Linz drew this for me and Bliv for a Bubble Tea... which I've yet to give her, because we haven't been back to the tea shop yet. xd I will, though! xd And I adore her art SO much. ^^

X bought me this cute little angel from the Nightmare Cafe... it was a present with a tag that said "nice" that opened up into this. ^^

Sexy Gizzler suprised everyone this christmas by giving us this... such a nice gift! I love art with my friends. ^^

Cinema drew this lovely pic of me... it's so cute, and looks like a mix of my avi and how I really look. ^^

My friend from the doll community, Radiotrash, drew me this sketch. It was the first piece I had done with my new hairstyle. ^^

I bought these from Dark Turret Dragons... I've always loved their dragons, and I thought the colours and design of these two suited me the best. ^^

Watch me dance! xd DDR is a game I love, so I leapt at the chance to buy one of these from Souris Maus. ^^ I'll probably end up getting another at some point, doing a different dance. ^^

The first piece of art with my new hair that I ordered. I think it was a steal for 1k... Naughy Koolaid's style is just so cute. ^^

Rvaya did this pic for me for a suprise! I was so happy to get it... it's nice to know that even though I don't see her too much anymore, she's still thinking about her friends. ^^

I just won this in an auction at Hare Styles... I adore Phoenix Wright and wish I had the game... and a DS to play it on... xd

I got the Halloween 05 hares in the same auction... I just wanted the candy corn one (I LOVE CANDY CORN!), but I had to buy them in a set... and it only cost me 241g for all of them. so who cares. xd

And my newest comission... my first couple shot with my new hair, and my first pic with Red. ^^ Amber_Moon did an awesome job on it... I love her style. I think it's completely adorable. ^^ It couldn't be cuter. xd
So, thank you everyone who gave me art. I absolutely love it all, and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to recieve gifts from you guys... it completely lifts my spirits and makes my day. ^^
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