Shoji is back, shoji is back, SHOJI IS BACK! Everyone of his friends missed him, i know cuz i talked 2 them >w< maaaaannn i hope this doesn't ruin anything!!! Unfortunatlly he was my crush, and i really did used to love him, then i fell in love with victoria after his parents got mad at him for dropping his phone in water ((=.= baka)) I laughed so hard the day he told me. Shoji is my onii-kun ((on gaia)) and every second i learn more about him, LOTTA LOVE (shugo chara ending 3) Girl is a boy and Tadase wears a skirt!!! >w<

Yep im a Tadase fan, and not Ikuto no matter how hot he looks, these might give u a nosebleed,

I has a Shugo Chara too!