Since some people may or may not be wondering WTF I want, I'm going to put down what I'm hoping to achieve by then, or at least for the future. NO ONE is obligated to get me anything - all I at least want are happy birthday wishes when it comes around.
xd * NM Minis [ha, right. Actually, I may start questing again anyway]
* Minty MLP Soquili [trying today for a custom]
* Wind Soquili - Ocelot body, peregrine falcon wings
* Faekats! [Freaks, normaler races, etc. I lurf faekats.]
* Mozou~
* Star Dusts! [Demonic Female... mmm...]
* Pokemon Genesis [pale green w/ white hair Ponyta, Ekans of green/gold, a few assorted others...]
* Dream Realm [although on hiatus - mutants, or really, anything.]
* Feli [*snerk*]
* Stray Cat Strut
* Mystical Realms [Phoenix~]
* Most any 04 item before Nov.
* Demon Horns! D: *misses them*
* Art!
That's just an assortment of things I adore -
whee And stuff to remind me what I'm after.
Edit: 4/15/06: Awwwwwwww! Someone got me a Soquili easter basket!