... But first, I died defending my ship and my crew at the very first event. Sad, yes. But my crew survived until the end!
Captain: Lumina_Clara <--- The infamous, courageous captain who died defending the ship and crew at the first few miles of the journey XD
Guide: Diedrich <--- What's with him? He seems to be bringing us more bad luck than good luck... eek
Knox Lois - Good at bulletlifting and other nifty tricks to get more ammo from other airships. Often suffered "hysterical pregnancies" and "inverted hearing" and licked a potion of moss.
Corvin Alighieri - A very bad cook. Trapped himself in a fridge during hide-and-seek and made pasta using bullets. He's got to be the funniest guy in my crew but we discovered his werewolf nature halfway... eek (and he's not even a werewolf to begin with...)
Dylan Maro - An unlucky crewmate who gets choked a lot. Unfortunately, he turns out to be a zombie cannibal and died before reaching the jellyfish demigod. (Funny, I thought he was a vegetarian... He survived the 2 first assumptions... sweatdrop )
Obscura Delacroix - Another of the unlucky ones. Broke his leg and injured himself by getting a unicorn tattoo. Saved the crew by organizing a karaoke party and made the captain sing; causing a flock of geese to commit suicide on the ship and gave the crew extra food to live on.
This game is a genius and a game of luck and chance! It's loads of fun to play again but one game is enough for me... sweatdrop
~I'm your gentleman online. Don't forget that! smile