Jack knew of this handiwork. He’d heard of a man who could lull Gaians into a dream with his golden sand, and in their sleep he would steal their eyes. The Sandman.

Jack flew up above the skyline. He was going to find this Sandman and give him a piece of his mind. How dare he do this to Gaians? At the start of HIS season, no less!

“You really do have such beautiful eyes...” the Sandman whispered as she grasped his face tightly. “They’ll make a lovely addition to my collection.”

Desperation setting in, Jack ripped the blindfold off of the Sandman, throwing ice into her exposed eyes. Blinded by the ice, the Sandman recoiled and shrieked in fury. With Jack's last ounces of energy, he poured every remaining spark of Winter he held into the Sandman’s blindfold...