Absolutely perfect.
I'm basically married now and will be soon trying for #2 in our little family. I'm not in college because har, har I can't afford it. I'm about to start working for the first time in my life. I'm so excited, but I'm looking for a job not something I enjoy doing. I'm hopeful to get on at Gamestop. Not because I'm a gamer chick, but because Gamestop is within 1.2 miles of where I live.
Oh God, I'm going to be 24 next year. Where did the time go? Everything got blurry when I met Matt and we moved in together. I've been living with him almost 3 years now.
Jonathan's check ups:
5/23/2011: 6 pounds, 4 ounces. 19" long (released from hospital)
6/29/2011: 8 pounds, 7 ounces. (1 month old!)
7/13/2011: 9 pounds, 3.5 ounces. (2 months old!)
7/18/2011: Fiance' quit other place of employment to a much better place.
8/2/2011: 10 pounds, 8 ounces, 22" (3 months old!)
9/4/2011: My birthday that I got to celebrate with Jonathan! Whoot, whoot! Big 23 years old now.
9/29/2011: 12 pounds, 9 ounces. 22.4" long (4 months old!)
12/15/2011: 14 pounds even. 20.08" long (6 months old!) found the length hard to believe so I measured him at home and got a little over 23" long. I didn't go with Matt and Jonathan to this appointment.
2/24/2012: 16 pounds 8 ounces. 26.7" long (9 months old!)