Kiara had been a lovely child and had also been her mother's pride and joy...Her mother had raised her on her own, not wanting her child to know about her father. The mystery surrounding her father was intriguing to her and though the subject of who was her father was a forbidden subject, she was stubborn to find out the truth.
Kiara reached the age of 12 and always asked her mother about her father whenever she could. Her mother always answered the same: "He was not a suitable father for you, that's why he's not with us". A little time after her 12th birthday, her mother announced to her that she had become engaged to a wealthy man and that she would introduce her future father to her. Kiara, grudgingly, accepted her mother's fiancee in their lives but she swore in her heart she would not love him as a father. She already had one and felt it was not fair that she did not know anything about him.
The day after she met her mother's fiancee, she went for a walk in the woods. She loved the outdoors and was very familiar with the wooded area close to her home. It was there that she met her father. He suddenly appeared before her. He was a tall man, with silver colored hair and dark green eyes. He stood in front of her, looking at her with expressionless look in his perfect face, his posture was rather intimidating and reflected power. She knew then, that he was a dangerous man but did not feel any fear. She didn't have to ask him who he was either. She simply knew it was him. Her eyes bore into his with defiance and even though his eyes were cold and piercing, her gaze did not waver. After a few moments of silence and of staring at each other, she said with a soft tone "Hello father..." and she bowed her head to him respectfully.
Marius had been impressed by the girl's lack of fear. Yes, she had been surprised to see him appear out of nowhere in front of her, but he had not expected her calmness. He had expected her to run away screaming or to tremble with fear. But she had simply stared at him with a calm expression. Then he had tried to intimidate her with his piercing look but she had held his gaze with hers, and had even shown defiance. He could see she was his daughter all right. The girl was strong willed and courageous. The corner of his mouth curved to form a half of a smirk, his eyes reflected satisfaction and approval, for the girl knew who he was. He had been expecting her to ask who he was, for he was sure her mother must not have told her anything about him. Once again, the girl had impressed him.
"Come little one...I have much to discuss with you..." he said as he turned around and started walking.
Kiara simply followed him and studied him silently. Marius could feel her eyes studying him and this made him smile as well. The girl was observant and no doubt, was smart as well. She was already demonstrating the qualities of the members of his Clan. Kiara and Marius went to a secluded area of the forest to speak privately. The spent all of the afternoon together. In there, Marius explained to her that the reason he had not stayed with her mother was because he was an Assassin. He had taken vows that tied him to his Clan and he could not abandon them for her mother and her. He explained that he and her mother had been young lovers, and Kiara was a product of their passions. They had not planned to be parents. Marius could not marry her and even if he did, he had too many enemies. It would be dangerous for her and for her mother to stay with Marius. Also, he had lied to her mother about who he was and when she found out what he really was, she decided she did not want anything to do with him. Kiara listened to him, processing the information she was receiving, and had rubbed her chin with a methodical look. There were so many things she wanted to know but it was getting late. Marius had stopped talking and was waiting for the girl to say something. She simply studied him with a calm look for a few minutes and then sighed deeply.
Then she spoke "Why have you come for of all times?"
"I've always wanted to meet you, Kiara...and even though you grew up without me, I came to see you from afar now and then..." he replied
"You found out mother is getting married" Kiara stated
"Yes. Irene was always a beautiful woman. She has always been good too. She deserves to be happy" he replied with a wistful tone
"Did you truly love her?" Kiara asked
He was perplexed by her question and then nodding, he said "I did. But since I had to give her up, I had to learn to forget that love"
Kiara nodded and then said standing up "I need to go home now. Mother will get worried...when will I see you again?" she added with a hopeful tone.
Marius chuckled and looked at her with a wistful expression "I don't know little one. Your mother tried to keep you ignorant about my existence. Maybe it's for the best that you don't know me more than I have already shared with you. You'll have a new father, after all...."
Suddenly, she felt angry and looking up at him, she said "You come to me out of nowhere, now that you're going to be 'replaced', and reveal yourself to me, and then decide to disappear again and expect me to pretend this did not happen?! You're acting like my mother! Do not decide what I want to know, for me!"
She turned around and was about to run away from him, when he quickly intercepted her and pinned her on the ground. He pulled out a knife, and placed the blade on her throat.
"To grow close to me means that you may face death...that is something I do not want to happen to you!" he said as he pressed the knife closer to her throat. She shivered and her eyes flickered with fear. "Do you feel that? Fear for your'd have to learn to overcome it if you were to stay with me...we cannot see each'd either have to leave your mother behind and stay with me, or leave me behind and stay with your cannot have us both..."
He released her and she sat up, coughing and clutching at her throat. Her father was indeed a dangerous man. She was frightened by him but she was stubborn. She refused to let him disappear again. She stood up shakily as he observed her with a blank expression in his face. She faced him and said with a raspy voice "Then...I'm coming with you..."
"You understand, that if you make that choice, you cannot speak to your mother again...that you have to give her'll be entering the Clan as my daughter and you'll be subject to rigorous training to become an assassin, like'll have to spill blood with your own hands and show no mercy to your enemies..." he said coldly "Do not take this lightly...for once you agree to come with me, and set foot in the Clan's base, then you cannot turn back....and if you decide to run away or turn your back on the Clan, you'll be considered a traitor and will be hunted until I or someone kills you..."
She shivered again at such words and she knew, he would not hesitate to kill her. She nodded her understanding and said "In that case...give me one more night with my mother...and I'll come with you..."
Marius nodded and then walked with her until the edge of the woods. He disappeared in the shadows of the evening and she hurried home.
Her mother noticed Kiara seemed very quiet at supper but assumed it had to do with her oncoming wedding. That night, Kiara put her most precious belongings in a backpack and hid it under the bed. Her mother came into her room to wish her a goodnight. Kiara hugged her and spent a little more time than usual, with her mother that night. She asked her mother to read her a story. When the story was done, she hugged her mother again and whispered "I love you very much mother...and I want you to be very happy..."
Irene was perplexed with these words and caressing her daughter's hair, she said "Marrying Marcus does not mean I will love you any less, my dear Kiara....please know that...".
Irene assumed Kiara was worried about her mother's newfound love and that Kiara was afraid of competition for her affections. She smiled at Kiara adoringly and said "I will always love you, no matter what..."
"Even if I do something horrible, you'll still forgive me and continue loving me?" Kiara said
"Even then...I'll always love you no matter what..." her mother reassured her and then kissed her brow and wished her goodnight again.
When the light was shut off, Kiara felt a tear roll down her cheek and she whispered "Then I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me for leaving you...". She jumped off the bed, changed into some warmer clothes since it was a rather cool night, left a short note for her mother and got out through the window. Marius was already waiting for her in the shadows and took her with him.
Irene called the police once she found out her daughter had disappeared. The note was short and had no clues as to her whereabouts. "Dear Mother: I've been with you my whole life and it has been a happy one. But now I met someone unexpected and want to spend time with this person. I will be taken care of, so do not worry. Be happy with Marcus. Love always, Kiara"
Many thought Kiara had left with some boyfriend, or that she had been kidnapped by a *****. The note she left behind opened many inquiries as to what her disappearance was all about. With no leads, no traces, no evidence, the case was quickly abandoned. Irene had been blamed at some point of Kiara's disappearance, that maybe she had murdered her own daughter. But Irene had alibis and there was no evidence pointing at her so that accusation was quickly dropped. Irene ended up marrying Marcus, they moved away and started their own family. She tried to be happy since Kiara's last words had asked her to be happy...but her disappearance haunted her for the rest of her life. And though she had an idea who was that 'unexpected person' Kiara had met, she could not voice it out loud, for it would have been useless. Kiara's father was practically a ghost.
Kiara went through the rigorous training her father spoke of. Her father was harsh with her and all of the other youth that were being trained to be assassins. Four years passed and she was going through the final test before she took her vow to the Clan...Life had not been easy for her these past years, and sometimes had wished to have made a different choice. Those four years she had lived among the Clan had changed her: She had cut her hair short, and though her face was still lovely, it had a strong quality to it and her eyes had grown harsh, and serious. She was no longer the carefree child she had been. But there was no going back. She had made her choice and would honor her father by becoming the assassin she had trained for all these years...

((This RP can go anywhere, though I prefer it to be a romance/adventure can be a target, another fellow assassin, or someone else that would be fitting with the story...PM me if interested))