smile Coins always make sound but paper bills are always silent.. So when your value increases keep yourself silent and humble..
3nodding The best thing you can do for someone is to just exist --- to be there when they suddenly realize that they need you right then and there.
heart Sometimes, we find it hard to tell about our feelings.. But we forget that we're already acting it..
sad You can never own something that was never yours.. So let's stop gripping on things we expect to last forever... Nothing lasts forever... Forever is a lie. Everything is transitory. So while you have something in your hand, put in mind that it's just borrowed.. So that someday, when it's gone...
It won't take eternity just to let it go... =C
whee Being kind is much more important than being right. For what a person needs is not a brilliant mind that speaks but... a patient heart that listens.
exclaim In the cruel world of love, we've learned that ...promises aren't contracts ...kisses aren't assurances ...sweet words aren't guarantees ...big hugs aren't bonds and that nothing's permanent in this life.
One day, she's mine. the next day, she's gone. Last night, she was sweet. The next morning, she's insensitive.
Loving someone is not always about fairytale and fantasies. It's about...truth and realities...
cry Too much disappointments can weaken one's faith.. Too many lies can weaken one's trust.. Too much betrayals can cause a person to be afraid.. Too much abuse can destroy respect..
and the sad truth is...
Too much pain felt by a loving heart can cause it to freeze.. 'til it goes numb by the never ending pain, until it doesn't feel any love, anymore...
crying Nothing dries sooner than tears.. Life can never promise to be always happy, but life gets better after you accept things you can't change..
emo In life, it is very painful seeing yourself crying alone.. asking for love and attention.. and that somehow someday someone will treat you better.
confused Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life!
3nodding Little keys can open big locks. Simple words can express great thoughts. A sincere prayer brings you God's immeasurable blessings and graces..
biggrin God is wise 'cause every time we sleep, he gives us beautiful dreams but... He is even wiser 'cause He let us wake up every morning to give us the chance to fulfill those dreams...
cool BEING cute more than pretty... smart more than sexy... respected more than praised... dignified more than popular... IS A WOMAN MORE THAN JUST A MAN'S LADY!
idea Knowledge cannot replace friendship... I'd rather be an idiot than to lose you!!!
wink If people entrust you their private stories, better keep it only to yourself... "cause limitation is an easier task than to win back the trust.
surprised A beautiful world can only be seen through the eyes of a happy person. May you always be happy to see the beauty that was made for you.
Be well Be safe Be blessed. d smile
4laugh Sweet irony: Did you know that:
A man will try to seduce every girl except the one he loves. But a nice girl will not be seduced by any man except by the man she loves...
lol The loud voice of a man really shocks and threaten a woman.. But... The silence of a woman tremendously shakes the consciousness of a man..
razz Skeptics argue that prayers are only coincidences. But as one man once observed, "it's amazing how many coincidences occur when one begins to pray..."
melah07 · Sat Mar 27, 2010 @ 09:33am · 0 Comments |