Name: Dimitri Lucrèce Varlaam
Nicknames: Dimka, Luc
D.O.B.: July 12, 1549
Age: Looks 28, Really about 463 years old.
Race: Neko
Nationality: Russian
Languages: Russian (Pусский), German (Deutsch), French (Français). Mainly those three but is learning others.
Familiar: Lynx
Abilities: Can talk to animals
Height: 6’2’’
Looks: Dimka has reddish-orange eyes that stand out a bit more than his sandy brown hair and cat ears. With three piercings on each of his cat ears he brings a lot of attention to himself when he goes into public with his Master. He has tattoos on his arms and his back but they only show in the moonlight. They are simple Tribal tattoos that define who he is.
Personality: Dimka can be a bit of a Hard a** and a stubborn mule, but deep down he does have a soft side. He never lets anyone but his Master see it when he is extremely stressed. Dimka does listen to every word that is said around him and can even repeat what people have said in three different languages. Most of all Dimka is obedient even if he may complain about something once or twice he gets the job done, and he gets it done right. Due to his connection with Animals he is also very affectionate towards animals, healthy or hurt.
History/Bio: Dimka is now about to be four hundred and sixty-four years old. Four hundred and sixty years ago he had a real family. A father and a mother, even some brothers and sisters, but one night when he was only three years old all of that changed for him in the blink of an eye. Dimka barely remembers it because it was Centuries ago, but he remembers a Woman’s face. It had to be his mothers because she was the last thing he saw before everything went dark. That night was a frightful one for him, even to this day after four hundred, almost five hundred years it haunts him. Some nights he wakes up screaming, other nights he wakes up breathing rapidly and sweating as well.
That night should never have happened to him. His mother had been rocking him to sleep and he was almost dead asleep when his mother gently got up from the rocking chair she was in. Dimka was still falling asleep because his mother was singing to him still even though very far in the distance she heard shouts of protest. She shushed Dimka as he stirred slightly. “Shh Dimka, it’s gonna be alright.” She whispered to him as he stirred a little bit more. “Sheila come take him.” Dimka’s mother handed him off to her nanny that took care of him when she wasn’t there and spoke in Russian to her. “Возьмите его в надежном месте для меня.” Sheila nodded at the command and held Dimka close to her chest protectively. His mother nodded at Sheila one more time before she walked out of the room and made a run for a secret passage Dimka’s Father had told her about if anything were to happen. Well it was happening. And little Dimka needed to be protected.
One thing Dimitri didn’t know was that soon after Sheila went through the passage way with him his family, his home, and everything he knew was destroyed. When he woke up the next day he didn’t recognize his surroundings and Sheila was holding him, but she felt cold. Too cold. She had died to keep him warm in the middle of a frozen night in Russia. Realizing she wasn’t moving he started wailing trying to get someone to come get him. But what he got wasn’t what he expected. The way he was picked up was not how his family handled him. And the people holding him now were watching him with odd eyes. He wailed louder as tears ran down his cheeks and he started hiccupping. Finally he was set in a woman’s arms. As he looks up at her he saw demon’s eyes looking at her. He saw a sweet face but it was her eyes that made him cry harder. She got him to fall asleep and calm down before she spoke with the Slave traders who found him. “I will take him but not as a slave. He is only a baby… I will raise him then you can have him back when he is a teenager.” She told them as they nodded. “He is a special one.” She murmured as she walked away with him.
Those years passed for Dimitri all to fast. He barely remembers the woman, whatever she had been; The one who took care of him and raised him. But thanks to her he grew up to be proud of who he was and where he was from even though he barely even knew where that was from. He was placed in the slave trading business again when he was a teenager, almost an adult but he didn’t seem to mind so much. He met many beautiful women and became their slaves. Even though it seemed like a shameful thing he did was he was told. Whether it be to clean, or have sex with hi master he did was he was told and he did it very well. Every so often he would be taken back to the slave traders but he didn’t mind. His experiences helped him grow to be a good man even though he may have looked to be an a** to those who didn’t know him. One thing was for sure, He was faithful to his masters. So faithful that they let him roam around for days maybe even a week or two at a time. He was trustworthy and he proved it to every master he had.