Ok, so, Ben felt proud of himself for getting to such a perverted game, he said the others can go in another room if they dont want to play. Trevor was almost panicking, he was still coughing from his soda and Eve was patting him on the back. She asked "How do you play 7 minutes in heaven? I've never heard of it."
"well..umm..we dont have to play..ok really after a boy and a girl are chosen by chance, they go into a closet all by themselves for 7 minutes, do you still want to play? Of cource you dont! lets go" Trevor grabbed her arm and tried to guide her out.
"Trevor, wait..i kinda..sorta want to play..",Eve said in a small voice blushing.Trevor shrugged and sat down with the rest of the people in a circle. Ben said in his sly voice
"This is hoe its gunna go, we spin this bottle",holds an old soda bottle, "to choose a girl, then the girl picks a name out of this hat", pulls out a black hat, " then the guy with that name gets to go in side the love chamber with one of these lovely girls" Ben stared right at Eve when he said "lovely", Trevor wanted to storm out of there and keep Eve away from Ben.
So Ben spun the bottle, it landed on a girl named Krisha (known for her satisfied boyfriends) and the guy she picked out was Rodney (the most desperate for a girlfriend guy). They walked into the closet and Ben set the timer, they heard some groans in there. Then a squeal/laugh and soon enough Ding Rodney walked out with a few kiss marks on his face, and Krisha with her shirt buttoned down. Eve felt little awkward but still wanted to play. Then Ben spun the bottle hard and immediately got up. Trevor watched him in the corner of his eye, Ben walked over and sat by Eve. Then quickly the bottle landed on Eve! Trevor was omging.
Then Ben went to go get the hat, it seemed a little different than before. Eve put her hand in and it read BEN . She half smiled and Ben took her hand trying to act all fancy Trevor said in whisper "If you need help just scream", Eve smiled as if it were a joke but Trevor was dead serious. They walked in the closet. Trevor set the timer for 6 minutes, he couldn't handle anymore of this.
He listened as closely as possible :first he heard whispering, silent, laugh(Ben's), then a small groan(Eve's) [Trevor was ready to die], and then a bang as if something hit the wall, a gasp , slap, an inhalation (a closed mouth gasp), another slap and a scream! Trevor Shot up ant opened the closet door as fast as possible!
Eve was against the wall crying, not shirt no pants only underwear with Ben's disgusting hands under her bra eek . But Ben sort of ignored Trevor's interruption and continued to clamber over her! Trevor grabbed the collar of Ben's unbuttoned shirt and pulled as hard as he could, but the shirt just came off when Ben pulled back his arms. "Dam it!" Trevor yelled, then Trevor put the shirt around Ben's shoulders so he could pull him back, and pulled as hard as his body could go! Then Ben flung back and hit the other wall in the closet, out cold. Eve grabbed her pants and shirt wiped her tears and got dressed as fast as she could, got their jackets and left.
" He is a horrible pervert!" Eve screamed as they were in Trevor's car." He kissed me then took my shirt off! Then my pants then touched my whole upper body with his hands AND mouth! Trevor it was Horrible!" She sobbed. Trevor parked the car and held Eve to comfort her.
"It's ok, it's over. You don't have to talk to him ever again. Your safe."Trevor said calmly. He was happy to help her in any way. " Ben was an idiot to be mean to you, cause now he lost a chance with the best girl in the world" Trevor took the risk, now would be the time to make a move. Eve looked up at him
" You think so?" She said in a hopeful voice.
"I know so" Trevor said knowing how cheesy that line was. Eve smiled with a small laugh. They leaned in then finally their lips met. That was the best kiss Eves' had all night. heart
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2 world are better than one, and soon there will be multiple
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Rules to live by:
1.No war
2.Peace, love, and happiness
3. All you need is love
1.No war
2.Peace, love, and happiness
3. All you need is love