I also like Princess Zelda from the Legend Of Zelda Series and Kirby from the Kirby Series,but not as much as Princess Peach though. I also know that all the other Pit (He's the main character in the Super Nintendo System game called Kid Icarus ) Fangirls will tear me up if I said he was MINE and also said that all of his fan girls will fight over him, including me! I can sometimes be random and strange, for no reason. I hate waking up in the morning to go to school. I hate Homework as well and P.E. I consider myself more academic than physical, because I hate hurting myself. I can't stand people who nag and are really a pain in my buns. I really don't have a specific dress code, I dress whatever I like. Of course, I don't care what others say because its ME that matters right? Of course.

This is Peach from SSBB!!! Speaking of SSBB... Heres my friendcode and my username!
Username: Peach Friendcode246-8401-9066
Please message me if you registered me!

This makes a lot of sense.