Well, I had to do a short story piece, for my creative writing class. This was supposed to be a fiction piece, of about 5 or 6 pages. Now, i used Snow Queen, and tried to smush the rp into a short story. Though, I don't know, I think I am maybe slightly disappointed at how it turned out. I think it was because I was limited to only 6 pages, it was hard to go past that and continue.
~The Snow Queen~ Can Anybody Melt My Frozen Heart?
The Snow Queen, a legend parents tell, to scare their children into behaving. But, the story they tell, isn't quite right. They speak of a monstrous woman, who lives in a castle of ice. She has a siren like voice that lures victims to her. Once she has you in her clutches, you will never be seen again, because she will kill you and devour your heart. This false tale has been told for years, the true story only known to some.
Deep in the woods, of an unknown land, her castle lies. The Snow Queen, a woman who's body is as cold as the ice that surrounds the castle, and the land. Her heart, frozen, she is unable to feel emotions of love, sadness, etc. She does not age, or die. And, she has power over the cold. The queen does not know, herself, how she came to be like this. Her memories locked away, like the emotions, deep within her frozen heart. The only thing she can recall is her true name. She has a music box that plays an enchanting melody. It is something from a memory that she has tried to recall.
The story now begins with you, wandering through the woods. You continue to go deeper in, unsure of where you really are, but hope there is a city or town nearby...Once you find your way out of the woods, that is. After some time, you realize you are lost. But, then you hear a strange sound. Listening closely, you realize it is music. You are drawn entirely to this melody, and walk further, in the direction you believe the sound is coming from.
Suddenly, the area you are in seems to be entirely covered by snow and ice, as if in winter time. Yet, you continue to follow the strange melody. Not far off, you come across a castle that appears to be covered in ice. The melody has stopped, and your senses regained. You notice now that this is the Snow Queen's castle. With nowhere else to go, you push open the castle door and go in. Inside, oddly, it is warm, even though the castle is covered in ice.
A tall, dark haired man stood before the magnificent Ice castle that towered beyond the tree tops, his coal black wings, folded against his back. The chilled wind blew through his hair as he took a step forward, his shoes crunching the snow under his feet. He took the last few steps to the door and pulled the grand doors open with ease, walking inside and pulling the door shut behind him. How odd the temperatures were around this place. The degrees outside were below zero, yet there was a warmth inside the castle of ice. The male picked the grand staircase to walk up, wondering if there were any empty rooms for him to lie in. He heard no heartbeat, yet he could hear the melody in which echoed throughout the place. Continuing up the steps, his decision wavered between sleep and finding the source of the melody. There were; however, faint auras that he could sense around the castle. Though, the soft melody was numbing his thoughts, making it hard for the dark angel to focus. His curiosity had gotten the better of him, and he continued on, maneuvering through the winding halls, and up the numerous flights of stairs, that odd little melody, growing louder the higher he went.
“Darius!” the voice of a small child called out, snow crunching under her feet, as she walked on, trying to find her dark winged friend.
Yuuki, a young girl of sixteen, had been traveling a day in the woods already; trying to catch up with the dark angel she called her friend. The girl was small in size, giving most the impression that she was a small child, rather than a teen like she actually was. Her hair was an almost snowy white color, something many found odd about the young girl. For the last ten years, Yuuki had been living in an orphanage, in a small town not far from where she now was. She had wandered into the place, when she was six, lost and confused, with no memory of where she came from, or anything other than her name. Darius had come into the town, around the time of Yuuki’s sixteenth birthday, December of the last year. Yuuki had practically attached herself to him on day one of his arrival. She was intrigued by the black wings at his back and how mysterious and quiet he seemed.
One day, Yuuki had followed Darius into the woods, as he appeared to be suddenly entranced by an odd little melody that seemed to travel through the air. He moved too quickly for her to keep up with him, so she had gotten lost in the woods, only to end up in the same snowy area Darius had ended up in. This weather had greatly confused the girl, leaving her to wonder how the scenery had suddenly gone from green to white, as she stepped from the lush green grass, into the cold white snow. It was around there, she had noticed Darius not far off, and tried to run to catch up with him, but being as small as she was, the snow prohibited any easy movement. Her limbs felt as if they would fall off, the cold numbing her body entirely, as she walked on. Finally, what felt like forever to her mind, Yuuki had come across the same towering structure that Darius had sometime before, walked into. Gathering up the last bit of energy in her numbed body, Yuuki pushed the door open, stumbling inside, relieved at the sudden warmth that hit her. Shaking, as her body was slowly warming up, she hesitantly made her way forward, walking up the grand staircase and marveling at everything she passed inside the large castle.
A sudden voice was heard, only feet from where the girl stood, and she jumped, whirling around to meet the face of the one who had spoken. A much older male, with graying hair, stood before her. The man smiled at Yuuki, before bowing to her, he was dressed nicely, in a suit, almost like a butler’s outfit. “Welcome,” stated the calm, low voice of the old man. He gave a good look over Yuuki, noting how she seemed to be shivering. “Goodness dear, you’re all blue, you must be freezing. Please allow me to lead you to the kitchen, so you can warm up, and I will make you some tea.” Motioning for her to follow, the butler had turned down one hall, leading Yuuki to the kitchen. He pulled out a chair for her, and went to take out a kettle for boiling water, and the two conversed while waiting.
A few floors up from where Yuuki currently was; Darius had found his way to the top floor, where the Snow Queen’s room resided. He had found her room, the door left open, and stepped inside, gazing at the beautiful woman that stood there, music box in hand. So that was where the melody had come from? The Snow Queen had turned to him, he icy blue eyes locked onto him, and he could not help but stay locked into place, where he stood.
Sonya was not one to be called cold; it was just that she is unable to feel. So, therefore, her face was always expressionless. You would see no emotion pass through her features, as if she were frozen to that one monotone feature. As well, her body is as cold as the ice that surrounds her. She resides in the upper most level of the castle. There is a balcony, out from her room, where she stands. Looking out on the icy land, music box in her hands, as it plays the strange little melody. Sensing the presence of the dark angel, as he had made his way to her room, Sonya turned away from the balcony, closing the music box as the male came into view. It was not long, before the silence between them was broken, as Darius has questioned her.
"How many years, do you think, have passed by with you in here?" Darius knew the stories of the Snow Queen, and of one single tale that had spoken of the woman as a cursed beauty, one that had been trapped inside these walls for years.
Turning away from the man, Sonya walked over to her bed, and set the music box down. "I can tell you, I have no idea. The passing of years are hard to keep track of, when one has been left in a timeless limbo."
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I might not write much........but who knows.......maybe i will
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