→ → → → CharcterInformation ← ← ← ←
Name: Iribis B. Sahlkyr
Nickname(s): Irii, or Basil.
Rank: Captain(Self Appointed)
Rate: Commander(Self Appointed)
Alliance: "To the gods, and fellow man." In other words, unaligned.
Age: 81
Birth Date: Roman Calendar- The second day of December.
Gender: Male.
Race: Wyvern and Human.
Ship: Rán's Passage
Skills:A Novice dark alchemist, and illusionist. Crafter of lesser-magical drafts and potions for medical purpose, and apprentice rank Gunsmith.
Abilities:Agility, Speed, and the power to shift into his pure Wyvern form for a short duration of time.
→ → → → APPEARANCE ← ← ← ←

Height: 191 Centimeters.
Weight: 43 Kilograms.
Body build: Lithe
Eye Color: Yellow Sclera, and black slitted iris.
Hair: Spiked, and naturally coloured a light navy blue.
Clothing: Dresses in ergonomic clothing, fitting of his magical needs, and physical demands. (See Picture.)
Other: Covered in a coat of moderately long fur. Has two pairs of ears.
→ → → → Personal ← ← ← ←
Personality: He acts very kindly to most strangers, and keeps calm even when inside, he is in emotional turmoil. He keeps his anger, and hatred inside of him. He broods alone, and ponders his future; he openly inquires personal information from other people if he finds that he likes them, even though this seems rude. He is a social drinker, though, sometimes he imbibes a bit too much. Remember, though; drinking is an accepted part of his faith. Speaking of which, he loves to preach about. As he does enjoy speaking to others, and will do so jovially, and with jubilation.
Likes: Hákarl, rotted Greenland shark meat. Wines, and other alcohols.
Dislikes: Overtly Heretical people, and acts of injustice or wanton violence. Large bodies of water, and uncontrolled fires.
Fears: Ever since he was young, Iribis has harbored a strong aversion of fire.
Motto(s): Family creed; Mercy unto the weak and defeated, and rebellion against the tyrannous. Be mindful of heretics, or men of irreligious standing. Thou shall die with honor, and only in battle. Serve faithfully the goddess Forseti.
Personal Belongings: An old necklace, baring the symbol Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer. Handed down to him by his father for completing his missionary services.
Bio: Born on earth in the modern city of Kulusuk , Greenland. Iribis was raised as a single child in a broken family of the Nordic faith. His race being his pride, that of dragons blood, and humans form. Not many, other than his own family line, share his unique existence. Iribis' father, Drayk Sahlkyr, raised him alone after his mother died from birthing complications. He instilled the devout behavior that Iribis still today expresses overtly. After being taught the practice of Alchemy, and magical draft brewing, Iribis left home to become a missionary at an age considered young for his species; fourty-two. His differences, both social, and racial found him only hatred, or persecution in his exploits. And after twelve years of practically unsuccessful missionary work in Europe, and acquiring a taste for alcohols, he returned home. Only to find that his father had been stabbed to death in a home invasion. He died at the age of 164. Iribis fell into a depression, and years later returned from seclusion a very mature, but changed person. He turned to darker magics, and his faith in the gods grew stronger. He developed a deep-seated hatred for the unruly, and unjust masses. His resolve was to make a name for himself, and to form a band of men to serve under the righteous gods; to bring defeat to all those who threaten the people of Earth, or cause oppression.
And so he took up arms as a captain of a vessel, unaligned. It took several years to raise the funds, move to New York, learn English, buy a ship, and to learn to pilot and command a vessel of his own, but he did so of his own volition. And on the Fifteenth day of March, he officially began his crusade against all that was unjust with the naming, and christening of his ship and organization.
Rán's Passage, flagship of the Regulators.
This is a truly foolish endeavor.