Today in a bright early morning of Ney Jersey, A young average teenage boy named “Largo” just woke up early in the morning at 5:00 in the morning, brushes his teeth, and slowly walked downstairs for breakfast. Soon when he looked into the refrigerator, he saw bacon and eggs with sausages. He move the breakfast over and pulled out some nachos for his breakfast instead. Soon, he thought to himself “Ooh boy, I sure Can’t wait for this field trip “Hope they got lots and lots of dinners, not snacks, dinners”. Then he tossed it in the microwave and put in on for 1:00 minute and ate it. Right when he finished his brunch, he turned on some TV and w8 for the school to be open. Wonder what is on right now. ”Largo wondered, flicked the channel to FOX 01 news and began eating a bag of chocolate bunnies.” “one week ago after the rumors of the mysterious figure around 24th and south street near the southern shore of New Jersey, somehow, four people was missing during this ti- click!* Sooner or later Largo turned off the TV and walked out of the house and left to school. Right when he went his first hour of class, it was time to go on a field trip. The class was so excited to hear the great news of the upcoming event today. Soon the teacher chaperone told the class to quiet down but Largo fell asleep during the time being. Around 7:36 A.M everyone got on the bus and was close to the destination of the field trip, when one of the chaperones came up to the front and made an announcement, Largo open another bag of chocolate bunnies for the 8th time today “Alright everyone, to the Pine Barrens Woods today.” When Largo finished the bunny bag, he began eating a bag of “Crunchy Crunch Crunch” chips. But when the chaperone was talking, Largo was too busy eating the chips, he didn’t catch all of the words the chaperone instructions because the chips blocked some of the words he said. Just then, the bus came to a stop, and then everyone went off the bus and got into their groups and watched the chaperone’s instructions “Right now, we are at the entrance of “Pine Barrens Woods.” We will “crunch, crunch” through the woods, and “crunch, crunch” walk down that path of “crunch crunch” despair. Then we will wait there for a little picnic.” Largo thought he heard every word from what he said, but ooooh he was wrong. When the people began to split up to their groups, Largo was tagged along with 3 2 guys “Michael and Achmad” and one girl “destiny”. The chaperone leader walked up to the bunch and said “Michael you I give you this map and pocket knife as a leader for today. But that’s when I got a perfect look at you, you are way to puny and weak and worthless to protect even yourself. So I am demoting Largo as the Captain of this group.” Michael mumbled to himself “man this is rigged, I’m out of here.” When Micheal left the group, Largo took the map and pocket knife and put it in his pocket….If he can that is if he could just take out a zebra cake wrapper. “All right everyone you all are on your own, you got five hours to make it to the picnic site. Aannnnnnnd GO!” Everyone began running except Largo and Achmad, the rest of his group went on ahead. Achmad asked Largo, “Wait, are we suppose to go through the Pine Barren Woods or AROUND Pine Barren Woods?” Largo answered, “well duh, weren’t you listening to the chaperone? He obviously said to go through the Woods” Achmad then said”ooh okay, lets go!” When he began walking, he look back to see if Largo was walking, he saw that Largo was asleep. “HEYYY! Wake up, this is no time to be sleeping!” just then, he heard a sharp growl near the bus. Achmad grew chills at the back of his spine all the way down to feet and jumped into the bus. Just then, he heard the growl again, it was Largo’s stomach growling. Largo than woke from his 3 minute nap. “uhhhh, I’m so hungry.” Achmad snapped, “You greedy pig! You just ate 16 minutes ago!” Largo replied back, “High metabolism you know!” Even though he is fat. Soon Largo began to get on his two feet and began to walk down Pine Barren Woods with Achmad following him. 2 hours and 23 minutes later, they were lost in the woods. Achmad sighed and sat for a minute and said, “We are lost. Are you reading the map correctly?” Largo looked up and said, “That sun….Looks like a sugar cooki-wiat huh? Oh I read the map, studied it, and ate it.” Achmad Yelled “HAL ANTA MAJNOON?” Largo grew big eyes, “Is that a food brand?” “NO! It’s Egyptian for saying are you crazy???????!!!!!!” Largo said, “Ohhh..No, I was hungry. But no biggie, we will find our way. Just follow the sound of the wind and see where it is going.” Largo cuffed hand on his ear, and listened for the wind. “your going the wrong way.” Wind whispered. “Well?” Achmad questioned?” Largo responded, “We are totally going the right way.” A hard wind blew and hit Largo with a can and whispered, “I said, “WRONG WAY!” Largo, still didn’t listen. “Just keep going this way I suppose.” And they began to walk straight into the direction. The wind whispered, “Losers.”
When they began walking, Achmad was slowing down and began to whine. “I’m hungry!!!!!” Largo darted his eyes at him, “you’re the one to talk, I’M the one who should be complaining! But no, I am a strong, well fitted, healthy boy”. Achmad took a good look at him. He got bad body odor, the smell of old spoiled salami, and is of course fat. “Have you checked yourself in a mirror lately?” Just then, Achmad heard a low growl again like earlier, but this time it sounded sooo close. “Dude, when does your stomach stops growling?” Largo said, “Dude, that wasn’t my stomach, if it was, then it would the process of my leftovers digesting from yesterday.” They both looked around. Nothing was there, and began to walking straight forward of the road, Largo thought to himself “Just think about spaghetti with meatballs and tomato paste all together now, and I will be fine.” Then, the growl has gotten closer. They began to worry. “Achmad, maybe we should jog.” They began jogging. Growl has gotten even closer. “Okay, running, good for you but not for me.” Just then, they heard another FEROCIOUS GROWL Behind them! “SPRINTING! SPRITNING IS TOTALLY GOOD FOR SO YOU BETTER BE HAP-*BAM!* They both crashed into a tree. “oww….that smarts. Hope my lunch didn’t smash together. Anyhow where you Achma-a-A_A_AAAAAAAAD!*” Achmad then turned around and gasped in horror. This creature has two hooves as it’s feet, it’s reptilian body is scaly enough to even cut your own finger off.(But it has puny arms) It’s wings are huge like a dragon but at it’s own body length, and it’s head is has the face of a cow with a forked like tail. It’s the sleeping, dangerous, New Jersey Devil. “It is still snoring and not hearing us crying in agony.” Largo looked around for a way to get out, then he found a map right near the sleeping beast, right next to it was nothing but bones. “psst, Achmad..Achmad! You alright?” Achmad whispered, “Yea. How we suppose to get the map?” Largo said, “W8, let me think.” Achmad thought to himself, “hmm, did a angel hit him and stopped his laziness?” Largo, thought to himself and stopped. “Why did you stop?” Largo got down on his knees and began to pray. Silence blew through the whole area from where they were at. Then, Largo got up, and told Achmad to follow him. They look at the map and began to go towards it step by step. *squeak,squeak,squeak,squeak* Largo turned around, “Why are you making that sound?” Achmad said, “Sorry, I get nervous when I get close to creatures.” “Well, try to overcome the fear then, we can’t wake it up.” They sneaked with muffled squeaks along the way. Slowly Largo put his hand out to the map near the creatures mouth and thought to himself, “In every movie, the monster always have to hold the key to our problems.” Slowly pulled the map, and felt some hard item inside. “Aw sweet! A cell phone with it!” He push one button on it and then *Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up plays* Then, the creature wakes up as a rude awakening, slowly got up to it’s feet, looking down on Largo and Achmad, and growls. Achmad was both scared and wet his pants in fear.(1)They woke the creature up. 2)They got Rick Rolled. “O-o-Oh...My…AALLAH!” The Devil roars in anger furiously and opened his mouth wide enough to chomp off their heads, but they got away instantly before the devil closes his jaw. Largo both headed towards the exit, running for their lives while the devil chases them. Then a gust of wind blewed through Largo’s ear, “Use the juice!” Largo was saving it for his snack but had a hard time choosing which and which. Just then, Achmad tripped and fell and Largo was ahead of him. Achmad yelled, “LARGO! HELP ME!” Largo shouted back, “I can’t! I’m too much of a coward!” A Angel Largo appeared on his shoulder and said, “Shame on you Largo, Help your friend out and destroy the creature.” A demon Largo appeared on the other side of the shoulder, “Naw, you know your weak, just relax and the drink.” Largo, looked left and right countlessly and look at his juice. “It was the last bottle in stock at Target for $1.20. But waste it?” The creature was getting nearer and nearer by the second. Achmad began shouting, “HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” *Splash!* Largo threw the juice at the creatures mouth, grabbed Achmad by the arm and dragged him away from the beast. Or is it? It began to fizz up, and moving erratically in malfunction and then *BOOM!* It blewed up. They both was surprised. “A robot?” Just then a voice called them out. “Well, looks like you two pass the test!” Largo and Achmad both said, “Say whaa?” The person that came out of the bushes was the chaperone from earlier. “This survival trip was to test on your faith, intelligence, and sacrifices. And Largo, you did well.” Largo then realize what he had done, he gave up on his greediness and save his own teammate over a drink. Largo says he accomplished something today. He gave up on being lazy and gluttony, became a leader, and think he lost some weight due to the walk they have done. On the way back it was time to go. Right when they got on the bus, it took off. Largo and Achmad both look back at the woods and hope to never return again. Somehow, they saw a figure that looks like the New Jersey Devil from before and told the chaperone. “Wow, you guys are very good at making these crazy robots right?” The Chaperone said, “uhh….This is our only robot.” Everyone just got silent. Turned back, they heard the REAL creature roaring in the distance, and then Largo yelled, “STEP ON THE PEDAL AND GET US OUT OF HERE!” The bus went faster and they just left, never coming back.

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