Prologue of a possible rewrite of WhiteRose Academy
(This is my current project a rewrite of 13 chapters I wrote a long time ago but with more detail and slightly edited point of view and also different main character history. I'll post the original at some point so you can understand. These chapters still have alot of work to go so don't think it's total crap. At the moment I just need more time and inspiration)
Dear Lilly Featherton,
We at Whiterose Academy are pleased to offer you a place at our fine school. I am very impressed by your references to the school and I am also more than pleased with the results from your entrance exams. I will be looking forward to seeing great things from you.
We will be expecting your arrival very soon and you will start lessons not long after you arrive. As I am sure you are aware the school is a private school and we expect students to behave as appriopratly and to also ensure that they attend all their lessons and show respect to both student and staff alike.
I am looking forward to meeting you again and if you have any questions or queries please feel free to ring the school on the above number and speak to me about any issues, also within this letter you will find your schedule for the year and also the keys to your own room and to the dorm and also a list of the school rules. Directions to the Academy can also be found within the letter. We are looking forward to your arrival.
Yours sincerely
Ms A Whiterose
Chapter 1
Lilly sat on her bed in her room as she read the letter again for the fourth time. She had found it hard to read it each time as her hands shook violently with each read through.
"Wow, I actually got accepted into the school, I have no idea on what merits." She murmured to herself as she let the letter drop on to the floor along with the rest of the stuff that had been in the letter that now laid next to the bed leg. "What I do tell everyone? For starters what do I tell Ryan? He's going to be annoyed I got accepted more than likely unless he also go accepted."
Lilly was the only one in the house yet she was talking out loud as if there was someone else in the room with her. In her frustration she threw herself back against the bed and laid with her body flat against the bed as she closed her eyes trying to calm her breathing and clear her mind while she figured the plan of action and if she was even going.
Just as she began to doze off to sleep the sound of her phone blurring out one of her favourite Skillet songs made her sit up straight and reach for it.
"Hello?" She answered in her usual baffled tone as she never bothered to look at who was calling her.
"Heya baby girl, guess what? I'm going to Whiterose, I got my acceptance letter. What about you? Have you got yours?" The males voice on the phone sounded excited and over the moon. Would you even care if I don't get accepted? Were Lilly's dark thoughts as she laid there alone in the darkness.
"Yeah, I got accepted. Still haven't told the parents I've even applied to the place. They said I had good references and also did well in the entrance exam. I swear they must have looked at someone else's paper and got the names wrong."
The voice on the other side laughed quietly. "Nah, there was loads of stuff on that paper that I was like, oh Lilly knows that. But I found there was mostly sports and stuff I'm interested in on the paper."
"There was a lot of English questions on mine about books and also music and art." Lilly answered simply as she laid back on the bed and closed her eyes wondering what the point of the conversation was. "So what did you call for?"
"Oh yeah, errmmmm there might be a bit of an issue with me getting up there. My parents are at work and can't get the day off with it being so short notice, so I was wondering if I can get a lift with you and also mum asked me to invite you over for a celebration meal, it will be more than likely the last time it will happen."
"What's happening with your bike?" Lilly asked shifting on to her side feeling like there was more to the conversation than what he was letting on. "You said you would be taking it with you, so are you wanting me to take your stuff?"
"Yeah if that's ok with you sweety."
"We'll talk about it later, there back so now I have to fight the war against them to tell them I got my place. They won't like it, so it might be a case of can I spend the night at yours." Lilly shifted again as tension began to run through her as she heard the key in the lock.
"I'll let you know later, my bros are coming home tonight so there might be no room."
"It's fine, I won't come by then tonight, I'll leave you all to play happy families." With that Lilly hung up as she knew what his game was. To use her till they got to the academy and then end it with her. Boy did he have a surprise coming his way. "Not happening mate as I'll be ditching you first before you have the chance to."
When the click of the lock was heard Lilly stood up and threw her phone on her bed and left her room going down the stairs and sat on the stairs as her father and step mother walked in. "We need to talk as a family." Lilly watched the pair after her words to see what effect they had.
"What now Lilly?" Her step mother snapped in annoyance as she took off her coat and hung it up.
"I've been accepted to the school I applied to. Whiterose, it isn't around here, it's basically in the middle of nowhere from looking at the maps that were sent in the post to me." Lilly stood up on the stairs. "I wanted to talk it over with you both, but it seems that someone isn't interested in what is going on so I'll make the choice and start packing tomorrow." Lilly looked at her father slightly hurt. "Oh things between Ryan and I will be over by tomorrow more than likely as it seems he just wants to use me for his own personal transport. So no need to worry and no money will have to be paid as I won a scholarship there." She turned and went back upstairs to her room and shut the door behind her and threw herself on her bed as she broke down in fits of tears.
As the darkness crept into her room she began to fall asleep from the exhaustion of crying mixed with her long day at work. Her father nor step mother had even bothered to go and check on her and they had continued the night as if she had never said a single thing.
Early morning her phone began to ring blurring out her ring tone. She rolled over and answered her phone. "Hello?" She asked sleepily as she sat up rubbing her eyes looking over at her bedside table to see what time it was.
"Happy birthday baby girl." The familiar voice on the other end of the phone. The tone had a little bit of a drunkenness to it.
"Ryan your drunk, just go to bed, I'm in no mood to talk right now."
"What happened baby girl?"
Lilly shook her head and hung up and flipped her phone on to silent as it lit up showing it was Ryan calling again. Sighing she looked at the clock. Three am. She shook her head in annoyance and went and got changed into her running things deciding to do something with herself before having to fight the battle again.
Quietly she slipped down the stairs and out the front door and into the street and she rummaged her sweat pant bottoms looking for her mp3, once she'd found it she slipped her headphones in and began to jog down the street. As she jogged she couldn't help but feel uneasy despite the fact she had been out at that hour before and had never bumped into any trouble. Shaking her head as she jogged she put it down to her nerves of what she was facing later when she got home again.
Chapter 2
Lilly stopped part way on her running route as she felt breathless and weak. She sat down on a low wall realising why she had felt so weak. "Stupid fight." She muttered as she pulled out one of her earphones and looked around slightly confused at the stillness of the world. She glanced at her watch. She'd been out for an hour.
Shaking her head she lent forward slightly to get a deep breath of air. As she did so she realised that there was footsteps coming towards her as she straightened up and looked at the old woman approaching towards her. Lilly smiled softly as she shifted herself slightly and went into her pocket to see if she had any change for food.
"Are you ok young lady?" The elderly woman asked walking closer to her.
"Yes I'm fine. You should be inside, it's very cold out at the moment, you don't want to be coming down with a cold." Lilly looked at the woman with a smile but saw fog begin to drift in around the woman which confused her.
"My dear, it is you, you should be worried about." The woman grinned with a cold grin as Lilly stood up and tried to back away but her body was weak from hunger.
"Hey hag, leave her alone." A figure walked from what appeared to be no where. If not from the voice she would have had no idea if the figure was that of a male or female.
The old woman turned from Lilly to the figure of the male and tilted her head as she took in a breath. "Ahhh she sent the young one. Kalas Whiterose am I correct in assuming?"
The figure pulled back the cloak hood that had been covering his face as he grinned. Lilly looked over him as the name rang in her mind but fear had grasped her too tightly for her to make sense. Kalas walked over to her and stood infront of her. "You know why I'm here so you have a choice of backing off or else." As he spoke the fog began to wrap around them all tighter almost as if it was trying to constrict them.
"Don't panic, it will only kill you faster this fog stuff." Kalas looked over his shoulder at Lilly not bothering to take much notice to her what so ever as he moved slightly to get a better view as his hand itched at something close to his side.
Lilly nodded as she tried to calm herself but she found she couldn't. The coldness of the fog scared her and almost made her feel like she was drowning in ice water. She lifted her hand to her mouth and began to cough a little, as she did the coldness was there in her chest.
"Ry, find her and hurry up about it. We let her escape earlier and we can't afford to now." Kalas yelled to the fog keeping what had appeared in Lilly's mind.
It took a few moments for the words to register in her mind. "Ry?" She asked as she choked a little again. "If this is a plan of that stupid idiot, then I swear I will kill him myself." She warned Kalas with agitation in her voice.
"That right, it is all Ryan's fault, all of this. Why don't you come to me and I will help you get out of this mess so you can kill him like you said." A voice whispered alluringly to her from close by.
"Don't follow the voice you idiot, otherwise it will be the end of you." Kalas growled under his voice as he stood infront of Lilly again but this time looking at her, but not fully seeing her as he was still looking for someone or something in the mist.
"Ryku hurry the hell up, the mist is getting thicker and more dangerous." Kalas yelled at the top of his voice. He drew his weapon from the sheath that had hung under his jacket and began to swipe violently left to right in the hope of hitting something, but his blade just connected with mist.
Lilly let out a yelp as she jumped closer to Kalas as she coughed even more violently as she covered her mouth with her bare arm. She tried to speak but couldn't get any words out, only more coughing from the icy cold mist.
"Ry..." Kalas yelled as the mist became thicker and thicker to the point that they couldn't see anything. He turned as he looked at Lilly and muttered under his breath as he pulled off his jacket and put it over her. He glanced at her face seeing the colour beginning to drain as coldness began to set in with her.
Chapter 3
Kalas turned and pulled Lilly close for the warmth. He rubbed her back as he kept looking around for the creature that had been the elderly woman.
The silence rolled on as the mist became thicker for a few moments, then it began to pull away from the pair allowing the warmth of the morning to drift around them. Lilly never looked up as she kept close to Kalas for the warmth.
Kalas looked behind Lilly and smirked as if proud off something. "About time bro." He laughed as he rubbed Lilly's arms softly to try and put some warmth into her again.
"Well you could have helped Kalas by checking the mist for her, but what did you do just stand there like an idiot." Another males voice was heard behind Lilly with a harsh tone.
Lilly went to look at the other male but the one who had told of her kept a tight grip on her. "Please let go, I'm going to be sick."
Kalas pulled away and stood behind her and held back her hair as she knelt down a little.
"What the hell happened in there? First time I've heard of one of them making someone sick." Ryku moved beside Kalas as he looked down at her. He went into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out some tissues and passed them to Kalas. "I was always under the impression from everyone that has been in contact with one of them, that all it does is make them light headed and close to passing out."
Kalas offered the tissues to Lilly as he kept his focus on Ryku. "Why the hell did it attack her, that is strange even on our level of strange. Usually it attacks dying people or hunters and I'm pretty sure she's not dying."
"I'm not. I was sick though." Lilly told Kalas as she shivered violently as her face was sweating. "I didn't have anything to eat before I came out for a run, and I had been running for an hour and stopped at four."
"A weak person, make sense." Kalas answered letting her hair go. "Explains why she threw up as well." Kalas looked at Lilly and focused on her face for the first time. "You were the girl who was wearing a white summer dress and shades and open shoes to the Whiterose enterance exam. Your hair was pinned back." Kalas grinned.
"How did you know that?" Lilly asked looking at him scared.
Kalas was about to speak as Ryku, the older of the two slapped his across the back of the head. "Were from that place." He answered as he offered his hand to her to help her stand fully. "You look weak and I don't want you falling over or passing out and hurting yourself."
Lilly took his hand and stood up fully and looked from Ryku to Kalas and back again. "You were the one with the head teacher when I spoke with her. You were the one who said I would definatly be accepted."
Kalas laughed. "Awww Ryku offered her place despite what mother said, seems that Ryku has the hots for her."
With his free hand Ryku went and hit him across the back of the head again. "Boku." He muttered and looked at Lilly. He lifted her face slowly and looked her over. "You need to eat before you pass out. Also if I remember correctly from your application form, happy birthday." He moved his hand away from her face as Kalas had remained silent.
A blush crept over Lilly face as she lowered her head. " you." She stuttered as she looked around. "Ummm. Do you know where I can eat at this hour?" She asked almost in a manner that was unaware of what had just happened.
"I'll take you for food and make sure you get home safe." Kalas answered standing up straight. "You head back on my bike and I'll take the car."
Ryku nodded as he passed Lilly's hand over to Kalas and then took the keys that were in his hand.
Kalas checked his pockets and smiled as he had the car keys. "Shall we?" He asked gesturing in the direction... TO BE FINISHED WHEN I GET FREE TIME!
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Our gorgeous little man yum_puddi heart Love you sooo much Tyki and little man heart [/size:d20844c86b][/color:d20844c86b][/align:d20844c86b]
Our gorgeous little man yum_puddi heart Love you sooo much Tyki and little man heart [/size:d20844c86b][/color:d20844c86b][/align:d20844c86b]