*Wizard and I, interrupted at 'You'll be making good'*
Galinda: Madame, I wanted to talk to you about a--
Morrible: Not now, dear, no. Shoo-shoo.
Galinda: This will probably just make me a better person.
*Continues til end*
(Loathing ends)
Dillamond: Settle down please! Settle down now. I heard your most recent essay, and I'm amazed to report some progress! Although...some of us still favor form over content...Ms. Glinda.
Galinda: It's GAlinda. With a Ga.
Dillamond: Yes of course. Kchh**linda.
Galinda: No, I really don't see what the problem is, every other proffessor seems
to be able to pronounce my name.
Elphaba: Maybe pronouncing your precious name isn't the sole purpose of
Doctor Dillamond's life. Maybe he's not like every other professor. Maybe some of
us are different.
Galinda: It seems the artichoke is steamed...
Dillamond: Class! Miss Elphaba has a point. As you know, I am the sole animal on
the faculty. The token goat, as it were...But it wasn't always this way. Oh, dear students, how I wish you could have seen it as it once was... where you could walk
down these halls and see an antelope explicating a sonnet. A snow leopard solving
an equation, a wildebeest waxing philosophic. Can't you see what's been lost, how our dear Oz is becoming less and less...well...colorful. Now, what set this to motion?
Elphaba: From what I heard, it began with the great drought.
Dillamond: Precisely! Food grew scarce, people grew hungrier, and angrier. And the
question became, "Who can we blame?"
...Can anyone tell me what is meant by the word 'scapegoat'? ...Someone besides Miss Elphaba. Yes! Miss Kchh**linda?
Galinda: GAlinda, with a GA. And I don't understand why you can't just teach us history instead of always harping on the past.
Dillamond: Perhaps these questions will like--
(Gasps, "Animals should be seen, not heard " written.)
Who is responsible for this?! I'm waiting for an answer! ...Well..that will be all for today...You heard me! Class dismissed!!
Elphaba: You go on ahead, Nessa. 'Animals should be seen and not heard'...
Dillamond: You go along, Miss Elphaba. Don't worry about me. Go along and enjoy with your friends.
Elphaba: That's alright, I have no friends. Would you like to share my lunch?
Dillamond: Oh...thank you, how kind! ....I seem to have lost my appetite...
Elphaba: You shouldn't let ignorant statements like that bother you. I mean, I always do, but you shouldn't.
Dillamond: Oh, Miss Elphaba. If only it were as simple of a matter as some writing on a chalkboard...But the things one hears these days! Dreadful things...
(Something Bad plays,until something baaaa--)
Dillamond: Bad..
Elphaba: Dr. Dillamond, are you alright? Shall I fetch you a glass of water?
Dillamond: No, no...I don't know what came over me...
Elphaba: You're saying that there are somehow animals who have forgotten how to speak? But, how is that possible?
Dillamond: Well, with so much pressure not to...They make it discouraging for one, but I will never...oh...Madame Morrible!
Morrible: I knew there was some sort of disturbance in the class. Why--Oh, Miss Elphaba, you're still here! I thought you would've been on your way to my seminar by now.
Elphaba: Yes,madame, ordinarily I would be, but,um...
Morrible: But? I do hope I haven't misplaced my trust in you. Magic is a demanderating Mistress. And if one has ambitions of meeting the Wizard...
I'm sure Dr. Dillamond sees my point...
Elphaba: I'd better go...Dr. Dillamond, if something bad is happening to the animals, someone's got to tell the wizard. He'll make it right. That's why we have a wizard!
(Continues til end)
Avaric: Here we are sir, Shiz University!
Fiyero: Oh, already? Ah, what a shame... Well, I'll see you soon, Avaric. But don't worry. I won't last long at this school than I did at any of the others.
Boq: Miss Galinda, Miss Galinda! I know I'm just a munchkin, but even munchkins have feelings, and I'm trying to tell you of mine, for you. But sometimes it seems like you don't even know who I am.
Galinda: That's not true, Biq.
Boq: Boq.
Galinda: Biq, do you know who that is?
Boq: Touching me!
Galinda: Fiyero Tiggular, that Winkie Prince whose reputation is so scandalicious!
Were you looking for something or someone?
Fiyero: Yea, no...it's so...um..History class?
Boq: The history building is over there...
Galinda: Class are suspending.
Fiyero: Perfect timing! So, uh...what does one do for fun around here?
Galinda: Nothing...til now.
Boq: We were studying.
Fiyero: Well, now I see once again that the responsibility to corrupt fellow students
once again falls to me. Fortunately, I'm up for the task.
(Dancing through Life begins, until "You would do that for me?" wink
Boq: Excuse me, Miss Nessa! There's something I want to ask you.
Fiyero: Wow, you're good!
Galinda: I don't know what you mean! But I do happen to be free tonight,so...
Fiyero: I'll be picking you up around 8?
(Continue until 'Dancing Through Life'.)
Elphaba: It's absurd. This silly rich boy appears, and everyone's off to worship him at some cultish social gathering.
Nessa: Even me! I'm going, isn't it wonderful? Boq was too shy at first, but once Galinda encouraged him--
Elphaba: Galinda? No no--
Nessa: Stop, don't you say another word against her. I'm about to have the first happy night of my life. Thanks to Galinda.
(Continue til 'I do.')
Galinda: Now I must accessorize myself for Fiyero--
Girls: Galinda, what in Oz's name? Ugh...
Galinda: Just pretend you didn't see that...My granny is always giving me the most hidideous hats. I'd give it away, but I don't hate anyone that much.
Girls: Yes,you do.
Galinda: I couldn't! Could I?
(Continue Until Listen nessa.)
Nessa: Whats in the punch?
Boq: Lemons, Melons, and pears.
Nessa: Oh my.
(Continue to sing until a bit later.)
Morrible: Miss Upland?
Galinda: Mme. Morrible, what are you doing here?
Morrible: I have something for you.
Galinda: A training wand! Oh, how can I ever express my gratitution?
Morrible: Don't thank me, it was your roommate's idea, not mine.
Galinda: What? Elphaba?
Morrible: Miss Elphaba requested that I include you in sorcery class. She insisted I tell you this very night, or she would quit the seminar.
Galinda: But...why?
Morrible: I don't know. My personal opinion is that you don't have what it takes. I hope you'll prove me wrong. I doubt you will...
Fiyero: What is it?
Galinda: I got what I wanted.
Fiyero: Then what's the matter?
Galinda: Nothing.
Fiyero: Good. Let's dance.
(Continue dancing until Elphaba walks in.)
Fiyero: Who in Oz is this?
Galinda: My roommate. Please, don't stare.
Fiyero: How can you help it?
(Elphaba begins dancing)
Fiyero: Well, I'll give her this much; she doesn't give a twig about what anybody else thinks...
Galinda: Of course she does. She just pretends not to....I feel awful.
Fiyero: It's not like it's your fault.
Galinda: Excuse me....
(Elphaba begins to dance with Galinda. Others join in until end of song. Skip to Popular set.)
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