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Mischievous little rebels... The Archangels


Age: 45
Gender: male
Eyes: black
Hair: black
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 150 lb
Occupation: Mercenary
Weapon of Choice: One sword
Quote: "Get up. We have work to do."
Description: Number 1 of the five ArchAngels and the leader of the pack. Unlike his brothers, he didn't change his name (Kronos) because it failed to bring terror to the hearts of nobles; he did to hide the fact that he's the emperor's nephew. Krauss is the only ArchAngel who is a fugitive in both of his identities. (He murdered his family when they started a secret society bent on overthrowing the emperor.) He is the master of poison, and therefore, cannot be poisoned. Outside of battle, he is a scholarly man, and well respected by the peasants. As the oldest of The ArchAngels, he treats his brothers like sons, earning him the nickname "Dad" from the younger three brothers. His favorite food is peanuts, which Blue uses to her advantage to get out of cooking. Lucifel is a widower; wife died of natural causes.
At the end of the story, he is the only survivor of the ArchAngels, and goes on to become the emperor's general.

Age: 33
Gender: male
Eyes: blue
Hair: black, ponytail
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 155 lb
Occupation: Mercenary
Weapon of Choice: Chained claws
Quote: "Thinking is a useful skill. Do try it sometimes yourself"
Description: Number 2 of the five ArchAngels, a band of mercenaries intent on overthrowing the corrupt nobles. Like his brothers, his actual name (Rudolph) failed to bring terror to the hearts of nobles, so he renamed himself to get the job done. Uriel is very cautious and calculating, often seen planting mines ahead of time in case of emergencies. He has the ability to burrow through the ground, and carries enough gunpowder on him to blow up an entire palace. That being said, he also has a implanted inside his chest, in case the group gets stuck in a life-or-death situation and someone has to be sacrificed to save the rest. Unlike his brothers, he loves tea, and doesn't drink. The younger brothers to call him "Mom" because of he becomes more effeminate when being sarcastic. He has a thing for Blue.
Uriel is the first to die at the end of the story. He blew himself up during a surprise assault to save his brothers and Blue. His skull was later found by the surviving nobles and hung on their wall as a trophy.

Age: 29
Gender: male
Eyes: black
Hair: Red
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 190 lb (all muscle)
Occupation: Mercenary
Weapon of Choice: Oversized Axe
Quote: "Eh? What?"
Description: Number 3 of the five ArchAngels. Like his brothers, his actual name (Hansel) failed to bring terror to the hearts of nobles, so he renamed himself to get the job done. Michael is the group blacksmith and muscleman, which gives him an advantage in disguising himself as a dirty peasant, but wears on his luck with the ladies. Michael trained under an old master of fire, and therefore can breath and wield fire. He is laid back, loves to laugh, and best friends with Gabriel and Becca. He's not very smart, and lacks refinement, but his kind heart wins over the affection of others. He enjoys all meats, wine, and harassing Uriel about his fondness for tea.
Michael is the fourth to die at the end of the story. He held a falling gate over his shoulders while Raphael and Lucifel escaped. He was then stabbed through the stomach and crushed by the gate.

Age: 25
Gender: male
Eyes: purple
Hair: black
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 155 lb
Occupation: Mercenary
Weapon of Choice: Nine-ring Broadsword
Quote: "Hmm..." *twirls mustache*
Description: Number 4 of the five ArchAngels. Like his brothers, his actual name (Marco) failed to bring terror to the hearts of nobles, so he renamed himself to get the job done. Tall and gaunt, Gabriel is master of water. He literally melts into water, and summons it as a shield when necessary. He's highly sarcastic (which he uses mostly to tease Michael.) Gabriel knows all the secrets in the group, including Lucifel's true identity and Uriel's last-resort bomb (no one ever tells him; he just happens to walk in on them). He was once engaged to a prostitute but the girl died before their wedding. He enjoys wine, tea, and is usually the first to point out that Blue served peanuts for dinner again.
Gabriel is the third to die at the end of the story. He'd set a trap in the pond of the noble headquarters, but was caught and beheaded because he didn't have the heart tot kill the young maidservants as casualties.

Age: 22
Gender: male
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond (dyed)
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 160 lb
Occupation: Mercenary
Weapon of Choice: One sword
Quote: "Close your eyes. You'll understand the magic a little better that way."
Description: Number 5a of the five ArchAngels and the biological twin brother of Blue. Like his brothers, his actual name (Bernard) failed to bring terror to the hearts of nobles, so he renamed himself to get the job done. Raphael is very charming but superficial, often seen making small talk with countryside maidens. He inherited his father mastery of wind, and therefore, can fly. This he uses to his advantage both in fights and romancing the ladies. As the youngest of The ArchAngels, he's the least responsible to the cause, which often leads to him being tricked or hurt. He enjoys carrots, peanuts, wine, and hopes someday to settle down and have a family.
Raphael was the fifth and last to die at the end of the story. He fought the leader of the rebelling nobles in a one-on-one sword fight, won, then died right after from loss of blood.

Age: 22
Gender: female
Eyes: green
Hair: black
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lb
Occupation: Thief
Weapon of Choice: Two swords
Quote: "What? It's not wrong until someone finds out."
Description: Number 5b of the five ArchAngels and the biological twin sister of Raphael. Unlike the men, Blue uses her real name, as it isn't something silly like "Rudolph", "Bernard", or "Hansel". Her primary job is scout for the team (officially) and to feed the guys (unofficially). Blue is a lazy cook, and usually serves everyone peanuts to get out of making dinner. She likes to drink, hates tea, and has a habit of robbing rich people on the streets (Unfortunately, Uriel makes her give it back). She has a thing for Uriel.
Blue is the second to die at the end of the story. She snuck into the nobles' headquarters in and attempt to steal back what was left of Uriel. She successfully escaped with his remains, buried it by a cliff, then was shot by arrows and throw off the cliff.

Age: 18/ 43 (future)
Gender: female
Eyes: blue
Hair: black
Height: 5' 3.5" (the .5 is very important to her)
Weight: 110 lb
Occupation: Apothecary
Weapon of Choice: None; carries around a medicine bag
Quote: "Bernard, get off your lazy a** and help me!"
Description: The medicine man... er... woman of the ArchAngels, and the biological little sister of Raphael and Blue. At a young age, Becca spent her time caring for villagers while her sibling fought sword to sword over who gets the last slice of pie. Becca is usually the first to point out the obvious flaws of a group, and also the first to voice her opinion of someone they'd just met. Though Raphael is her biological brother, Becca is closest to Gabriel (being the shortest person in the group, she naturally prefers the company of the tallest person in the group)
Before the final mission, Becca marries the emperor's second cousin, Julian. They have 1 son together, and also adopt Becca's niece and nephew. Together with Lucifel, Becca builds a memorial to the rest of the ArchAngels and chronicles their story for the history books.

Age: 20 (future)
Gender: male
Eyes: blue-green
Hair: black, with gold streaks
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 160 lb
Occupation: Knight
Weapon of Choice: Sword
Quote: "Wait! Aunt Becca, let me explain!"
Description: Rudolph (Uriel) and Blue's kid, Marcel is the older twin brother of Natia. As their parents are dead, Marcel and his sister live in the palace with their aunt Rebecca and trains under her husband Julian. Marcel inherited his mother's swords, but unlike Blue, he has good aim and so only carries around one at a time. Ironically, he takes after neither one of his parents, but rather his late uncle Bernard (Raphael). This is reflected in both his love for women and dyed hair.
Unlike Natia, Marcel cares little about his heritage. He's bitter at his dad for blowing himself up to save the other Archangels, then at his mom for not staying saved. As a result, Marcel lives the carefree life, determined not to mind anyone else's business but his own. This sometimes leads him to skip training to play with the ladies, which results in Becca chasing him with some form of blunt object.

Age: 20
Gender: female
Eyes: blue
Hair: black
Height: 5' 6.5"
Weight: 115 lb
Occupation: Knight
Weapon of Choice: Chained claws
Quote: "There are many things smarter than a chimpanzee. You, dear brother, are not one of them."
Description: Rudolph (Uriel) and Blue's kid, Natia is the younger twin sister of Marcel. She is one of the few female knights that serve the emperor. Natia isn't as naturally talented as her brother, but she trains hard under her uncle Julian and Kronos. She inherited her father's chained claws, which she considers her prize possession. Appearance-wise, Natia is almost an exact female duplicate of Rudolph, down to manners and speech patterns. She is fairly serious, prefers tea to liquor (unlike her brother and late mother), and what she lacks in strength she makes up for by thinking up convoluted plans.
Natia is extremely proud of her heritage. She enjoys hanging around Kronos and listening to stories about the Archangels. Despite never having met him, Natia knows all of her father's favorite sayings by heart, and sometimes day-dream about sword fighting with her mom. Unlike Marcel, Natia dislikes being idle, and is rarely seen in the company of other women.