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What I think of
Feline was running swiftly through the forest. The moon shined on her pale skin earily and no stars were shining, she flipped her blonde hair as she turned her head around to look back. She hissed and sped up for they were still following her, as fast as the wind of the night that whipped through her hair making her already deathly freezing skin even colder. Her plain simple dress didn’t slow her down but instead made it harder for her followers to find her. It was in a complicated green, black, grey, and brown pattern that had took her fifty years to finish.
Feline saw an obstacle in her path she was twenty yards away from with her keen brown eyes. She was nearly upon it and jumped gracefully through the air over the huge moss covered tree that had fallen on the path. She felt the thrill of the cool summer air on her skin and the feeling as if she was flying when she leaped up again, soaring over the ivy boulder that was now already ten feet behind her. She was nearly there, to her cottage on the border of the clans. She knew what she should do when she gets there.
Running had always had an exhilarating affect on Feline but even the chase didn’t get Feline’s heart to beat. When she finally came to the clearing she was still full of energy and tirelessly ran through her garden, her bare feet barely touching the ground, to her front porch. She made a final jump to her door and froze thinking fast.
She looked down at her hands where she held a sort of horn or tusk that she had stolen. She looked at it more closely and it looked like a tooth of some kind of beast. She rubbed it attentively with one finger. It was ivory and seemed to glow in the light of the full moon. It was smooth and cool on Feline’s palm and fingertip, but more than that. It was alive she knew for it held the soul of Ivory, the Stone Clan princess. She smirked as she squeezed the little fang. It was sharp at one end but it couldn’t cut Feline’s hard, cold skin as tough as any other of her kind. Feline heard a gasp of pain as she pinched harder between her thumb and her forefinger with her inhuman strength.
Feline turned around slowly unsurprised and smiled a dazzling smile perfectly fake. There stood the princess on the little stone path that led up the porch steps to where Feline crouched prepared for attack. Princess Ivory was beautiful like everyone else of her species but looked like a ghost the way she dressed. She had skin as white as white could get and her hair was a fair blonde almost white. Everything about Ivory seemed white, her skin, her hair, even her dress which was white for a purpose. It was silk and white to show her innocence and royalty but it was simple and long, flowing down her perfect shape to her also bare feet, the lace barely touching the ground. Her full lips opened to show her pointed white fangs like a cat would have and she gasped again.
Feline though couldn’t look away from Ivory’s eyes for they too like the rest of her was perfectly white, it looked as though she didn’t have pupils and it surprised Feline. But what really scared Feline was Ivory’s face so twisted in pain and anger. She even looked exhausted but when Feline loosened her grip on the little bone or talon, Ivory’s face went blank and uncaring. Her whole posture which was held in cringing before and hunching in on herself now went limp, no longer did she look regal but more like a perfect doll, a ragdoll.
There was a hiss in the air as Ivory’s brothers; the two princes of Stone Clan appeared by her side. Both were hissing harshly at Feline though they daren’t come any closer. They both looked like opposites of each other but both still looked similar in a way.
Sunstone who stood to the right of Ivory had fiery red hair that hung down to his shoulders with skin that looked yellowy white. His eyes were maroon and his thin lips the softest shade of pink. He looked strong and muscular with his, also for the royalty like him, velvet robe wrapped around him and his to Feline, deliciously broad shoulders. He was so handsome even with his face full of malice for Feline. Her eyes were glued to his and she wanted so much to touch his red velvet cloak and she knew she would still feel the cold through it. He had sharp features and when he noticed how Feline looked at him he looked even angrier and turned away disgusted, with hard maroon eyes.
Her stare of want only lasted a minute and when he turned away she focused her attention on Moonstone who stood to the left of Ivory. Moonstone looked like a male version of Ivory but he just as muscled as Sunstone and unlike his sister had thin lips so cold they almost looked blue. He too had yellowy white skin but it was tainted a light blue. His eyes were a crisp blue full of hatred toward Feline. His features were more round and boyish but he still looked noble and handsome to her eyes. He had an ice blue cloak that settled around him perfectly and a cute button nose unlike his brother’s stick one. Moonstone turned away from Feline after giving her a searching look so furious she was too afraid to look back in his eyes.
There was another disturbance in the still air and she looked around the three siblings to see their parents. The king who was the father to all of them looked peculiar in the moonlight. It looked like he had a clearish tint to his skin and he too had sharp features. King Diamond was lean and muscled and his eyes seemed to be colorless, not white but transparent and she could see through him. His thin lips were as pale as his skin and he wore velvet cloak, thicker than his sons, but it was colorless and seemed to be made of light. His hair was like glass making him appear bald but then when he shifted in the light of the full moon you could see its detail how all the edges were so fine and how it seemed you couldn’t get a hair out of place it was wonder to Felines eyes as she saw it. When his clear eyes grew a pupil he focused his eyes on Feline’s hand and his robe changed colors to red, then pink as he looked to his daughter anxiously. Finally the cloak turned white and his eyes focused on Feline once more as he smiled but it didn’t reach his clear eyes that looked at her coldly.
Then there was the wives; Emerald, Safire, and the head one Ruby. She had maroon eyes, fiery orange hair, red painted lips and nails. Her pale skin had a pinkish yellowy tone and had the same kind of clearness as King Diamond. All in all you could tell she was Sunstone’s mother. She wore a red silk dress that had a simple design but it still looked elegant on Ruby. Out of all of the king’s wives she was the fairest. She looked so fragile as if her bones were made of crystal. She looked so delicate Feline thought that if it came to a fight she could destroy Ruby easily. But then Ruby smiled at her a dazzling smirk so full of evil Feline didn’t want to know what she was conspiring in her twisted mind.
Next of the wives and the next oldest for they were all sisters was Safire or Saffira. She too looked frail and her skin was a yellowy blue white like a china doll. Her eyes were a dark and mysterious blue and her skin did in fact have that same quality of the king’s. Her full lips were cold and blue and she wore the same type of dress as Ruby but it was a pretty water blue so rich in color it was mesmerizing. She had long eyelashes, a thing she had in common with her other sisters and her hair was black as midnight. Her nails were long and curved, painted a sky blue and they danced in the air impatiently. There was no doubt in Feline’s mind that she was Moonstone’s mother. She smiled and Feline saw that she had pointed teeth and Feline quickly looked away.
The last of the sisters and the youngest was Queen Emerald or as some called her Esmeralda but she prefers Emerald. She had blonde hair and dark green eyes with her skin as white as the moon. She wore a silk green dress the same kind of fashion as her sisters and the dress flowed elegantly down to her ankles. She seemed to be the smallest of the wives for she wasn’t as tall as the others which made her seem more fragile and harmless. Feline’s first thought when she saw Emerald was breakable but when Emerald flipped her hair out of her face and thrust her head forward to snarl Feline couldn’t help but take a step back and hiss as she crouched lower.
Her eyes flashed back to Ivory who crouched miserably and snarled feebly. Feline’s eyes, half closed, raked over Emerald one more before darted back to Ivory slyly. She couldn’t help but half smile at the thought of Ivory taking the throne and her mother Emerald at her side eyes blazing with power crazed for more.
King Diamond walked forward until he was at the porch stairs and his wives copied his movements behind him only an arms link away. They huddled together with Ruby’s arms around both of her sisters shoulders. Safire leaned into Ruby her body rocking forward and back tense for a fight but a hesitant one at that while Emerald seemed to want to step closer with her hair changing colors to a brown and her magnificent eyes flashing hazel as if this was her true form still pretty but lethal.
King Diamond with his eyes wide open and his smile growing bigger than but still just as pretend as hers, said in a voice that seemed to echo, “Well done thief. You now have my daughter’s soul that holds the key to her immortality. She is the one who will take the throne when I pass and now you have her at a ransom,” He gesture behind him with his hand lazily and the mood around him was airily light as if uncaring or as if he was bored. “But you see you can’t win and we will let you live if you hand me the claw of the werewolf.” He held out a hand that seemed to look invisible and waved his fingers.
When Feline did respond fast enough her snarled but then Diamond quickly recovered and said slyly, “Oh I forgot to summon them.” He looked over his shoulder and made a hissing noise that vibrated through the air. The hiss was like a snake and just like a snake his followers seemed to slither out of the darkness.
Feline’s eyes widened as she quickly took measure for all the beast and Stone Clan members that came out of the forest’s shadows in the moonlight. She did it again then hissed with frustration, her hand tightening on the werewolf claw. Ivory drew in an unneeded breath sharply, her eyes fearful as her lower lip so pale quivered. Moonstone stepped closer to her, his hands holding her elbow supporting her weight. Sunstone snarled and placed one hand Ivory’s lower back and the other on her hip. The wives whimpered and crowed around Ivory making moaning noises that sounded like music and screams combined. Diamond whipped around and crooned softly in his throat then turned back to Feline and growled darkly.
Feline loosened her grip then looked back at the people who were coming through her garden. The first one she saw made her pull he lip back in a low snarl that made her shake with anger. It was her immortal enemy Cateye. Everything about Cateye seemed to put Feline in pain, her happy smile, her skipping walk, her crazy eyes, her zany dress, the insane way she talked in her squeaky voice.
Cateye didn’t gracefully glide or half crouch down and moved forward swiftly. Her gait was like she was dancing. Cateye twirled through the rosebush her laugh a tinkle like small bells. Her rainbow hair flowed around her small almost fairy like form dreamily. When she pranced forward gaily her rainbow eyes flashed with mock surprise when she saw Feline. Her hands danced through the air, each of her finger nails painted a different color of the rainbow. Her skin was as white as Ivory’s making her dress look brighter. It was made of cotton but the colors were loud and hurt Feline’s sharp eyes to look at it. Cateye pretended to look vicious unsuccessfully by prowling forward, her bare feet barely touching the ground. She gave up her act and smiled cheerfully at Feline, her teeth so bright Feline thought Cateye was trying to blind her. Her lips were the only thing pale about her.
Cateye said in a voice so shrill it hurt Feline’s ears, “Dear me, everyone calm down. I don’t want this to come to a fight. Feline might get hurt or worse.” She trilled a laugh like a bird. It rang in the night air loudly. She then pretended to pout, puckering her lower lip. But she couldn’t hide her feelings as she giggle like a child, throwing her head back like she was singing.
Feline quickly looked away to the others. The rest seemed to have skin so dull it made them almost look ugly. The first one had dark grey skin and he wore brown furs from a werewolf. He held a werewolf who stalked in front of him obediently her fur like spun gold. The she-werewolf snapped her jaws when she barked and it was a moody one at that. The one who held her chain leash of gold had dull grey eyes that were bored and he yanked harshly with his super strength and she quickly stopped and pressed her nose to the ground smelling Feline’s daisies suspiciously. The chain holder rumpled his black hair, sighed, and reminded bleakly, “At my side, Gold”. The werewolf somberly fell into step on his left side and sneezed as she sniffed the lilies.
There was another one whose skin was as white as snow. His hair was a black as ebony and thin lips curled in disgust as he cruelly tugged on the bronze leash. He spat in a voice so rough and harsh it seemed to tear at the air around him, “Slow down Bronze and maybe you wouldn’t choke yourself mangy mutt.” He smoothed his black furs, also from a werewolf, carelessly and huffed with impatience. The young cub called Bronze looked back and waited a second before he resumed his quick pace once more. He stomped through heather his nose snuffling though lavender. He had bronze fur and curious eyes all his attention focused on smelling.
Another one who seemed to have a slightly green color to his white skin hurried up as his copper furred werewolf cub leaned forward, nose pressed to a poor iris. His hair seemed a chalky white and so thin he looked old. His eyes were troubled and his lips a sickly grey. He whispered, “Easy now Copper, boy.” He practically ran as Copper trotted over to the tulips. He had grey furs so loose around him they were baggy.
The other one had skin so white he shined like a star. His eyes were a bright grey almost silver and his hair powdery white. His lips were pressed together as he tried to hold back his snarls. His cub kept trying to bite him through his honey toned furs that he wore. Finally his snarl ripped through the cold air, “Enough Brass!” The cub glared at him his eyes full of intelligence and his brass fur ripple as the muscles under his skin flexed. The disdainful cub bounded over to the sweet peas and he pressed his nose to them for a second before hurrying over to a prim rose.
Finally the last one with dark grey skin, blondish brown hair that looked grey, and eyes as sharp as flint, was making a dash toward Cateye. He whispered something to her and she trilled in a voice so bubbly that it popped Feline’s ears, “Flint, I told you I need to be here that’s why I sent you back. Now go home and care for those cute little werewolves. Adorable is it not when they try to attack you.” She laughed and it went so high Flint covered her mouth with a filthy hand and glared at her. She stopped with her crazy eyes crossing before he released her and ran back the way he came. Cateye waved good bye and started to skip, twirl, and dance singing a melody that sounded unharmonious with the mood in the air. “La la . . .” she sang tunelessly leaping over the cottage and running around it in circles.
Feline wanted to shout at them, to tell them to keep the careless and destructive things away from her and her cottage, to scream at them to take the flea bitten dogs away from her poor garden. She was especially worried for the rosemary which she needed if she wanted their scent gone. Instead of having a fit, Feline turned her eyes to Diamond and asked like a curious child, “Werewolves?” She gestured at her garden and bent down to stroke a violet.
The king nodded and looked around once before saying, “You will be the cubs’ first kill if you don’t hand back the claw. Their mother will be so proud.” He held a hand out, palms down, and the werewolf Gold put her head under it and rubbed it slowly. Her eyes looked at Feline full of intelligence begging her to free her and her cubs. Diamond patted her head and Gold flinched back then hurried to her leash carrier’s side.
Diamond turned to Gold and her master and hissed softly, “Granite, take her hunting after words. She looks so starved.” Diamonds clear eyes focused on Gold knowingly. She wined softly and pressed closer to Granite who stroked her thoughtlessly.
The rambunctious cubs trotted over to their mother pressing their black, wet noses into her fur. The copper one glared at his leash holder and leaned in on his mother as close as he could get. The brass one quivered with excitement and stared at Feline hungrily. The bronze one sat down, eyes trained on Diamond with malevolence.
King Diamond chuckled humorlessly and said, “Marble, tighten your grip before that one gets away.” He added, “Alabaster, don’t let him go yet or he’ll kill her quickly.” He nodded to the other and said quietly, “Limestone.” He turned away and stared at Feline with glee.
Feline lifted her head and murmured softly, “You’ll kill me anyway.” He eyes looked over all them once before she glanced back at Diamond then stared down at her hand guiltily. She rubbed the claw and Ivory seemed to be soothed for she sighed with pleasure. Feline stroked the claw and looked up at Ivory who crooned with her eyes shut. Feline half smiled and gently rubbed her thumb over the claw once more and Ivory dazed, moaned happily like she was asleep.
The king saw the way Feline toyed with the precious claw and let a snarl rip through his chest. Feline jumped with surprise and tossed him the claw saying quickly in her young voice so girly he couldn’t think of another word for her but child, “Take it. Just get that reckless cub away from my petunias before he does something he will regret.” She pointed an accusing finger at Brass who was getting ready to dig.
Diamond growled something wordlessly. Brass backed up from the bush being careful not to step on the Jacob’s ladder and cautiously stepped over a carnation. However he couldn’t help but kick some earth over a tansy and that made Feline shriek. That only made the cub more terrified and clumsy as he fell on his rump. He landed on a daffodil and Feline clutched her chest then wrapped her hands around a pole holding herself back with wild eyes. Brass scurried away leaping over a patch of pansies and hiding behind his owner. Feline released a breath then looked back at Diamond.
The wives were laughing at the scene and the princes were mocking Feline. The other werewolf owners were chortling and mimicking the shriek. The werewolves shamefully accepted back their brother. The king even smiled and soothed the cub with a croon. The embarrassed cub huddled, head hanging down so low his nose rested on the ground. Feline harrumphed then turned to go back into her small cottage muttering something about werewolf cubs.
The king caught the back of her elbow and said, “This time I will let you go.” He released then studied the claw and echoed, “This time.” He handed the claw to Ivory’s eager hands.
As soon as she touched it Ivory ordered, “Cateye, seize her!” She pointed a long curved finger nail at Feline’s retreating back, sobbing with relief as she cuddled with the claw. She cradled it to her chest where her heart should be, her whisper as soft and gentle as the wind. Her voice was like water dripping on a pond, only musically.
Cateye meanwhile had been studying an azalea bush, brushing her lips on a petal, rubbing her nose against the flower buds, and touching the leaves with the tips of her fingers. When she heard the order she jumped up and leaped at Feline gracefully.
Feline turned to meet her attacker but Cateye was swift and played her moves like it was game. Feline could now see Cateye’s pupils which were like at cats, like Feline’s but colorful like a tropical bird. Cateye trilled, “I’ll lead.” She grabbed Feline’s hands and spun round and round with her, spinning themselves in front of Ivory. Feline went along with this and Cateye sang silly pointless songs all the while. Then when she changed her tune and started to hum something that sounded like waltz Feline stopped and Cateye merrily laughed, “Feline, Feline, whose waistline is as big as a fat elephantine.”
Feline thrust her head forward her teeth snapping shut where Cateye’s neck had been seconds before. Feline turned her head to the left where Cateye trilled a laugh so high pitched the cottages’ windows cracked. That fueled Feline’s anger as she swung her hand at Cateye’s loud dress her claws ripping a hole. Cateye laughed louder and the windows quivered then shattered. Feline roared furiously and both of her hands found there target. Cateye smiled a dazzling smile when Feline fell back in pain her hands releasing Cateye’s throat. Feline screamed as her soul was being plucked at and turned her head toward the four leaf clover.
Ivory was tugging at it trying to pull it out of the ground hissing all the while. Feline gasped and felt more pain as someone pulled a petal off a cosmos. She could feel everything. They tortured the buttercups, the Wolfsbane, the jasmines, Feline’s cries grew louder. Someone inside her house smashed a pot where katniss had been growing. The werewolves understood and started digging in a patch of rues. Feline stated to feel weak. In her garden weeds started to sprout, dandelions grew beneath Feline to mark where she shall die. Feline so chocked with pain had flashes of her human life come through her mind.
There she was, fifteen years old, living on her own, and loving it. She tucked her dirty blonde hair behind her ears and wiped the sweat off her forehead. She sighed, satisfied with her work of planting her new garden to go with her newly built cottage. A wild cat drawn in by her lovely singing rubbed itself against her ankle she bent down to pat it. Victoria said her voice as sweet as honey, “Hello feline.” Then there it was the bite, the strange man, so pleasing to her eyes, the pain of the venom as she became infected, and the werewolf that saved her by dragging the vampire away to finish it. It came back but far too late. Vitoria’s heart had stopped her soul slipping away and burring itself in her garden growing with the seeds. That is how Victoria became Feline for she forgot her true name remembering only the last word she said.
Feline sobbed remembering all those sweet memories that happened so long ago. All her family dead and gone, never to return. Now she was dying and going to the fiery pits of Hell for the rest of her afterlife.
Then Feline – No, Victoria – had the strangest sensation that she was floating. Her conscious was slipping, she was nearly dead. Only a fragment of her soul was left, it was poppies, and it was being choked by rag weeds. Victoria opened her eyes one last time and saw her savior.
There was a mountain lion at the edge of the forest the light of dawn showed it to Victoria’s vampire eyes clearly, even when dying. Victoria floating in the air let the wind carry her to the beast that was drawn in by her screams, hoping for a meal. She pushed out its animal conscious, and replaced its simple thoughts with her own. Her soul took up the beast as a life line and Victoria felt the shock of being back on the ground again. She let herself sleep into blackness thinking regrettable of how close she came to saving herself and saw her life pass before her keen eyes once more.

She awoke the sun warm on her skin but she hardly felt it. The bright summer sun was directly over head and no longer felt pain but at perfect ease. She opened her eyes to see everything in detail. The garden she had planted yesterday was now in full bloom all around her; the blues, reds, yellows, all of them so bright to her eyes. She could even see an ant crawling up the stem of a pink petunia.
She stood feeling parched and looked at her clothes. She wore a brown summer dress all lace, ribbons, and bows and leather shoes. The shoes were uncomfortable and she pulled them off, she noticed her skin now for the first time. It was so pale, perfectly white like the lilies. At first she thought she was sick because it was merely a day before when she had honey toned skin. Now she was deathly pale like a ghost.
She stood then thought to herself who am I? She could only remember the pain, the handsome man, the wolf creature and … Planting her garden. How could the flowers grow so fast? Then there was the wild cat whose fur was pitch black but it only rubbed against her leg and she bent down and said, “Feline.” I guess that is my name.
Feline stood and stretched and shook out her hair. She pulled it in front of her eyes in shock as she saw it was no longer dirty blonde but a pale white blonde with gold streaks. She even had some strawberry blonde highlight on her bangs. She touched her face, wondering what else was different, and found that her skin was cool like stone. She tapped her fingers together, thinking hard, and like her skin temperature her skin even felt like stone.
Feline looked around in awe at her surroundings, forgetting her skin momentarily. The garden was so bright, colorful, and the silence blissful to Feline’s aching head. The forest surrounding her cottage seemed dark and mysterious compared to her garden but when her eyes focused on the tree line she could see the detail of the leaves, the branches intertwined like arms and as the summer breeze stirred the ancient oaks and maples the seemed to dance in her eyes.
Feline then could hear a buzzing noise and it was like being brought into the real world. She could hear the Bluejay calls, the robin tweets, the blackbird caws, the eagle cries, the songbird’s sweet melodies so high pitched it sounded like glass tinkling together as they touched. The buzz of the bees, wasps, and hornets tinkled Feline’s newly sensitive ears. The bees stuck their round fat bodies in her flowers and Feline felt like gentle hands were tickling her all around. The wasps and hornets buzzed around the flowers then their little wings vibrating through the air would carry them to the trees were their nest lay so they can make more honey for the hive.
Feline rolled her shoulders loving the feeling of life tingle all around her plant or animal alike. She closed her eyes and smelled the air deeply, the smell of her many flowers filled her nostrils and tickled them until she sneezed. She smelled something else too. A scent so rank a woodsy it smelled like wet dog. Feline wrinkled her nose, eyes still closed, and smelled again. This time it was more like a sweet masculine smell. She savored the scent though it smelled slightly old, stale. She sighed and opened her eyes.
She saw a hummingbird, a bright baby blue humming bird, zoom over and start drinking from a pink tulip and Feline felt the define touch of lips on her skin. More hummingbirds seemed to come like a gold one that landed on a red daffodil and Feline felt more pleased. The wasps, however, do not like the trespassers and swarmed around the birds until they maneuvered away flying backwards and sideways. Feline liked the hummingbirds and unconsciously she ran after them and she noticed how her feet moved, so gracefully unlike her usual clumsy self. She was fast too; it was so exhilarating, ecstatic.
Feline was already at the tree line and she stopped. She was at her favorite tree, the ash whose bark was easy for climbing with plenty of foot and hand holds on the low branched that stretched out like eager hands of a toddler. She jumped and instead of as she planned grabbing the lowest branch with her both hands and start swinging like she did when she was little she soared high above it.
In desperation of not wanting to hit the hard ground again she grabbed a branch, any branch and heaved herself quite easily onto it. She clutched the trunk and s**t her eyes tight not wanting to look down. But curiosity got the better of her and she peeked. Her eyes could see the grass in the shadow of the tree as clearing as if she was inches away from it. The long green blades of grass rustled together as did the ash trees long dead branched which could no longer grow leaves. It was deafening to Feline’s keen ears and she spoke aloud, “My senses, my body, all heightened and so powerful.”
She gasped when she heard her own voice. The day she planted the garden it was just as harmonious as a cat’s tortured yowl, but today it sounded like she was a mere child. That burbles and chirrups like a canary.
Feline let go and let herself fall to the ground feet first. She landed like a cat, on her feet and she guessed the way she bent her knees absorbed the shock. Then an irksome fly bothered her around her head neck and shoulders and she swiped at it irritably. Her aim was true, her blow deadly, and her hand didn’t stop at the fly. She ended up snapping a strong branch of a beech tree she was standing under. She looked in wonder at the branch lying on the ground. The beech tree was strong and Feline use to be so frail; she could barely even chop logs for fire wood but now she merely had to apply pressure to a tree branch to get the a stock supply of wood to feed the flames of her stove.
Feline now became scared, freaked out even. She no longer thought it was cool but instead disturbing. She took off to her small cottage in the middle of the clearing. She leaped over the garden, never touching the ground, and landed on the porch steps. She lunged for the door and yanked it open.
Even inside she ran to her bedroom where she had a mirror on a wall. She was in her room in less than a few seconds and stopped. Suddenly she noticed something, she put one hand to where her heart was but there was no thump thump. Instead it was perfectly still. Feline threw herself on the bed and sobbed into her fluffy pillow full of goose feathers. She pummeled the mattress with her fist and it sank low. Realizing that she was now super strong, super fast, and her senses sharpened, Feline stopped but it only made her cry harder.
Feline lifted her head after a few seconds to look at the full sized mirror. Her eyes widened in dismay and she was up and in front of it in a flash. She pressed her round nose against it looking deeply into her eyes that were now a black like lumps of coal. Her skin was a bright white like an eggshell and her silly frilly dress still made her look beautiful. Her collar bone wasn’t sharp and her shoulders weren’t spiky. She thought she looked appealing to the eye and self consciously she was pleased to see she didn’t have pointy boobs anymore but were round like oranges.
Feline flipped her hair and watched herself in the mirror. She looked perfect, like a goddess, or masterpiece carved out of stone. But her dress was filthy from where she slept on the ground in the dirt so she quickly changed into a plain cotton dress that could breathe in this summer heat. The cotton was dyed green like the dark green grass on Feline’s land and Feline chose this for something personal. To symbolized no matter how different she seemed she still owner of this land.
Feline thought of something tasty to eat and walked to her kitchen where anybody human would think of it as sprinting. She opened the cabinets but all the food she tried didn’t appeal to her. Besides, what she really wanted was a drink of some kind to quench this thirst that made her throat feel so dry.
Feline sighed and looked out through the window above her little icebox. The garden with its rainbow of colors and intricate detail fascinated Feline like a curios innocent child. She moved toward her door swiftly without meaning to and gracefully basked in the sunlight. She let herself get what little warmth she could from the sun’s rays and took a deep breath through her nose.
She opened her eyes and something like a growl from a mountain lion ripped through her chest. She had smelled something like, she searched for a word, she settled on food. She turned around in a complete circle her eyes trained on the tree line. She stopped and slowly raked her eyes over the shadows of the forest once more and saw what she smelled. It was a wild deer, a buck, a doe, and three fawns. When Feline smelled again in their direction it was stronger and tantalizingly good.
A new sound reached her ears. A steady thump thump of a heart, no five hearts, each beat unique. She took a step forward and a purr came in low from her throat. She half crouched a like a cat stalked through her garden. The buck had his head lifted to strip some juicy green leaves off an oak tree. The doe kept lifting her head to check on the fawns who were nosing around the grass and bounding through the oaks mighty shadow.
Feline had to stop when she reached the end of her garden where a stretch of grass loomed in front of her. There was no cover and the deer were uneasy. The buck lowered his head from the oak branch and scanned the area. The doe shuffled deeper in the woods calling to the playing fawns. The three fawns were chasing each other round and round around the oak. The buck nudged one fawn toward the mother doe and the other fawns slowly ambled after.
Feline let a snarl erupt from her mouth; it was an angry frustrated sound full of regret and protest. Feline hesitated a moment when she saw that the buck started to make its whistling noise, then let herself go. It was like she lost all control. By some impulse she ran on her hands and feet like a puma racing toward her prey. It was her instincts; she was thirsty, she wanted to feed, and her newfound speed, strength and keen senses granted her a meal if she could just catch it first.
Feline reached the tree line in a matter of seconds. The buck stood and stared at her with a shocked expression in his huge dark brown eyes. He was so surprised he didn’t run and Feline laughed as she lunged for his neck. Her teeth seem to grow and they pierced deep into his skin. She tore off his fur and tore at his flesh when she tasted something warm on her tongue she eagerly sucked it up.
Disgusted with his gurgling and when he was dry she dropped him uncaringly on the ground. But she thirsted for more. The doe had stood, frozen with fear, in front of the fawns who were scared and shaking. The doe quivered her light brown eyes so liquid like she was always on the verge of tears.
Feline felt something stir inside her where her heart was. She turned her gaze away from the light brown doe to her weakest fawn. A boy covered in creamy white spots on his creamy brown fur. His eyes were creamy brown too and he was facing to her left. He was blind, that was why the father nudged him and whistled. The doe did too, for the young male fawn, the weakest link. Feline knew what she was feeling, pity. The poor fawn was on wobbly legs and he was hunched over. He had an arrow buried deep in his right back leg in his thigh. It wasn’t a long arrow but he held his leg over the ground stiffly and a noise like pain kept coming from him.
Over come with sympathy Feline moved quickly over to the young male and held his head in her strong hands. Her eyes met his which seem to finally focus on her and she snapped his neck. The crack sickened her but got the others to move. Feline looked after them.
The other two were female, one a dark drown with no spots but not quite grown while the other a lighter brown like the mother doe with fading white spots. Further ahead of them she could see a heard where they gathered and set off in one direction. The now broken family joined them and a big powerful looking buck lead the heard away from Feline.
Feline looked at the dead boy and saw in his eyes a look of . . . relief. He looked happy, free of pain, like he could see the world. Feline still felt her thirst and lifted his body to her mouth. He was so light and his blood was warm but had a tang of sickness. He wasn’t as full as the buck that lay at her feet dry of blood but still when she finished her thirst was quenched and she even felt a little slushy.
She then knew what happened. She felt sick like she going to puke but in the end she reviewed in her mind what a kindness she did for the fawn. He is no longer in pain, the doe has less to care for more easy on her, and the buck, well the buck was a bonus for her.
Feline then noticed something. She acted like a wildcat or predator. She had all of this for a reason. She knew what she was now. Her hands tore at her bare neck, wanting to choke herself but no such luck. Feline knew it was impossible, and knew what she was now. She was forever immortal, a murderer, and a vampire.

The night that followed Feline wandered the woods, letting he feet carry her to whatever lay ahead. She didn’t need sleep; she didn’t need to rest at all. Feline kept walking aimlessly. Along the way she smelled wild boar and stopped for a hunt. It was a mother though, heavily pregnant, and Feline couldn’t bring herself to kill it. Though she did see an old squirrel at the base of a tree and Feline killed it for a snack. After all, it was old and its limps struggled to carry its oh-so-thin-it-showed-his-ribs-body. It barely moved when she grabbed it and her scent wreathed around it calmingly as her teeth grew menacingly.
Feline kept moving though, she didn’t really think at all, just let her instincts take over. But her human self shoved at her conscious making it impossible to try and catch a decent meal. But when a golden finch lay twittering sadly on the ground with a broken wing her human side kept silent and held its peace when she killed it quickly and sucked it dry.
Then Feline reached a spot where a sweet scent was strong. She lifted her head and looked around with careless but still sharp eyes. She saw nothing but the scent showed a lot of numbers of something like her. She shuddered but went forward anyway. After a while she reached a clearing where a fortress stood in her way. She walked up to it bravely and judged it with a critic eye.
She squinted her eyes as the glare from the falling sun bothered her. She shrugged and without thinking leaped up at a far away ledge. She made it halfway but she kicked upward on the smooth grey flagstones of the wall and soared above it. She fell again like a cat to the ground and looked up at the castle. It was old looking but looked menacing.
But Feline smelled the scent was stronger here and she straightened. For some reason she wanted this. She looked around and her eyes landed on a peculiar woman. She had rainbow hair and a dress that flowed around her ridiculously small body. She looked like a mere twelve year old child in a woman’s body with her hair so long it touched the floor.
The strange woman trilled a laugh like a bird and it rang in Feline’s ears like small bells. Feline flinched and hissed at the tiny woman furiously. That only made the little woman say in a shrill voice, “You don’t scare me kitty cat.” Her voice was at such a high pitch it gave Feline a splitting headache.
Feline spat back, “Shut up child. Run along to your mother, God have mercy on her soul.” Feline rubbed her temples with her forefingers and barred her teeth at the rainbow haired lady. She swayed theatrically and moaned inwardly as she hunched over clutching her stomach with one hand while the other pinched her nose.
The small colorful lady had a fragrance that was sickly sweet like candy, especially chocolate. It was sickening to Feline and her newly sharp nose. Even the rainbow child of a lady had a annoying voice, squeaky like a mouse, and her dress striped horizontally had all the colors of the rainbow in a hue so neon it was like she was the only spot of color in a black depressing world.
Feline lifted her head. She felt something disturb the air around her. She slowly swept her eyes around the courtyard without turning her head. There it was. A shimmer and the air is still except for a slight breeze.
Feline’s eyes flickered back to the colorful small lady. She was smiling sweetly with her crazy eyes focused on Feline. She had her hands limp at her side and she was twirling back and forth. Her shiny teeth were pointed like a cats and Feline narrowed her eyes suspiciously.
Then it hit her. A new scent this time more bitter but still sweet. Feline then felt a force coming at her like a huge buffet of wind. The gust of wind brought her hair back and the scent was gale of bittersweet to Feline’s nostrils. She wrinkled her nose then gasped as someone put their hands around her neck.
Feline blinked and there she was. A new vampire, this one with misty eyes, like she was blind and hair as like glass. It was transparent and caught the light curiously showing each strand of hair in perfect detail. Then it gained a color, white as did the bittersweet smelling vampire’s eyes. She wore a shimmering dress, so thin it was wispy like smoke. Her skin was as pale as a ghost and she pulled her full lips back to bare her long pointed teeth. They were the only thing solid about her.
The colorful vampire was at her side in an instant and she shrilling chided, “Easy now there Crystal. She is our guest.” She looked Feline deep in her eyes. Feline widened her eyes with shock. The colorful vampire’s eyes were very colorful indeed. It started at the beginning of the rainbow and it ringed her black pupil until it was at the end of the rainbow. Then it was as white as white could get.
Crystal hissed in an airy voice, “You didn’t, Cateye?” She glared at Cateye and her hair started twisting and curling in the air like an invisible string was attached to it and someone was yanking it. Feline glanced at her before disdainfully glowering at Cateye.
Cateye giggled and clapped her hands gleefully while she spun around once. She whistled a complicated whistle far too long for a normal human to whistle and then a big dog like creature came bounding toward her.
It was a large beast like animal with red fur tinged silver around its muzzle, eyes, ears, and tail. It ran on all four legs and had a big bushy tail that waved up and down in the air. It was lean and muscled with blazing grey eyes like flint. Its fangs were yellow and it had streaks of orange clay on its pelt.
When the beastly thing reached them it howled and stared at Feline apprehensively. Feline would have gasped but she was too scared for the creature was a werewolf. He stood on his hind legs easily and snarled at her face. He easily towered over them all.
Cateye stoked his back with her hands and cooed to him like he was their pet. He allowed it and turned his head to her full of love. He bent down and licked her cheek and she smiled at him and whispered in his ear. But Feline knew this wasn’t needed. Everyone here could hear a mile away and she heard Cateye whisper, “Growl at Crystal and you get to hunt for your family.” He nodded intelligently and she smirked at Crystal.
Crystal heard it too and she dropped Feline. She backed away and seemed to fade from their sights. She disappeared entirely and Cateye gently pushed the werewolf on his back and rubbed his hairless belly. She cooed at him words like “good boy” and “Mercury is so sweet my baby” he lolled his tongue out but his eyes gazed at the forest longingly.
Cateye looked at Feline who was sprawled out on the ground. Cateye patted his belly once more before hissing softly. Mercury jumped up and dashed off into the forest. Feline watched him go before getting up. She brushed herself once then squared her shoulders standing straight.
Feline towered over Cateye but Cateye was still kneeling on the ground. But then Cateye stood up abruptly and flashed a smile before she suddenly took off. Feline lost track of Cateye because the whirl of colors distracted her but then she felt a surprisingly heavy weight on her back and Cateye hissed softly, “Don’t move my child.”
Feline growled and clenched her jaw. Her hands were fists and her muscles shrieked to throw off the irritable Cateye. Feline was also dying for a kill, something harder than mere animals. She thought she could take the little rainbow woman if she was sure she was alone. Besides she was not feline’s mother. A man had killed her and made her this creature and this woman was demented enough to come up with something as stupid as this.
Cateye was suddenly standing in front of Feline and was chatting away, “Come with me. Uncle Diamond will allow me to have you. After all, I am like your mother and I got you a mate and a pet werewolf and you have your cottage. You can even have children of your own. You’ll be my Clan; the Animalla. I shall be queen and you my princess. Your mate will learn to rule as will you and your children and so forth and we may even be able to live in peace with werewolves. Mercury may be Flints but Uncle Diamond loves me so much he’ll get me anything I want, desire, and ask for.”
Cateye meanwhile had swooped in and snatched Feline up in her arms and carried her like a baby to the formidable castle. Her shockingly strong arms restrained Feline tightly and she walked easily in her gay gait. She practically skipped up the stars as fast as a human runs and the door opened for her on an unseen command. When inside she twirled around with Feline still held close to her chest in her arms. She spun so fast Feline felt as if she was going to lose her precious blood and held her mouth shut though she was dying to scream.
There was laughter then booming and ringing in the great main hall all around her. It echoed off the high ceilings and Feline cried out from the pain of her pounding eardrums. The spinning stopped and she in another room. It was like a throne room with one grand throne on a raised floor and three more delicate looking thrones on the stage behind it. Feline whipped around there were 22? Yes 22 chairs pushed up against one wall were tapestries hung above them. There were three more comfy looking throne in front of the grand throne with the smallest one in front of the single one and the another two spaced evenly to the right and left of it. The comfy looking chair in front of the grand throne faced it while the others were at the grand thrones side. Then there were also platforms. Oddly there were two guarding the door and the other twelve were in a semicircle around the thrones. They were far enough away though to look inconspicuous.
Cateye was suddenly grabbing Feline again and placed her in the chair that faced the throne. Cateye stood to her left and then there was Crystal to her right. They both placed one hand on her should and faced each other. Crystal still as ghoul as ever looks frightfully angry and Cateye was making faces at her and sticking out her tongue.
There were howls and werewolves ran into the room with Mercury in the lead. He sat at the platform closest to the exit and the other took the rest of the platforms. A dull grey werewolf took a platform by the exit without orders and his fluffy dullish pelt rippled as he stretched then stood at attention his body facing the door. Another werewolf with sleek silver fur took the other platform by the door and it looked more pleasant. It stared at Feline curiously before snapping its eyes back to stare at the door.
Then the vampires came. They were announced by the werewolves at the door with a thundering bark, “Flint the Healer, Alabaster the Healer,” A vampire entered without his name being called and stomped over to his seat with somber but smoldering eyes. He sat at the one closest to the front near the thrones but after hesitating he sat one seat down from it and bowed his head, fingers laced.
The calling continued, “Marble the Healer, Granite the Healer, Topaz, Aquamarine, Turquoises, Garnet, Coral, Quartz, Jade, Jasper, Amber, Onyx, Amethyst, Opal, Pearl, Peridot,” There was a pause as the line of vampires stopped then a female vampire with auburn hair hurried into the room. She wore a yellowy orange dress and had on a pair of gold earrings, a gold necklace, and one gold ring on her wedding finger.
The dull grey werewolf cocked his head his dark blue eyes troubled then called with a question in his voice, “The Bride of Prince Sunstone, Citrine possible future Queen.” Everyone gasped but the wolves. Cateye didn’t, she just clapped cheerfully while Crystal hissed.
There was another pause, this one purposeful and a fiery red handsome male vampire entered. His maroon eyes blazed with anger and his teeth showed in a silent snarl. Both of the werewolves leaned forward, the dull one with a guarded look and the silver pleasant one leaned forward more hesitantly but still her eyes locked with the bright figure. The dull one said slowly, “Prince Sunstone, possible future King.”
He closed his mouth and his but his eyes were still ablaze with fury. His glare went to Citrine who was sitting just behind the unannounced vampire and she smiled weakly and gestured toward Cateye. He narrowed his eyes and dipped his chin. Then glanced at Cateye and flashed a somewhat strained smile briefly before he lifted his head and strode into the room regally.
Another pause this one filled with unease. The silver werewolf squirmed and whined softly. Another silver werewolf this one tinged with white around the muzzle stood and stared intently at the silver guard. The silver guard met the gaze and nodded. There were flicking ears and twitching whiskers from the others, even waving tails in agitation, but they quickly switched with the silver guard gratefully rubbing its pelt against the older one. The silver werewolf tinged white touched its tail to the former guards shoulder and leaped on the platform. The dull one crouched as did the new guard. Then Feline gasped.
A vampire entered the room, his eyes were bloodshot and the natural color was a scarlet. His hair looked like it was on fire because it flickers like a lit candle but sometimes blazed up like a flame of fire that was fed dry wood.
The dull werewolf said with a slight snarl, “Prince Bloodstone.” Bloodstone looked at the dull grey werewolf and glowered at him for a minute with malice. He hissed in a sinister baritone, “You are lucky Lead, that father is angry at me for the mishap with the cub, otherwise I would have bitten your throat and make you choke on your own blood mutt.” He held out a fist and his lips pulled back in malevolence.
The new guard growled in a surprisingly woman voice, “Prince Bloodstone, you are to take the rafters. As fourth born male you are keeper of court and is required to make sure order is kept and that this goes peacefully.” She lifted her snout to the ceiling where many beams crisscrossed to make a makeshift guard zone where the prince could see everything.
Bloodstone turned his gaze toward her and raked his eyes over her once before hissing like a snake, “Your job b***h is to make sure everyone enters this room and control that comes and goes. We give you a moment to read our brilliant minds and you poke around for something private. Well here is something you can’t unsee.” He thrust his head forward and the silver wolf howled with grievance. He drew back and laughed his cold booming laugh.
Then a vampire entered the room a slapped Bloodstone. It was a female who was dressed completely in white. Her hair and her yes and her skin was white. She seemed dead like a ghost but everything she did seemed more alive than any human. She was tall enough to come to his shoulders and she had to lift her head to look into his scarlet eyes but she was so righteous and royal. Her pride suited her and her power made her braver but her courage was unneeded for someone else entered the room and raised his hand to strike Bloodstone but lowered it when he saw the white lady.
Bloodstone jumped and pushed off with his hands against the wall above the door frame. Doing a flip he grabbed one of the many ceiling beams and swung himself up. He landed crouched on the beam and called down, “Fine.” Then he disappeared in the shadowy rafters.
The wolves quickly regained their stance and called out with a more friendly tone, “Princess Ivory, future Queen. Prince Moonstone, possible future King.” The silver guard gratefully touched her nose to both of their hands before politely drawing back. The dull one threw his head up and opened his mouth expectantly. Ivory laughed and it was so beautiful. She closed his mouth gently then walked gracefully to her seat. She was a splash of white in the gloomy room.
The other one, Moonstone, followed after her respectfully but there was an aire of love around them, sister and brother love. Sunstone waved a hand at then and looked at the rafters and hissed something Feline couldn’t understand. Something was spat back and the others laughed. Ivory sat in the middle chair her eyes glued to Feline. Moonstone and Sunstone nodded to each other and started hissing things to low for even Feline’s ears.
She looked back at the entrance and saw and amazing sight to see. Three equally beautiful and fragile looking women entered. They were singing together and didn’t bother to stop. They just glided to their seats and the werewolves quickly called out their names, “Queen Ruby, Queen Safire, and Queen Emerald.” The three queens laughed at the wolves but stopped at three cubs each of them stroking one specially. The cubs showed playful affection. But the queens prized them and teased them.
Feline looked back to the door and she gasped. A man whose skin was like glass entered, it was like he was invisible except for the shimmering cloaks he wore. The pigment of the skin turned a light blue and he walked across the room with speed and grace of a lion. He sat and everyone stood. The guard wolves said in a hushed voice, “King Diamond, ruler of StoneClan.”
The king boomed, “Order!” Everyone sat down quietly. The queens stopped their tittering and regally sat on their thrones with bored expressions. All of the princes including Bloodstone sat down on the thrones and Princess Ivory stood at her father’s side at a polite distance. The rest of the vampires sat up straight and trained their acute eyes on Feline. Crystal glared at Feline feebly with her mournful misty eyes. Cateye squeezed Feline’s shoulders and whispered, “My daughter shall live.” All the wolves laid down sphinx like with werewolves guarding the doors the only exception. They stood at attention their tails barely swishing behind them with their ears perked and eyes alert.
Ivory said loudly, “Lead come forth, at my side loyal beast.” The dull wolf at the door came forward and put his head under one of her hands. She rubbed his huge head gently and as if it was signal all of the other wolves went to their vampires. King Diamond smiled as a golden she wolf put her head on his lap. He cooed softly, “Gold my best killer.” She lifted her head and wagged her long tail; she looked Feline in her eyes and growled softly.
Bloodstone’s wolf was a fearsome beastly creature. It was a silver wolf with broad shoulders and a thick coat. It looked well muscled and its shaggy tail never once wagged. His eyes were the worst of his features even compared to his long gleaming white teeth, they were an icy blue but instead of white around his eyes he had yellow tinged red with madness. It sat straight and tall beside his murderous master.

Hope you liked that story, it isn't really finished yet cause i don't know if anyone likes it? If your out there reading this, tell me what you think please?

User Comments: [2]
X-x Hells Fire 666 x-X
Community Member

Mon Dec 13, 2010 @ 10:50pm

I think it is wonderful. But, I am not a writer. You want a honest, strict, opinion ask my cousin. But if you do, let me warn you, she won't be as nice as I am.

Community Member

Tue Dec 14, 2010 @ 01:42am

I am afraid to ask her now

User Comments: [2]
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