"He walked into an IHOP and sat down at the counter. This was highly irregular at this IHOP because they didn't have a counter. He was sitting in the kitchen wondering why the waiter had a spatula and was yelling at him to get out. Deciding that the service at IHOP was rude he left to find sustenance elsewhere. Unfortunately he did not realize his day was going to be much worse."
"He walked down the streets of North Hollywood not really paying attention to where he was going. He tripped over something, but did not realize he was falling until the abrupt stop at the end. When he turned to see what he had tripped over he was surprised to see her."
"She was lying on the ground bloody and bruised. It must have been some fight. The worried look in her eyes made him upset. He had loved her from afar for far to long. He blamed himself for not acting sooner to save her from the abusive boyfriend she couldn't bring herself to leave. He felt deep inside that she must have felt something for him but he couldn't get the nerve up to ask her out. Now here she lie on the ground as a result of his cowardice. He helped her up, a mistake he would soon feel the full force of. No good deed ever goes unpunished."
"He helped her up. It seemed an innocent enough act. Onlookers saw here condition and showed the same concern he did. Soon an ambulance arrived accompanied by a police car. The officers began questioning the girl. He stayed with her to comfort her. She seemed at ease. When the police finally asked her who did this to her, she looked at him and smiled. He thought, "Finally, she will leave him and be mine." He couldn't believe his ears when she spoke to the cops saying, "He did it.", pointing at him with a smile on her face. Dumbfounded and confused he knew not what to do but thought, "Surely she can't be serious." Just then the officers took him forcefully and handcuffed him. They roughly threw him into the back of their car. What confused him even more was that the other witnesses never even spoke a word of his innocence. He knew he was screwed."
As they threw him into a cell, it hadn't hit him yet that even he gave no words of protest to his situation. He simply walked over to a spot and sat down. When he looked to his right he saw him for the first time. It would not be the last time he saw the little man, though he will wish it was.

The next day he was released from the cell he was put in. The girl was a known pathological liar. The police just took him to shut her up. He would have believed them more if they hadn't have taken him downtown and beat him like a dog before putting him in jail. Now with no other way to get home but walking he began heading back to Hollywood. He lived in San Diego, but he was determined to eat at the bar at IHOP. He wanted a Long Island iced tea and all of hell wouldn't stop him. It didn't matter that IHOP didn't have a bar or serve drinks, his quest would not be foiled. He was determined to win. And so he walked.
Late into the night he arrived back at the IHOP his day began at. It was quite full so he decided to wait for a spot to open up at the bar. A waitress came to seat him. She sat him in a booth not far from the kitchen. He was about to protest not sitting at the bar but as seemed the theme this day, he was unable to say a single word. Not long after being seated an unknown gentleman sat across form him. Yes, this bothered him but no longer a surprise to him he just accepted this and went on about the business of preparing to order his drink. Finally the time had arrived. The waitress came to get their orders. He opened his mouth to tell the waitress what he wanted. "I'll have the short stack with sausage and scrambled eggs." He couldn't believe he had not ordered the drink he had desired. The waitress was off before he could change his order, as if he would anyway. When the food came back he finally offered words of protest, after the waitress had gone. "These eggs aren't scrambled. They're fried." The gentleman that sat across from him finally spoke and said, "Fried? I'll show you ******** fried." He then poured a gallon of kerosene on the table and promptly lit it effectively setting the IHOP on fire. The men left the restaurant. The gentleman ran away as soon as he was outside. "Good riddance.", he thought as the man ran off. Just then The fire department and police appeared. After his last ordeal with them he decided to avoid them altogether. As he walked away a familiar voice spoke to him. "Finally found you, I have." He couldn't believe they had released the crazy body painted retard imp. He was in hell.
The little man made him turn tricks all night. He only wished the men weren't so rough on him. Unable to sit for a while he walked on and found himself yet again tripping over something. It was the girl again. He has no idea why he was in love with her since he had never seen her before yesterday but she immediately jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately. They returned to her place for what he figured would be a night of hot and steamy love making. He was quite surprised to find her boyfriend already in the bed.
He recognized her boyfriend. He had employed the services of the pimp during the night. He had to please him. Now he would be expected to please both him and the girl. His life just took one sad turn after the other. He was never a particularly happy individual. When he was a boy he remember falling off a slide and breaking his arm. The adults in charge of him only laughed at him. 3 days later he was finally taken to the hospital. His parents figured it was the only way to shut him up. They were tired of his whining.
He left the next morning in a fog. No, literally. It was a foggy morn. He couldn't see where he was going and tripped over something. Seeing as the last two times his falls lead to unpleasantness he was happy to leave whatever or whoever it was that he had tripped over on the ground. Wondering aimlessly he found himself far from any place he recognized. He decided he might as well keep walking as he had nothing better to do. He eventually found himself in the middle of a crowd. Unable to escape them he wound up wherever the crowd went. The crowd finally dispersed and he found himself at the corner of Hollywood and Vine.
As he looked around he decided to walk down to Sunset. There he decided to go into the Borders on the corner. He looked around for a book. Whether or not the book existed was a mystery to him. He had no idea what he was doing as he was in an area with no books. He began yelling about the lack of stock in the store and how it was a second rate sleaze rag seller. The other patrons in the restroom left the facilities to complain about the man yelling in the bathroom. Upset at the fact that he could not find the magazine he wished for, he returned to the streets to find the object of his desire.
to be continued, maybe, but why.................