*I know the words to way too many Disney songs. *I hate the heat, love the cold. *I’m addicted to Wawa Tea .. but only get to have some like every 5 years. Since you can only get it up North. *My favorite candy is Skittles *“I believe in an afterlife but not necessarily in “heaven.” I believe in yin and yang; order and chaos; the natural balance of life. I believe that without the dark, you can never be in the light. I think I’m in tune with the Earth or some crazy thing like that. I'm naturally (un)balanced.” *I’m really bad at returning phones calls only cause I usually cant hear while I’m on the phone cause of my children. But I’m bad a** at returning text messages. * I love to receive letters and pictures in the mail. It just seems so much more personal then email. *I watch a episode of scrubs at least once a day. Nothing makes me laugh harder and I feel its important to laugh as much as possible in today’s times. *I love dragons, fairies, unicorns, pixies and other fantastical creatures. *I love roses. And any other flower that smells pretty. *I have a long time favorite poem. Called Hands by My best friend Heather Feeney. *I’m told my eyes turn red when I’m angry. * My mom couldn’t cook, but I sure as hell can. Not sure where I learned it from. *I’m allergic to tomatoes, aspirin and bees. *I am a DVD alcoholic. *I no longer drink alcohol. * I rock myself when I’m falling asleep. This comes from sleeping in the same bed with Heather for weeks at a time. it’s a habit I have never been able to break over the last 10years. *“I believe in things that most people don’t believe in. For example, ghosts, ESP, aliens, fairies, dragons. I know that Harry Potter isn’t real but I still believe in him anyway. “ *I have a huge vampire fetish, this year the vampire of my dreams is Edward Cullen from the Twilight series, But like Mat says “No vampire is going to come swept me off my feet!” But a girl can dream right. * I have loved many, and been hurt and forgotten by many. *I, Miss my best friend Jeff very much. If it wasn’t for Him I would of never had some of the most wonderful times I have had in my life. Knowing him made me understand that life can be short or long, but what you do with it is what matters. * I have brown eyes, but wear purple contacts. * I can’t get my make up to look the way it does in my favorite picture, it was a one time thing that just happen to look awesome. *I can dance, but don’t much anymore. *Yes, I was on the dance team in school. * Emo kids annoy me.
I think you pretty much know tons about me now if you have read this. If you could possibly think of anything else you want to know. Then you will simply have to ask. Or read my other blogs.