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My Poems & Art
Here I'll post art that I've had made for me or poems that I write.
RP Ideas
The Great War
You were taught that supernatural creatures are just myths right? Wrong! They're oh so very real, every single one of them. Back in the early 1900's, humans were afraid of them so they told thier children they were just myths and because there were far more humans, these creatures were cast into hiding. After awhile, the supernatural creatures grew tierd of living in the shadows and being used as "scary stories" for younger human so they showed themselves thinking they'd be accepted into the world of humans. They were wrong. The humans were scraed of them, they hated them for being stronger and looking different. They started a war to protect themselves from these creatures. The war still rages on now in the year 2030, with alot of races dying but some humans were smart. They formed alliances with few species of creatures and turned on thier own kind.
Races that still exist now:
Witches, Vampires, Shapeshifters and Humans.

In general, Witches are beings who cast spells and look like any other human on the face of the earth. However, over the years, they have broken off into different bloodlines that specialize in different types of spells and have evolved for a certain type of work. They can be male or female.

The Hunter Bloodline - The Hunter Witches specialize in fire and healing magic, because there main purpose in life is to hunt vampires and protect the human race. They are an immortal race, and their blood is poison to any vampire that drinks it, although a vampire cannot tell until they have tasted it. Not all vampires that drink their blood will die, but it mostly depends on how much they drink.

The Weirn Bloodline - The Weirn Witches don't specialize in any one type of magic, and know a little bit of almost all the types of magic. A while back, the founders of the bloodline made a pact with a small tribe of demons, so now every Weirn Witch born has a demon companion, called an Astral, that lives in their shadow. The Astral is like a dog, and is not human smart, but they are clever in their own way and very loyal to their witch. They can take the form of some sort of animal, or be rather "formless" in which they just look like a dark swirl of energy. An Astral is like an extension of the witch's body, because a witch can turn their Astral into all sort of things, like wings or extra limbs.

The Necromancer Bloodline - The Necromancer Witches specialize in the art of raising the dead to do their bidding. They can see ghosts and are often asked by them to do for them things they could not do before they died. They can also raise the dead by shoving the soul of the deceased back into their bodies, although the bodies will still be broken and decaying. The dead they raise will obey them without question, even if they don't want to. Necromancers can also drain the life force from people with their touch, although this can be turned on and off.

Vampires are immortal, blood drinking creatures that have super strength, speed, and very sharp senses. They do not turn to dust in sunlight, but they are naturally nocturnal creatures because the sun hurts their sensitive eyes. You cannot be born a vampire, you have to be bitten several times and lose a lot of blood. The bloodline you are in depends on who you are turned by.

The Malkavian Bloodline - Malkavians are often known as the "insane" vampires, but not because they are mass murderers, but because they have the ability to make those around them go crazy, and turn against one another. However, they have a very odd way of looking at the world, and even though they are very smart, they are often misunderstood by others, and this makes communication very difficult. They can read the auras of the people around them, and read someone's emotions (but not their minds) which often gives them insight about the person they are talking to and makes them say things that the person they are talking to would rather them not know.

The Toreador Bloodline - The Toreador vampires are the most beautiful type of vampire, and are known through out the world as great artists (of course, the humans don't know they are vampires). They are good at seducing humans, and they have the power to read minds, as well as plant thoughts into people's heads to make them do things for them. However, this doesn't work as well on strong willed people.

The Nosferatu Bloodline - The Nosferatu vampires are the opposite of the Toreadors. They have appearances that are not very appealing, and poor social skills. They are all pale as corpses, have glowing red eyes, and are so skinny that they almost look dead. They have fangs that they cannot hide, unlike the other bloodlines, and often have jet black or bone white hair. However, they have strength and speed that cannot be matched by any other bloodline, and they can read minds as well as sense auras. They live underground in large groups to keep out of the public eye.

Shape-shifters are people with the ability to change their form, although what they change into varies depending on the bloodline.

The Werewolf Bloodline - The Werewolves are people who turn into huge wolves on the night of a full moon or when they are feeling great rage. It takes many years for a werewolf to gain the ability to transform on command, and they will still need to transform on the night of full moons. They have great strength and speed, even in their human forms. They also have rapid healing abilities.

The Half-beast Bloodline - The Half-beast bloodline has the ability to change into any one animal (each shape-shifter has only one animal they can turn into) on demand, as well as change into a sort of half form in which they have a few characteristics of the animal they can normally change into. They can talk to animals of any kind and can sometimes get them to do things for them. They are fast and strong, although not as much as the Werewolves. They too have rapid healing abilities.

The Dragon Bloodline - The Dragon bloodline can change into a large, fire breathing (or ice breathing, if that's the kind of the thing you like) dragon. They can also change into a sort of half-form, although their normal forms are very weak. They have black horns on top of their heads, and the more they have the more powerful they are. They will have fire at the most.

Fate Of A Demi-God
It is the year 2010 and the Greek god/ess' were labeled as "Myths", if not already forgotten. The thing is, they're not myths-the complete opposite actually. They're real. Demi-gods are just as real as the gods, believe it or not, but they have absolutely no clue what they are. Just different, losers even.

In the early 1800', Zeus had discuized himself as a human and spread rumors that the gods weren't real, to "test" the humans "loyalty" towards the gods. He wanted to see if one "human" told other humans that the gods were myths, would them believe him? Zeus said things like If the gods were real, people wouldn't get sick, the world would be perfect, blah blah. Slowly, the humans began to lose faith in the gods and labeled them as myths.
That got Ares pissed. His own son and daughter fell victom to Zeus' lies and didn't believe he, or any of the other gods were real. He wanted Zeus dead for this crime against all gods so he raged a giant war.
Zeus, Hera, Artemis, Apollo, Athena, Poseidon, are on one team and Ares, Hades, Hestia, Dionysus, Aphrodite, and Hephestus were on the other.

Hera wanted to prevent the war and tryed to talk Zeus out of it. He said no, he wanted to fight and kill Ares. Hera then went to her son, Ares and tryed to talk him out of the war, wich was honestlyimpossible. Hera gave up and let the war begin. Soon after She got another idea, to marry off thier children to each other to keep from fighting. The gods had a vote and Hera, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Dinoysus and Hestia voted on doing that to end this war. The rest of the 12 Olympians, voted to keep fighting. It was 7 against 5 so the children were to be wed

Wolf Demon Tribe
Once apon a time, there was a woman named Amaya (night rain). She had severe mental problems and ran away from her home at the age of 19. She ran into the mountains and claimbed a cave on the other side of a water fall as hers. She had grown plants outside the cave for food, and water was no issue. After awhile, Amaya ajusted to this new life style but wanted some compagny. She soon got herself pregnant, with the help of a wolf. She gave birth to twins, one boy and one girl. Amaya named them Koma and Koga. They were no ordinary kids, they had tails, and non-human ears. That made no difference to Amaya, she loved and cared for them like she would any human children. The kids were only 9 when they began calling themselves "wolf demons". Amaya decided she wanted more children so she got herself pregnant once again, and had many children. Some of the creatures she gave borth to didnt resemble humans at all, they were full wolves. Some children were more "special" than others, some could control the elements, some were faster than any living thing, some had outstanding battle skills, and other "powers" or abilities. Amaya kept getting pregnant untill she died of it. There were too many children to call it a pack, so Amaya told her children that they were a wolf demon tribe. Now the many children of Amaya must find new ways survive without thier mother. Amaya's first born twins are now 18 and must care for thier younger siblings. Will they find love or hate? Will the younger siblings lisen to thier new "bosses"? Will they live a long happy life? Or will they be forced to watch thier wolds crash down around them?
Welcome, to the Wolf Demon Tribe....

Forbidden Love
Saiph is a place were people are like zombies. Everything is strikly by the book. Broken Rules are delt with severely and result in harsh punishments. Everything is way to organized and almost no accedents ever happen. For example, there are two types of walk ways-so no one would bump into each other and such. One for going one way and another for the other. There is a small space between the two walk ways mesuring about 15cm, and if you go in the wrong walk way or step into that space, a hole would form beneith you and you would fall in and die a painful firey death. If anyone else around you falls in the hole, these angels and/or demons that live benieth the walk ways would save you before you fall into the boilong lava.

((don't have to read the next part but you should!!))

That's how my story begins....I'm an ordinary girl-or so I thought, named Kira. One day I was crossing the street and a man unfortuantly walked into the space. A hole formed and swallowed the man and me. An angel(or demon) saw me fall and so he saved me. The angel(or demon) was the most beautifulest thing I had ever seen. He was taller than me, everyone is though. His hair was even beautiful, and a word I'd use to describe him Is plain and simple. Perfect. Like the perfect man-angel-demon what ever. Too bad Saiph's most strict rule was about to be broken... The rule, is that a human cannot fall in love with and angel or demon, and same goes for the Angels and demons.
That was the beggining of a forbidden love. Unfortunatly, this happened to 10 people-5 angels or demons and 5 humans at the exact same time and same city. It happened the same way too, it caused by a top secret government agnency, almost no one in Saiph knew of them....thier agency's code name is night raven. It wasn't just a coincidence that this happened....

Elemental Rage

It is now the year 2011 and the battle still rages on. What battle you ask? Well for centuries the element kingdoms have been at war. Once long ago, the elemental kingdoms lived in peace with each other. Then they got greedy and wanted more power. The kingdoms split up and took over different parts of the land; fire got east, wind got west, water got north and earth got south. Each kingdom has a royal family with four children each, two sons and two daughters around the same age. These family's where called,
Fotia, for fire; Nero, for water; Prasino for earth, Aera for wind.These family wanted to stop the war, so they decided to marry off thier children to one another. Now, it is up to you to decide what happens next; what will the children think of this? will they get along? Will they have affairs? We'll soon find out...

Why Can't I have you?

Alright, so this story begins with 12 teens. Most of them have been best friends since kindergarden, but the rest just recently met eachother. The thing is, all 12 teens are connected somehow. Wiether it be they're siblings, cousins, best friends, or whatever else. The one thing that connects every single one of these not so lucky 12 teens, is love traingles. It's summer now and they're all sent to Camp Lovely. They're parents were hoping that by the time they returned home everyone would be happy with a boy/girl friend, no more love traingles and heart breaks.

((Note:Some people may like more than one person, and everyone will be in a love traingle and have 2 people fight over thier love))

The 9 Dragons Of Saiph

Welcome to Saiph. A beautiful magical land full of creatures you were taught never existed. There are eight kingdioms ruled by powerful dragons.
The kingdom of Fire, Fotia is ruled by Fira.
The kingdom of Ice, Pagos is ruled by Kryo.
The kingdom of Air, Aera is ruled by Aires.
The kingdom of Earth, Terre, is ruled by Terra.
The kingdom of Water, Nero is ruled by Aqua.
The kingdom of light, Phos is ruled by Luce.
The kingdom of darkness, Nuit is ruled by Nyxta.
The kingdom of lightning/thunder, Tuono is ruled by [name]
And last but certainly not least.
The kingdom of time, Hora ruled by Haura(H's are silent).

All these dragons were loanly by themselves and were desperatly looking for a suitable husband/wife dragon. They were unsecessful in finding anyon, untill one day; Luce the dragon ruler of the Phos kingdom heard of an acient legend. The legands goes that there were eight jewel hidden somewhere in the mountains between the kingdoms Nuit and Tuono. These jewels were made up of each element and could grant a special abilities to only dragons. They could shapshift into humans. All the dragons didn't understand the point of this and laughed at Luce for this stupid idea of a quest. Luce grew mad and went to find the jewel by herself. The jewels were seperatly hidden and Luce-by fluke-found the jewel of Phos. Luce was turned into a human and can now change from dragon to human at will. The other dragons were jealous that
Luce of all people found many human men who wanted her because of her beauty as a human so they set off to look for thie jewels aswell. Will they ever find thier elemental jewels? Will Luce help them? Will they just give up and rule thier kingdoms alone untill the end of time? I honestly don't know...Really I don't know you tell me


The Land Of Saiph
Welcome to Saiph. A beautiful kingdom full of creatures humans thought never existed. There are seven elemental kingdoms in Saiph ruled by powerful dragons.

The kingdom of Fire, Fotia is ruled by Fira.
The kingdom of Air, Aera is ruled by Aires.
The kingdom of Earth, Terre, is ruled by Terra.
The kingdom of Water, Nero is ruled by Aqua.
The kingdom of light, Phos is ruled by Luce.
The kingdom of darkness, Nuit is ruled by Nyxta.
And last but certainly not least.
The kingdom of time, Hora ruled by Haura(H's are silent).

A child, who was nothing more than a filthy thief had trespassed from the Fotia kingdom into the Nuit kingdom, breaking the "NO tresspasing into other kingdoms under any circumtances unless dragon ruler" rule. The child was exicuted and that started a war. Luce had an idea, so she invited the other Dragons Leaders to the kingdom of Phos for a 'meeting'. Luce's idea, was to sign another peace treedy or just marry since all of them were still single. There's no way any of them would sign another treedy since it was broken after all these years so they had no other choice but to get married.

Beauties & the Beasts

Once apon a time, in a small town name Saiph lived four lovely girls. There is a dark haunted castle at the end of the town, and it is said there's four beasts who live there. No one is to go near it because they are possessed by the devil or they're evil. But, one day these four girls go down there and meet them; the beats think the girls are absolutely beautiful. At first they said mean things to the girls but they knew there were good people inside. They brought the good out and the beasts told the girls about a witch's spell, and that they were really the four princes of Saiph; the one's who had gone missing many years ago. They were so mean, that the witch turned them into beasts and gave them each a rose. When all the petals fell off they would become prince's again, but only if they knew how to love.

Tainted Hearts

We all know that Sora defeated Organization 13 right? Well, they're back! With hearts now too, but they still have thier powers somehow. Someone who's name is unknown to anyone exept the Organization members decided to bring them back. When the 13 members of the organization were ressurected, so were others. The King, Donald and Goofy have gone off to try and find who brought the organization back to life and why so now it's up to Sora and his new friends to find Kairi, Namine, The Queen and (Girl). They will get occasion messages delivered by Pluto from the Kind updating them on who kidnapped them, who ressurected Org. 13 and why.

First letter from the king...

"Hello Sora, i'm afraid ive got bad news. Organization 13 is back, with more members now and they're stronger than before! I've gone off with Donald and Goofy to try and figure out who brought them back and why. Also, Kairi, the Queen, Namine and (other girl) have been kidnapped by the person who brought back the Organization and we don't know why either. You and your other friends must go and find the Queen and the others before they get hurt!"

~King Mickey

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