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zack's picture book!
i will put any pictures i can sneak in here!
Concept Characters
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight
French Toast-or-Jeebus
Chieftain Twilight

Otherkin are those who are either not entirely Human (such as having Traits of some other Being, or possibly even Blood Lineage), or which have awakened Non-Human Past-Lives. try Google for more information on that, or search for Gaia Threads and Guilds about it. smile

Kay, I'll look it up.
What about the Split thing, or whatever you said?

that's a term my Girlfriend uses. it means that more than one person exist within you. it could be a Split Personality sharing the same Soul. it could be another Soul sharing your Body. in my case, I have an interesting situation, where I share a Mind with another, but we are two sepperate Souls AND People... but like... not realy sepperate, but still completely individual. I'm the Spider, and the other is Zack.

What is the difference between you?

well, it's alot of things... from Religion, to Philosophy, to Viewpoint, to Personality, to Style, to the way we Speak.... also, Zack is Fae, and I'm technically not.


Fae, Faerie, the Tuatha De'Danaan. ancestors of the Celtic People.

Never heard of it.

now that... o.O; that surprises me. Faeries? often spelled Fairy, but that's a horrible butchering of the word which has become mainstream.

Ooooooh, those.
I read some really old books about them.

you should read more. ^_^ the Fae are extremely interesting, and varied.

I've always been interested in things like that.
I have the entire collection of "Magical Kingdom" books. Each one on a different creature.

ooh, I havn't heard of that collection. o.o I'll have to take a look at it.
how was your Christmas? ^_^

It was fairly good. Got to talk to this person that I haven't in a while and he is now able to text me, so I can talk to him when I go back, too. c:
How about yours?

mine was fairly awesome. whee aside from getting no sleep, and being constipated and have diarrhea at the same time, it was great! ^.^

I got an Eberron Campaign Book, but although it's 4th edition it's still very useful. smile

Aw, that sucks. :/ Not the awesome part, the other part.

*no clue what that is* *smiles and nods*

xd sorry dear, I'm a D&D nerd.

D&D? ...The only thing that comes to mind is Dungeons and Dragons... ._. You are making me feel like a non-nerd now. emo

Dungeons & Dragons is exactly what I am talking about. xd

it's ok, I'll geek ya up. whee

Ooooh, okay. Though, I've never played it... If it's something you play.. ._.

xD Lol, okay.

Oh fuu, I dropped a paperclip down my shirt. So cold! ><
Kay, found it. Lolol.

I've played it for 11 years now. xd I have material from 2nd edition, 3rd edition, 3.5 edition, and now 4th edition. this includes 3.5 edition revisions of 1st and 2nd edition material.

*lost* *smiles and nods* xD

xd alright. well, nobody has been wanting to hear me out on any of it, so I'm kinda letting it all out on you.

I'm working on some Concept Characters for an Eberron Setting. one of them I've already been tampering with since Summer, so he's more fully developed. the other four are all brand new ideas, and I'm satisfied with them already. however, I'm feeling a little bothered by one in particular... a Dragonmarked House Ghallanda Halfling Cleric 5/ Monk 1 of the Path of Light. she's Neutral Good, with the Good and Protection Domains, but because of her Multiclass, she has a -20% EXP Penalty.

I'll clarify all this jargon for you. ^_^

you see, in the Eberron Setting, there are 12 Bloodlines which have magical markings on their skins called Dragonmarks, with are part of the Draconic Prophesy. House Ghallanda is a Bloodline of Halflings who are marked with the Dragonmark of Hospitality, making them magical Masters of Comfort. the Dragonmarked Houses are Economic and Political Elitists who's Commercial Influence has shaped History, and who are often Political and Religious targets due to their Prophetic Significance.

the Path of Light is one of many Religions in Eberron. it is a Spiritual Path of Enlightenment through Morality, which seeks to bring the World and the Spiritual World into an eventual Peaceful and Holy state of Eternal Bliss.

when Characters take levels in more than one Class (Job, Role) it's called Multiclassing. if one of there Classes is more than 1 level apart from another Class, they suffer a -20% Experience Point Penalty each time they gain Experience Points (EXP). the penalty stacks if more than 2 Classes are more than 1 level apart. however, each Race has a Favoured Class, which is completely ignored when determining Multiclass Penalties. Halflings' Favoured Class is Rogue. Humans and Half-Elves have Favoured Class Any, which means at any given EXP Gain, they can ignore whichever 1 Class they want.

a Character's Alignment represents their Ethical and Moral Nature/Outlook. there are 9 different Alignments, which are different combinations of 3 Ethical Alignments and 3 Moral Alignments. a Character can be Chaotic, Neutral, or Lawful, and they can be Good, Neutral, or Evil. the 9 different Alignment Combinations are Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral (also called True Neutral), Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil. they are often pictured in a tic-tac-toe formation.

Domains are a Class Feature for Clerics. each Cleric chooses 2 Domains at 1st Level, which each grant her a Divine Ability, and from which she can Prepare Spells from. this is one of the ways a Player can Customize a Cleric Character. different Religions afford a Character different Domain Options. a Cleric of an Animal-Sacrificing Cult can't take the Good Domain, for example. but they can probably take the Death Domain, or the Evil Domain.

I'm not going to remember all that...

Oh! And good news. :3 My lovey-dovey got a way to text me, and I couldn't be happier. ^_^

ooh, how epic! ^.^ you told me the same thing about a Friend of yours, are they the same person? is this the same news? or was this two different people? whee

and I don't realy mind if you won't remember it all, but is it ok if you try to understand it for at least the moment? sad I wanted to tell you about the other Characters...

if not, that's fine. ^_^ you can tell me all about this romantic interest of yours. =w= is he a suitor? are either of you courting eachother? are you perhaps in a serious relationship? or at least dating?

I don't really remember. xD ...Oh wait, I member now. Technically it's two people, but he is like you. And I talked to Him for the first time in a loooong time, today. :3

You can tell me of the characters, I'll try to keep up. ^_^'

yee! mrgreen :yayclaps.: thankies! xd I know I'm being all childish right now. whee I'm jut excited.

and that's awesome. ^.^ I take it you are Romantically Interested in the one, and not so much in the other?

anywho, so the more defined Character I have is a Chaotic Neutral Warforged Rogue 5/ Spymaster 1. he's an ex-Spy, who broke ranks during the Last War, and fled from his House Cannith Master (who created him). he now lives in Sharn as a fugitive refuge. he lays low, renting a ghetto apartment in the lower city, and works as a Laborer/Porter. he is fiercely independent, and philosophical, trying to find meaning to his strange life, and he has particular fascination for Calligraphy. he just makes all these little odd rituals for himself, from counting steps, to avoiding prime numbers, to repeating patterns in his behavior and routines. sometimes he builds up these repetitive routines specifically for the purpose of deviating from them later, all in the pursuit of finding meaning for his life.

you see, Warforged are like Robots. they are Constructs made out of Wood, and Stone, and Metal, which were invented to fight in the Last War (a bloody War between the 5 Nations each Ruled by a different Heir of King Gallifar, who ruled a Kingdom consisting of all 5 of those Nations United. the Last War last 100 years, until the city of Cyre was destroyed by a Spell that made the Atom Bomb look like a papercut). the Warforged, however, have Sentience, and Souls. they are literally Alive. after Cyre was destroyed in an event now called The Mourning (because it left a nation-sized stretch of land permanently plagued by magical disease and desolation, known as the Mournland), the Treaty o Thronehold was signed, which ended the War, finalized the current Borders, Recognized which Nations exist (including new Nations that seceded, such as the Eldeen Reaches that use dto be part of Aundair), and Recognized the Warforged as a Minority Race, rather than as objects to be possessed or owned.

Sharn is knows as the City of Towers, because it is built almost entirely of Towers that rise thousands of feet into the air, and tunnels that stretch miles below the Plateaus the Towers stand on. and above the Towers of Upper Sharn, float even MORE Towers on Magically Substantiated Clouds, which are the Homes and Businesses of wealthiest elite nobility.

the Spymaster Class is a Prestige Class. that means, that you cannot start off as that Class, you have to play as another Class, reach a certain set of Requirements in your Character Development, and then you can take levels of that Class. furthermore, Prestige Classes don't incure an EXP Penalty.

Well, yes. One is like a little brother, and the other is like an "Oh mai. .////. " causer. xD Part of the reason one of them fell for me is because I knew that there was something up before he told me, and I can tell them apart when he is talking/typing.

And okay, with you so far.

xd I know exactly how you feel! there is a certain something that some folks have and others don't, even if it's in the same body.

but yes. he goes by the name Apok, short for Apokalypse. he chose it for himself, because he liked the meaning, and the misunderstood poor translation. he relates to it. he will probably change his name again at some point in his life, or maybe not. his given name was Blacksteel, for the colour of his Body. he's the most fully-developed of these Characters so far.

the next one is also very interesting. an Orc who is interested in both History and the Thespian Arts. Chaotic Neutral male Orc Bard 5/ Barbarian 1. because he's an Orc, his Favoured Class is Barbarian. he is specialized in Drumming, Dancing, Poetry, Storytelling, and Acrobatics. his Clan mixes worship of the Sovereign Host Pantheon with the Dark Six, but rather than viewing them as actual Deities, they believe these Gods to actually be Aspects of Nature.

the idea behind this Character Concept, is that he came directly out of a Savage upbringing, and came to Sharn as an adolescent to study as a Bard at Morgrave University. he then heads off into the world after Graduating, get's some experience under his belt, and becomes inspired by the things he sees and lives.

the Sovereign Host and Dark Six are pantheons in Eberron that are technically part of the same Religion. their worshippers are called Vassals. the Dark Six used to be part of the Sovereign Host, but an event called the Schism had them sepperated, and the Clergy of the Sovereign Host refuse to acknowledge the Dark Six as part of their Religion, and scoff at thosewho's religious practices mix worship of the two pantheons.

The Sovereign Host represent Civilized Life for the most part, with two deities representing Agriculture and Hunting because those things are still nessesary for civilized life. they are based around a generally benevolent outlook. you could think of them as a Pagan Religion, or perhaps as a Wiccan Religion.

The Dark Six represent the Primal Forces of Nature. the Dark, Bloody, Unforgiving side of the world. their Gods represent everything from Bad Weather, to Base Urges, to Greed, to Violence, to Change, to Secrecy. you could think of them as the Black Magic side of Paganism and Shamanism. there are Animal, and even Human, Sacrifices in their Rites, and they tend to skirt the law and have their own rules and proceedures for doing things and handling disputes (since they usually can't go to the authorities).

I know. :3 They both make me giggle, inside and sometimes outside, when I talk to them, though. x3

And kays.

the next Character is a Chaotic Good Female Human Sorcerer 5/ Song Dragon Disciple 1. she's a Militant Spellcaster, who has the Blood of the Dragons coursing through her veins, and she believes that if she can tap into this source of power, she can Transcend her Mortality. she follows the Doctrines of the Blood of Vol Cult.

while her Quest is for Personal Power and Immortality, her intentions are exceedingly pure. she believes that by attaining more Power, she (as a member of a Sacred Bloodline) would be able to fully control herself, and use that Draconic Power for the benefit of all. I am thinking of her as a Character who would have a very interesting struggle with Corruption along her path of coaxing out her True Inner Potential.

the Blood of Vol is, in my opinion, a Cult. though it is actually a widespread religion that teaches that True Power lies within oneself. it is a highly Necromantic Religion, which honours the Undead, and considers Fresh Blood to be as much a source of Power as one's own Willpower. they teach each adherent that they must have Faith in Themselves above all others.

and interesting twist about the Blood of Vol, is that the Head of that Faith is a Vampire who is using this Religion of her creation to further her own goals. she is actually quite vicious and Bloodthirsty, though also Manipulative and Cunning.

Sounds interesting.

the last of these Characters is less interesting, and is to round out the Group. the Concept is a Neutral Male Human Fighter 6, from House Deneith, Marked with that House's Dragonmark, the Mark of the Sentinel. he uses a Greatsword (a two-handed sword with a blade as long as he is tall), and specializes in very Mobile Combat, to keep himself engaged with as many enemies as possible, and to protect his allies.

I havn't realy fleshed him out very much yet. any ideas?

No ideas. Sorry hun. :c

aww, upsetting.... oh well. I'll think of something. thankyou anyway. ^_^

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