Elven Rpc.
Name: Preneur d'Ame
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 5'11'', near 6'
Age: Appearance of a seventeen year-old, yet her age affected by elven blood is then made unknown.
Personality: A woman with an unbiased attitude; Traveller by heart, her concern for mere strangers touches to the very soul of most, willing to give the shirt off her back to help a passing innocence. Whether be an enemy or ally, this one does not care. Her gentleness and caring would appear to most a mask, yet in truth is how her ways are. Within battle, ruthlessness bubbles up to obsure her softness to fight, determination to obtain her goal being what allows her to go on through the war and stay alive.
Bio: Preneur d'Ame, or Prue, as some wish to call her, was born in fire. In a far off land of Tailarez surrounded by nothing but forest, the small newborn cried it's first breathe amidst a burning house, the newly made parents worrying for their infant were killed during the devastating circumstance. The elven mother from giving birth, the human father from rushing back into the hut after carrying the infant to safety to save the mother. The house gave way at the ceiling, crushing them both in mere seconds. Found by passing minstrels who spotted smoke floating above the trees, they took her in, realizing the small half-elf child had no parental care now. Off into the city of Falkar, they rode off.
Five years later from that tragic moment, the girl's life remained quiet, her skin a pale white, tinged with a hint of green showed her half-blood. The humans that spoke to her showed pity, the elves who did so showed remorse and hatred, thinking "What could a silly half-ling like this do with her life?" The girl's wide hazel eyes stared out at the world, not realizing why on earth she was not like the others in her foster-family. An elderly elven woman walked up to her at the sixth month, offering her freedom, but..at a price.
Quite a few years passed after the woman, known as Disentra, stepped up to the young Prue, stripping the girl's mind of it's safety net left by the care of the minstrels and worked her to the bone. Building, farming, hunting, blacksmithing, Disentra forced this all on the child, forming a woman who stood on her own two legs at the end, for the death of the Elder shattered the social life for Prue. From day one of her fifth year of living, Disentra showed the life of the warrior, a sword thrust into the nimble fingers of the child.
Now, with a light heart and knowledge of years passed, she fights with the way of the sword, yet Prue fights for a goal, it being only known to her. Allowing the memories of practice and rules strung through her mind to come to hand when at war, her brainwork shifting about to set the fighter and gentle elf ways to seperate. Kind to those about, yet being a savage killer, the half-elf is nicknamed "The White Crow". Harbinger of death at the cry of the sword. Travelling throughout the lands, forging armor of great metals and practicing her swordsmanship, the warrior fell across a land in need...
Weapon(s): A kris blade, Kralle, hanging tightly to her left side; A Zweihander sword, Bec, strapped to her back; A jian sword, Ailes, wrapped around by a strong leather strap, to cross over Bec's sheathe on her back.
Skills: Swordsmanship gives great balance. Travelling allowed her good stamina, able to go miles without having to deal with tiring. Hearing is far better than a human's, and speed nimble like an elf's.