-Sincerely the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee.

The Superior

The longer I can stay.
I'll grow a flower in your heart
That will bloom with your decay.
Nila ~ and ~ Nolan
Here's just a thought
I'll leave you here to rot
Because the answers that you sought
Are all but forgot.
I'll leave you here to rot
Because the answers that you sought
Are all but forgot.
Nolan scanned his surrondings as he entered the school grounds. Another move, and another 'fresh start'. He had grown numb to it all. Numb to leaving all he knew behind, numb to the death the followed him, numb to the look of betrayal in the eyes of others... but not numb to the fear that he held in his heart. The fear that one day it would be him with that look of betrayal in his eyes.
A soft sigh escaped his lips as his sister, Nila, darted ahead of him. It was tipical of her, as she didn't know how tiring it was to carry both of their belongings, or she did know and just chose to ignore it. Nolan could never be sure of which. Either way he had to keep an eye on her or else he'd pay for it later... he always did.
Nila giggled as she twirled around. Everything was so new, so fresh, so clean. She loved 'traveling' around. It mean new places to see and people to meet. This place seemed lovely, in her opinion. The elemental girl glance behind her to see her brother lagging behind. She frown for a moment, though only a short moment, and waited for him to catch up.
"You're too slow!" Nila complained, poking Nolan square in the chest. This only earned her a glare from the older one, and she stared blankly in response. Why was he so grumpy all the time? He needed to lighten up! A bright smile appeared on Nila's face as she gave the following order. "Smile more!"