So I've decided I'll do a quick journal update, and fill you in on all the s**t that's happened so far. Though I can't give a day-by-day recount because what's happened has been happening over the course of a few days, with some gaps in between. The easiest thing to do is to act as if it all happened in the course of one or two days(those days being Wednesday and Tuesday). So I'll begin:
Tuesday April 3:
I went on zOMG! with my bf and it was fun, then his friend showed up and it kind of went downhill. First they got in an argument over clothes, in which I defended his friend(I was tired, didn't feel like defending them both, and he was being sort of mean). But before that he'd called his friend his "maid" and I know he was probably just teasing, but c'mon, is that really an appropriate thing to say? So anyways I was still around for that part and then his friend went and sat on his lap, which she'd done in the past(can someone say either overly clingy or bf check?) with me around, and that really, I do mean really, bothers me, but I'm pretty sure I had every right to be bothered by that(He's done more/worse, like kissed her or called her his, like a pet, said he was taking her to the mainland with him if I was going to drag him to the mainland). So then there was the stupid argument and then he got all grumpy and left the crew so then his friend got all sad and I had to deal with it(she's always sad it seems, I wish she'd feel better) but I didn't really mind that, it was the fact that he couldn't control himself from snapping, though I do understand why he did since I got him to explain to me why he was upset(for protection of said friend, in case she reads this, I won't say what he had explained to me). Well after all this s**t I invited my friend to come play with us because I really was tired of not having a good time in zOMG! anymore. So she came along and we talked, for a while, about what had been happening. I basically told her that I felt like a third wheel when I was in zOMG! with both of them, and that I hated it because they seemed like they should be the couple, and that I should be the friend. Which hurts, of course it does, the guy I loved and his friend were acting more like a couple then him and I did in zOMG! So I suppose I was getting pretty mopey, my friend had noticed(of course she would she's like my best friend). She said she didn't like seeing me this way, and that she was going to say something to him. I told her go ahead, that I didn't care, that I was tired of feeling this way, and I thanked her for being there for me and being able to do something like this.
Wednesday April 4:
Day before my birthday, wooh! right?(wrong) The night before my best friend and my bf had gotten into an argument, and my friend had been texting me all day, excited to share her story with me when I got home. So I went on here and on gmail, so I could hear what had happened, and all in all... I was happy, I was really, really happy that she had done that for me, because if she hadn't... it would've continued until my relationship would've been completely shattered and ruined, and to where I wouldn't be able to stand it anymore(short story, I'd end up leaving him, which I didn't want). So she tells me her story(which I'll put at the end of this because I'd like her permission) and you know blah blah I'm seriously grateful. Well then you-know-who comes on and he says "We need to talk" (never a good sign, ever) So we, you know, talk and he tells me that my friend had basically given him a choice, me or his friend, and he said he didn't want to choose(In honesty, I'd never ask him to make that choice) and I told him so, that I wouldn't make him choose, that I understood. Then I told him I was done with zOMG! at least with him and his friend, I'd go on with them individually, but with both of them? Hell no. Just. Hell. ********. No.(note* I did not, sadly, actually say that) So he got that, and he told me he'd informed his friend to stop bothering(we still talk, I like her, just not when she's around him and I'm around them) and I told him that was unnecessary because I happened to like her(kind of) and my friend told me the situation wasn't really resolved(I knew that, but I'm tired of feeling stupid emotions and they were gone... kind of) My friend asked me what I had wanted to happen(which I won't put because that's in the chat I'll post up after this) I told her, and then I just... stopped feeling. I stopped caring because I was on over-drive and my nerves needed a break, they were frayed enough honestly.
( *Note: I'm posting the chat in a new journal entry, because it's really, really, damn long.)
**2015 EDIT**
-opens mouth to speak-
What the Fu...! -is attacked by raging hormones-
Also, a "quick" update eh?
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