- ✰I am a:Scholar
✰Can't you tell I'm: Guy
✰I'm into: Girls
✰So that means, I'm: Straight
✰Did I forget, well, I'm a: Vampire, {and (Defected [and friendly]) Vampire Hunter Clone, but never mentioned it and kept a secret}
✰My birthday: Unknown, created in lab on a miscellaneous date.
✰I am:16 (well, i just know ive been living for 16 years...)
✰Things I love:
- Music
-Watching the starlit sky and/or rain
-Fighting for a good reason
-Hanging around Nate
✰Things I hate:
-People who hurt his friends
-The Summer time
-Getting wet
-the Vampire Hunter’s Base (where he was created and lived in for the past 14 years, got out with Nate two years ago for a mission)
✰My past: Was created at the stupid Vampire Hunter’s Base in England as a clone of Nate(who was made/born in Japan) and was transferred to Japan, and we hunted together.around the world. But as time flew by and bonds grew with Nate and I, he helped me grow into a new person. He taught me how to be my own self. He also protected me, and I protected him. We are like brothers. We practically are. So, anyways, at the VHB (Vamp Hunter’s Base) we had to slay some, but I didn’t want to anymore…because…I found out I’m a vampire, which didn’t make sense. I guess I’m just a defect. Oh well, on with life, ya know? oh, note: ive always kept it a secret that im all like..a clone, and that im a vampire hunter...Shhhh. the only thing you know about me, is that ima vampire.
✰How I act: im kinda soft/gentle, smooth and quiet, and kind. im kinda the Shy type, and im kinda timid, but if you push me into doing something, ill do it. and: dont make me mad. just sayin.
✰Well.....: I dunno, I don’t like anyone… yet…
✰My pet: um..I have a chip in my brain that tracks where I am and stuff…does that count?
✰Something else:I hate killing my own species. It really sucks when my chip turns my off to control my body and stuff…
✰The person who controls me: Angel_eyes200 (and that chip...)
✰Recent picture of me:

- ✰I am a:Scholar
✰Can't you tell I'm: A Dude.
✰I'm into: Chicks.
✰So that means, I'm: I’m..um.. straight, duh.
✰Did I forget, well, I'm a: a normal human, who hunts vampires....unwillingly. (but to you, im just a human.)
✰My birthday: I dunno.
✰I am: 16
✰Things I love:
- Parties
-Having fun
-Fighting for fun
-soda, and gum!!
✰Things I hate:
-when he doesn’t get what he wants
-not having a soda in his hand and gum in his mouth
-rainy days
-vampires (but I can be pretty cool around them, they’re…okay…)
-having to stay in one place or being told what to do.
✰My past: Okay, well, long story short: I am a Vampire hunter created in a lab in the VHB (vamp hunter’s base), raised to hunt and track and all that crap. Details: I have a MICROCHIP IN MY BRAIN!! It bugs me sooooooo much. I want to be able to do what I want, when I want. it controls me when I have to fight vampires and stuff.. The upside is: I get a power boost. it helps me get stronger and faster. But, to be honest, I don’t like having to be forced to kill vampires. If im gonna kill a vampire, im gonna kill it cuz I want to. But, because of the chip, I don’t get to voice that opinion. Since I work there for my life, if I quit or fail at my job I quit and fail at life. Its pretty simple. Oh note: I have this listnever ending list of vampires to kill, and im always on the hunt. But since theres no limit of time, I get to choose when I want to kill them or not. Right now, I’m choosing not to. I want to get to know people first. Hopefully, there isn’t a vapire on my list here at school.
✰How I act: I see myself as smug, challenging, cool type of a person.
✰Well.....: none yet.
✰My pet: nah I don’t have a pet…
✰Something else: I have a clone, and his name is Eddie. hes like a brother to me. You put a scratch on him you die.
✰The person who controls me: VHB and Angel_eyes200
✰Recent picture of me: