Angelus Marie Yelsania

Shy around new people, afraid to go over boundaries set for her. Likes to stick close to people she can rely on. Empathetic over everyone and any breathing thing. Keeps to herself.
Angelus had the life the dream of becoming a dancer. She always loved to dance and twirl in circles. She did have a talent for singing but she let her body do all the singing for her, but until her mother fell very ill she spent most of her time at home caring for her. Her father had left her when she was too little to remember so it's just been her mother and her. However, as her mother's pneumonia grew worse and worse her body succumbed to it and she died. Left alone and unsure of what to do. She lost the will to dance because she didn't so happy any more. Her mother's insurance was enough for her to stay on her own, but she had always been afraid to go out do her own thing. Her self esteem isn't high enough for her to take the big leap in life.

Cursed in the body of a wild stallion Ayx follows wherever the wind takes him. Fastest thing on land no one can catch him let alone won't anyone ride his back while he runs in the four winds. He is wild and free to do whatever he pleases. Typically a pacisifist but will use action if necessary.
When he came across a farm owned by a rich girl he tempted her to go with him, which took her a while to venture with him, and by far one of the most in door beings he's ever seen. A couple years of traveling he had grown on the teen and she to him, which soon led to her only able to ride him and no other.