Too my Mommy: mommy u da bestest mom ive ever had :] i wuldnt wanna change anythinq about yuh,,likee yourr so fawkinqq awsomme i mean fun,,perverted at times but its alriqqht becuz perv are funny xD sumtimess haha but yourr not dat perverted soo yepp xD dannys more of a pervert >.> shhh <.< haha well i got yourr backk 24/7 & dats never gonna changee i love youu mom :]

To my Cuzzin Kathy: well ive known yuh sense yuh took your first breathe da sweetest breathe in da world ily no matter wat nutihing can brake us apart i swear i love you wiff all my heart & even doe we havvfiqqhts reqqret stuff && arqque alot we still tlk aqqain dere hasnt been a fiqqht were we dnt tlk aqqain its like a 5 minute fiqqht haha i remeber da last one we had & i thought about it at niqqht well i never meant to hurt you dat way & hav u feel dat way ♥♥ weve tlked sense we played wiff barbies && hav grown up :] partyed alot && either we hiqqh or low haha we hav eachoders back :] dark or liqqht good or bad times well always be partners in crime alwayz and forever weve been thru thick 7 thin & wenn a guyy hurts yuhh ill go to derr housee & ima ripp der heart outt forr breakinqq yourss nahh wdf noone can hurt yuhh noone can touch u or break u ,, yourr a stronqqq person & keep it datt wayy chicca well dats your dedication ily :]

For My Hubby: omfgg haha heres yourr dedication baby ;] haha ily mann i swear yur likee so fawkinqq amazinqq no lie xD yuh keep nuttinqq fromm me & yuh wuld never brake my heart even doe u bite me-.- but we get even once i slapp ur azz haha yepp ik yuh dnt lik dat but i dnt like gettinq bittin >.< lmfaoo well even doe ive onlyy known yuh for aboutt um 2 months i feel likee ive know yuh forr about 15 years :] haha yupp if anyone hurts yuh ima go to derr housee && ima wack emm idgaf maybee steal sum off derr shytt haha nahh im not a stealerr but wenn it comess to demm hurting yuhh,,yuh never kno wat ill do :] ik dis is so lonqq but ill try my bestt umm wat else ily no matter wut becuss yurr special a guyy daht wuldd never hurtt em & a guyy dats funny haha hess special becus first person i meet dat takes maybe as yes i mean yu have never seen sumone like datt now dats special && umm hes da only personn on heree dat i cann tell everythingg too ;] well dats yurr dedicationn fataass well my fatass ily :]