Secrets:

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Name:Alexander Smith

Age: 5000


Height:6' 1"

Grade:11, Junior

Race:Dragon Shifter

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Crush:No one at the moment

Fake Bio: His father is good friends with the coach, so he recommended the boy come to the academy; he's had a lot of experience in defense and can hold his own well in a game.

Real Bio:Hatched 5000 years ago, his dragon clan was massacred by knights searching to exterminate what they thought were killing their livestock. Turned out it was a rogue dragon; Alexander was just a child and hidden away in a small cave by his parents who never came back for him. He stayed, cold, hungry and scared in the shadows when one day a traveler happened to hear his cry. Nursing the dragon back to health, he was able to survive and grew stronger, though he never took revenge; Alex knew the knights had made a mistake and even though his entire family and friends were dead, he moved on in life.

Theme song: (optional)

Other:Very slight English accent, though he's lived in a lot of places so it's been diluted. Also, his dragon form is about the size of a large horse

Phantom of the Opera (returns):

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name: Olivia Gylden
age: 18
gender: Female
sexuality: Straight
place in the opera: Staff
bio:Olivia was an orphan living on the streets when an young actress found her and invited the girl to stay at the theater if she promised to work for her lodging. Agreeing eagerly, Olivia has been living there ever since. She hasn't personally seen the phantom, though she's seen plenty of unexplainable shadows, voices and once a dark shape on the other side of the stage when she was repairing some lights. She's not afraid of him and actually thinks of the phantom as a guardian spirit for the building as long as people don't anger him.
past: She doesn't remember much; she had been living in poverty all her life and was an only child. She never met her father and her mother died when she was thirteen.

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name: Azalea Faldore
age: 39
gender: Female
sexuality: Straight
place in the opera: Manager
bio:Azalea is one of the top managers in the theater; her daughter is one of the actresses there. She's been here long enough to have seen the phantom and even carried on conversations with him. She respects him and is familiar with his tactics, though she's kept everything to herself and will protect the phantom if necessary.
past: Azalea was the daughter of a wealthy nobleman who enrolled her in acting at an early age. She was an actress until 28 when she retired and began to teach young girls in her profession. She's very kind and patient and lets everyone learn at their own pace.


Name: Maura Shayd (shade)

Age: 18

Race: genetically enhanced human

Gender: female

Powers: uncanny ability to blend into any type of shadow, night vision and silence, stronger than most female humans and more agile

Favored Weapons: Assault rifle, combat knife and sniper rifle when the situation calls for it

Years In The Academy: N/A

Personality: quiet, but not shy, Maura isn't afraid to voice her opinion when she wants to. She has an air of boldness around her, and people respect her for her reckless wit.

Bio: N/A

Theme Song: Future

Fun Fact: Maura had a special suit made for he that helps hone her abilities even more. The sleeves can be taken off and Maura is occasionally seen in it with a red sash around her arm. Also, her usual attire is a slim dark purple tank top and black cargo pants.

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(PICTURE ABOVE IS NOT MINE!!! all credit goes to ~nz13590 on deviantart
direct link to art

Name: Fenice Sapphirus

Age: 18 in this life

Race razz hoenix

Gender: Female

Powers:affinity for the fire element, flight, can speak mind to mind with others

Favored Weapons: Bow, a sword made of violet fire

Years In The Academy: 2

Personality: calm and caring, Fenice is one to talk to when someone is having a hard day. She's very helpful and has the ability to remember where something is even when she's only seen it once. She tries to make everyone happy, though when in a battle, she can be as fierce as the strongest fighter and attacks with a savagery rivaling that of a dragon.

Bio: Fenice was born from the ashes from the previous phoenix, but she isn't able to remember any of their past experiences, so in a way, she is a completely different person. She has been wandering the world alone ever since she was a child, though she doesn't mind it. One night when Fenice was walking to her home, a gang of thugs attacked her and she was forced to call on the powers of fire. Instantly, her assaulters were burned to ashes. As she stood in shock at what she had done, a man in a trench coat and wearing black glasses appeared from the shadows and offered her a place at an academy that helped others like her to control their powers and use them when needed. Fearing what she might do with her uncontrolled skills, Fenice agreed and has been living in the academy ever since.

Theme Song: Sura

Fun Fact: Even though Fenice has no memory of her past life, her body remembers the skills that were taught before and thus she has a very high knowledge in fighting, flight maneuvers and magic.

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Phoenix form:
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Kisandin guild:

name: Aceline Ferir
age: 180
gender: Female
height: 5'8"
weight: 80 lb
hair color: brown/caramel
eye color: red
skin color: white
race: Angel
sexuality: straight
personality: Aceline is very bold, and can quickly take the role of leader in situations. She sticks to her goals until they're finished and more often than not puts on a cold and commanding air when she's around people. Rarely, she lets anyone see her softer side as Aceline thinks mercy and emotion are weaknesses.
weapons: Heart's Tear (weapon in pic)
powers: keen senses, flight, greater magic, familiar
class: Wizard
bio: Aceline was the oldest of her siblings, and kept that in mind. She trained to be a Wizard as soon as she was able so she could protect her family; her father was killed by a demon when she was only a child. Aceline's home was attacked one night by the same demon and she was knocked unconscious by him when the girl tried to fight back. She woke up hours later only to find her mother was taken captive and the rest of the family had been killed off with her herself being spared because she was buried under some rubble and hidden. Aceline tracked down her mother only to find out years later that she died by the hands of her captor. Aceline also found out that she had a new sister, half angel half demon who had disappeared. Aceline's been tracking down the demon and his offspring ever since to find revenge for her parents and siblings.
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loved ones: Karin Lunara (distant cousin)
extras: Aceline can act childish at times and she won't admit even to herself that she's lonely and is looking for a loyal and trustworthy friend.
level: 1
experience: 1000
hit points: 25
str: 15
dex: 15
con: 15
int: 20
wis: 17
cha: 20
melee attack 17
ranged attack 17
armor class 17

animal companion
animal Red Hawk
name Sukari
age 58
gender Male
eye color Blue
hair color Red-Orange
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name: Karin Lunara
age: 205
gender: female
height: 5'7"
weight: 98 lbs
hair color: silver
eye color: red
skin color: light tan
race: vampire
sexuality: straight
personality: Calm and uncaring most of the time, though once people have provoked her into a fight, Karin quickly shows them she is not to be underestimated. She likes to explore new things and study the world around her.
weapons: Xarif (sword) and her bracelets
powers: vampiric, sure footed, lesser magic, tracker, judgment
class: Inquisitor
bio: nothing much to say about Karin; she was born into a family who lived comfortably, but weren't exactly wealthy. She always got into fights with the other towns kids and proved herself to be able to hold her own. Karin has a restless type of personality, so as soon as she could, she went off to other lands exploring. Every once in a while, she comes back home to visit her parents. Karin usually travels with Aceline, her cousin on her father's side and helps the angel on her quest for finding the demon who killed her family years earlier.
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loved ones: Aceline Ferir
level: 1
experience: 1000
hit points: 25
str: 18
dex: 22
con: 15
int: 16
wis: 16
cha: 15
melee attack 21
ranged attack 25
armor class 25

name:Maura Terom Arcidiavolor
age: 50
gender: Female
height: 5'8"
weight: 86 lbs
hair color: silver
eye color: violet-silver
skin color: white
race: half demon, half angel
sexuality: straight
personality: Maura is quiet, and tends to express her emotions in actions rather than words. She's extremely fast in battles. Maura can get into places people don't expect she can, and in more than one case, surprise an enemy and take care of them before they have time to react. She's generally not a violent girl, tending to react when others have provoked her instead of attacking them first. She hates her father as well as herself for being a half demon.
weapons: the katana in the pic and Bow
powers: flight, keen senses, visionary, cursed (her sense of touch was taken so she can't feel pain; it's both an advantage and disadvantage since she doesn't know when she's extremely hurt), magic
class: Oracle
Maura was born a (sorry for the word use) b*****d child, her father being a demon who had taken an angel from her family; he killed her mother when she wasn't of use to him anymore. He intends to use Maura for his own schemes in killing out the entire angel race so the demons could flourish without any problems from their enemy. Maura, finding out his plan, ran away while he was off pillaging a nearby village and has never once looked back. She's looking to try to redeem herself.
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extras: Maura doesn't know Aceline Ferir is hunting her, she thinks her mother's other family had been eliminated by her father.
level: 1
experience: 1000
hit points: 25
str: 20
dex: 25
con: 15
int: 14
wis: 15
cha: 13
melee attack 17
ranged attack 27
armor class 27

Destiny's Chosen:

Name: Toryanna Lunis
Age: 18
Race: half elf, half dark angel
Who Marked you?: Selene (or Death if you want to be specific)
Pic of Marking:
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Weapons: Scythe, bow and arrows, and a short sword
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Bio: Tory grew up in a high class family. She never liked the lifestyle, so she left when she was 16 and went out to make a life for herself. One night, she had a strange dream in which a woman marked her, making a tattoo appear on her back, When Tory woke up, the tattoo was still there.
Familiar: User Image
Other: Her dragon's name is Rajax.

The Maze of Terragonia:

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Name: Emberyn (ember-inn)

username: DarkPhoenix1191

Race: Half Angel, Half Phoenix

I am strong: Really fast and agile in fights, fire based attacks, can fly (grows wings since she's half angel) Spear can transform into a longsword or bow.

I am weak: pure darkness, weak against earth and water

age: 364

other: Emberyn can blend into shadows and strike without a warning. She was left alone when she was very young and had to fend for herself, so she has learned to trust only herself.

Mythics the Invasion of Terragonia:

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Full Phoenix Form:
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The one behind my mask: DarkPhoenix1191
Name: Celeste (Italian for Heavenly)
Nickname: Shadow or Ghost
Race: Phoenix
Gender: Female
Age: 213 (teenager in phoenix years)
Powers: can blend into darkness, blue flames, can manipulate people easily
Personality: Celeste can act very helpless and dependent on other people, but in truth she can hold her own better than most. She's really quiet and likes to think. She seems sad and depressed a lot of the time.
Bio: Celeste's particular phoenix race can shapeshift into two different colors of phoenix, one usually light colored and the other the typical flame phoenix. She had a very happy childhood with her family till they left her on her own one day for unknown reasons. She was only 50 (a phoenix cam live very long. 1-150 years is actually young for them)
I like: nature, flying, the sky, reading, archery
I dislike: power hungry people, being controlled, war
I am strong: in anything stealth, shooting moving targets, flight and aerial combat
weakness: (can't think of one yet! if anyone has ideas, PLEASE MESSAGE!!!!)
Enemies: Anyone who threatens her or her loved ones...though there IS this one person who almost killed her when she was younger, though her mind blocked off the memories
Secrets: None that She'll tell...yet
Crush: N/A
Weapon of choice: blue flames, bow and arrows or a sword
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I'm known as: The Shadow or Angel of Darkness
I Am Unique: Celeste has a birthmark on her back where if she's ever in mortal danger, it activates and she gains hidden powers as well as transforming into her true phoenix form. (won't post pic of form as I want to keep people guessing!!!!)
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My Own Hidden Wisdom: She knows a LOT about flying and how to move easily in the wind as well as performing combat and dodging moves while in the air

Meet the One Camp:

Phoenix Skyfe
Can change into different types of animals, including fantasy creatures, She's a little knowledgeable in stealth magic
flying, weapon training, reading, and the night
power hungry people, arrogance, people who try to hurt her loved ones
What you are looking for:
Someone who can keep up with Phoenix in terms of learning and who understands her
Phoenix was the child of a well known family in Italy, she lived happily until a certain group of enemies decided her father was too much of a threat to their cause. One night when she was 13, they set fire to their house. Phoenix was saved by her uncle who had been visiting for the month. They went into hiding, moving from one place to another every couple of years. Her uncle heard of this camp, and since it was hidden away, decided she would go. He also felt sympathetic for Phoenix since she didn't have much of a social life due to them constantly moving, he wanted her to find a companion.
Phoenix's favorite forms to change into are a golden eagle, black dragon and a grey wolf. She occasionally changes into a white phoenix.



Wolf (without the wings)

White Phoenix


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Assassin's Creed:

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Name: Silvistre (Dark Phoenix)
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Nationality: England
Assassin, Templar, or other(please state)?: Obviously, Assassin
Looks(description or picture, I don't really care): Small build, short, flipped out black-blue hair with red and caramel streaks, looks younger than she really is, bluish-gray eyes that sometimes change to a hazel or golden brown. Pale skin. She wears Hashashin robes, but black with a red sash, if not wearing those, black hunting clothes with brown boots and a dagger strapped to her right thigh, brown strap across her chest for her quiver of arrows.
Personality: If she doesn't know the person, she barely talks and is pretty hostile, sometimes even attacking them. If you want to get to know her, leave her alone till she gets used to you.
Strengths: Stealth, using a bow and arrows, complex, flexible plans/strategies to get to her target
Weaknesses: Pride, likes to be one step or more ahead of everyone, hates to be controlled
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Things you like: Peace and quiet, a good book, sunrises, the night, birds of prey, horses, training, leaping from a high cliff into water, a successful mission, the rain, and mist right before a sunrise.
Things you hate: Robert de Sable, failing a mission, arrogant people, unnecessary kills, Knights Templar, people who know she's a woman and treating her like she's helpless and dependent on other people, and her own limitations. She's always trying to do better.
Crush/Lover: N/A
Loyal to whom?: Herself
Weapons you use: A one-handed sword, throwing knives, a hidden blade, and occasionally, a bow and arrows.
Skills: The same as Altair, but she's more agile in sword fights. She doesn't like to kill when she doesn't need to.
Past(Just a brief one):
She was the daughter of an English king. Her family was in danger in England from the Knights Templar so they went into hiding in Syria and assumed the roles of simple village folk (her family were the last remnants of their race). The Knights Templar eventually hunted them out and massacred them and their entire village they were living in. (Phoenix had 3 siblings, all older: 1 sister, 2 brothers.)The Knights Templar forgot about the youngest daughter. Al Mualim finds her and adopts her as his own. She starts training as an Assassin at the age of eight. She's been working for the Hashashin ever since.
Pets(If any, includes horses): Golden Eagles, (1 sub adult male, one adult female) Peregrine Falcon (adult Male) Black Arabian horse (mare) one male red wolf, and one female white wolf.
Other info:Dark Phoenix is the last survivor of an ancient race. She is one of the "immortal" beings still on earth. When she's wounded, she heals at a MUCH faster rate than normal humans. (NOTE: She IS immortal, but there are still ways to kill her such as: burning, chopping into pieces, killing someone (not of the same race though,) VERY dear to them (kind of like a telepathic bond), and poison.)
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TRON Profile:

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What she looks like:
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Username: ScuroFenice
Name: Shay
Gender: Female
Circuitry: Purple
Function: System Enforcer (FCON)
Personality: Shay can be quiet when she wants to, but will ask questions when confused. She's a generally curious girl and loves to learn new things. When angry, she can get pretty aggressive; Shay's also protective of those she cares about.
Appearance: Small build, thin but not overly so, not a lot of purple circuitry on her suit since she's prone to using stealth. She has brunette hair mixed in with red that can be seen when she's not wearing her helmet.
Weapons/Equipment: A disc, light jet baton and a baton programmed as a staff.
Strengths: Extremely agile and quick, Shay uses the environment to her advantage; she's very observant. Also, she knows how to properly use a light jet and is often seen flying high above in the sky, patrolling the Grid. She has skills in stealth and if her opponent allows her to disappear into the shadows, their chances for survival are slim to none.
Weaknesses: Shay has a light body build and can be easily incapacitated, also, she's not very good at long range and has to get up close in order for her attacks to effectively work.

Disc Damage: ■■■■□□□□□□
Disc Speed: ■■■■■□□□□□
Disc Accuracy: ■■■■■□□□□
Driving/Piloting Skills: ■■■■■■■■□□
Evading Skills: ■■■■■■■□□□
Melee Skills: ■■■□□□□□□□

Username: DarkPhoenix1191
Character name: Shay Lunara
Age: 25
User or Program:User
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Light Suit (Violet one)
(Yes, Shay is a girl, just picture the suit tailored to a more...feminine body)
This is her action pose and helmet:
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Weapons(up to four): Sword (looks like Quorra's but purple), Identity disks (count as 2) and throwing knives
History/Bio: Shay grew up learning to steal things. Her entire family was in the thief business, they taught her everything she knew about thievery, parkour, and extreme sports. When she stole some technology from Encom, she encountered some blueprints that spoke of another world called the Grid. Shay wanted to check it out and found the location of the laser that transported her into The Grid. The world was suited perfectly for her abilities and Shay quickly got to a respected and known level. Programs call her Raith in the games.
Personality: Quiet, fiercely protective of those she cares about, nice to people she knows; Shay gets suspicious around someone new. She absolutely loves to fight in the arena as well as riding a lightcycle and competing against other programs. She's also clever and strategic due to her thieving occupation.
Other: Shay doesn't know why the color of her lightsuit is purple, but suspects that it's because she's neutral and won't join C.L.U.'s or Kevin's side. She's just here to test her limits and skills.
RP example: The deep bass of the crowd above her was almost enough to make Shay jump up and down in excitement. It was muted since the arena was still waiting for more combatants and the existing ones hadn't been released yet. Sighing with impatience, the girl tapped her foot against the floor and took the light disk off her back as well as the one belted at her waist. Immediately, a black helmet encased her face and she smiled. This was what she lived for; testing her skills to their limits as she fought program after program. So far, C.L.U. had refused to let her fight against Rinzler.

"Maybe he thinks I'll defeat his pet." The girl thought.

She was brought out of her thoughts with a jolt as the platform beneath her started to move upwards.

"Finally." Shay activated her disks, making them light up and turn a deep violet color. She didn't know why she was the only one in purple. Maybe it was because she wasn't exactly on C.L.U.'s side, but she wasn't with the legendary Kevin Flynn either.

The chanting of the crowd grew louder until it finally broke through with a roar.

"Combatant Raith versus Arch." The announcer said.

"Well, game on." Shay thought.

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Character name: Ares (Known as "The Master" wink


User or Program or ISO ((ISO need my approval)): Virus/Program
Program color ((AKA circuitry)):slowly changes from red to orange and back constantly (yes I know the color in the pic is yellow, I couldn't find an altered pic of Abraxas so I just used the original)

Weapons(up to four): Disc, baton, Baton staff

History/Bio:Ares was the digital clone of Abraxas, he was created by the Sea of Simulation with the recycled data of the virus. Since he's also virus, Ares' main goal is to throw everything into turmoil and chaos. The only things standing in his way are the Users and ISOs.

Personality:Cold, quiet, merciless basically everything a villian is capable of feeling

Other: He has black wings made of negative data (it's kind of like the black hole of computers manifested in the shape of wings... if that made any sense)

RP example: (coming soon, I don't have time today to think one up)

[b[More profiles to come, lol, wow I've made a lot!

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