Where to start...where to start...
Well, I guess I should say hello to everyone, if you get the chance to read this (Not that I can ever tell; no one ever comments ^_^;; ). A lot has changed. The school year is over, yadah yadah, I'm now staying up really really really late at night, all that good stuff for you stalkers out there. Meh, I guess that you guys aren't really stalkers seeing as I haven't gotten more than two profile comments in a MONTH (People must hate me D:> wink I guess that this journal will just be a mind dump for anyone that's interested.
As most of you know, June and I have been together for nearly a year now. We've hit some rough times and I'm trying my best to cope, for technically we're best friends now instead of a couple. She says she needs a month; I'll give her however long it takes. Unless it gets ridiculously long, say a year? Xp Anyways, It's been rough on me especially because we she has stopped talking to and calling me on a fairly regular basis. Where we used to talk every day or two, I haven't heard from her in almost a week save for a picnic that we had with a group of friends on Saturday. Even then, we barely had any time to have alone because a Latino family came along (Not being racist, but the Latinos that I know or have seen have, for the most part, been pretty clueless when it comes to personal moments) to cut the time short. Just today, she made it quite plain that she didn't want to talk to me about it. I'm having my doubts at this point, but I figure that we'll be able to talk about it eventually with some encouragement. If we don't though...draw your own picture of what could happen. Either way, things will turn out as they will; I have no business looking THAT far ahead, and I gain nothing by ignoring it or by worrying about it. It's just one of those difficult parts of life that you just have to be patient with.
My sister, SnowQuartz if you'll recall, has finally gotten off of her lazy aft and gotten a job! :O She seems to enjoy it, seeing as it's basically studying rocks all day. And no, I'm not kidding. As her name suggests, she's incredibly interested in rocks. Geologists; Reunite Pangaea! So she says. I'll stick with my philosophical and sociological studies, thank you. I do admit, though, that it is quite fun to fool people into thinking a rock is sapphire when it is really just Labradorite biggrin
The parents are gone for a week or two to Europe. They first went to Paris and will soon be heading for Sweden, much to the amusement of their travel agents who had to plan the whole thing over again twice by the sounds of frustrated Gr's and ARGH's that my father made. It was quite funny, actually. My mother took a lot of time to learn a fair amount of Swedish and French. I swear, the only thing that I learned was that in order to say 'bathroom' in French you have to say 'salad bar' in English. Foreign languages confuse me. Next thing you know, in order to say 'good night' you will have to say 'sha lwefan damoetl' (shall we find a motel) in some foreign country, which would spark much confusion and many awkward moments.
Well, not much else to add other than my boredom. I have been spending my time doing chores and such the past few days, and only recently have I begun to reach out for human contact (in summer? No way!) Though I find that many people seem to ignore me. <:/ It is to be expected, seeing as I've been gone for so long, but it is quite a downer to find that I left so little of an imprint on others, albeit online.
That about wraps up my journal. Whenever I post another one, keep an eye out. ^_^
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Words of an Aging Soul
Thousands of years of insanity packed into a bunch of pages. What more can be said?
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From one whose heart to the knife is wed