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View User's Journal

thoughts, words and everything in between. NOW SCRAM! J/k. Don't tear a page off though.
I know this is kinda childish, but what the heck...
General Questions:
Your Name:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Right handed or Left handed?
Your Heritage:
My Worst Habit:
Zodiac Sign:
Shoe Size:
Pants Size:
Innie or Outie?
Parents Still Together?
The Shoes You Wore Today:
Your Weakness:
Your Fears:
Your Perfect Pizza:
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger
Thoughts First Waking Up:
Your Best Physical Feature:
Your Bedtime:
Your Most Missed Memory:

your favourites
Favorite color?
Ice Cream?
Salad Dressing?
Toothpaste Flavor?
Radio Station?
Scent besides perfume?
Body part on the opposite sex?

friends and life:
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
How Do You Want To Die?
Turn ons:
Turn offs:
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?
Who's The Loudest?
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?
Who Have You Known The Longest?
Who's The Shyist?
When Have You Cried The Most?
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?
Worst Feeling?
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?

finish the sentence
Let's walk on the
Let's look at the
What a nice
Where did all the
Why can't we
Silly, little
Isn't it weird that
Never under any circumstance
I wish
Everyone has a
I am

have you ever....
Been In Love?
Been To Juvie?
Mooned Someone?
Been Rejected?
Ran Away From Home?
Pictured Your Crush Naked?
Skipped School?
Thought About Suicide?
Slept Outside?
Laughed So Hard You Cried?
Cried In School?
Thrown Up In School?
Wanted To Be a Model?
Cheated On Someone?
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?
Seen A Dead Body?
Been Bitched Out?
Drank Alcohol?
Been On Drugs?
Eaten Sushi?
Been On Stage?
Gone Skinny Dipping?
Been Drunk?
Been Called A Tease?
Been Beaten Up?

do you....
Sing Well?
Shower Daily?
Want To Go To College?
Want To Get Married?
Believe In Yourself?
Get Motion Sickness?
Think You Are Attractive?
Get Along With Your Parents?
Like Thunderstorms?
Play An Instrument?
Own An IPOD?
Go To Church?
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?
Keep A Journal/Diary?
Dance In The Rain?
Sing In The Shower?

this or that
Pepsi or Coke?
McDonald's or Burger King?
Single or Group Dates?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Strawberries or Blueberries?
Meat or Veggies?
TV or Movie?
Guitar or Drums?
Adidas or Nike?
Chinese or Mexican?
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?
Cake or Pie?
MTV or VH1?
Blind or Deaf?
Boxers or Briefs?

can you...
Do The Splits?
Write With Both Hands?
Blow A Bubble?
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?
Cross Your Eyes?
Walk With Your Toes Curled?
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?

who was the last person you...
You Touched:
You Talked To On The Phone:
You Instant Messaged:
You Hugged:
You Yelled At:
You Played A Sport With:

what's the last....
Time You Laughed?
Time You Cried?
Movie You Watched?
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?
Joke You Told?
Song You've Sung?

at tis moment...
Where Are You?
What Can You See Out Your Window?
Are You Listening To Music?
What Are You Wearing?
What's On Your Mousepad?

Do you believe there is life on other planets?
Do you believe in miracles?
Love at first sight?

in a boy/girl.....
Fav Eye Color:
Fav Hair Color:
Short or Long Hair:
Best Clothing Style:

What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?
Number Of CD's I Own:
Your Good Luck Charm:
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Do you drink milk?
Person You Hate Most:
Most Outdated Phrase:
Do you think God has a gender?
Where do you think we go when we die?
How many rings until you answer the phone?
What is something scientists need to invent?
Are you a health freak?
Are you a virgin?
If you could travel into space, where would you go?
What is the worst weather?
Did you play with Barbies as a child?
How many grades have you failed?

My Own answers:

Your Name: Carina
Birthday: Sept 23rd.
Birthplace: Hosp. Auxilio Mutuo, Rio Piedras
Eye Color: Brown/Coffee or so.
Hair Color: Dark Brown, almost black. With also different shades of brown, sometimes.
Height: 'Bout 5'6" or so.
Right handed or Left handed? Righty~
Your Heritage: Go figure...
My Worst Habit: Hum... Well... -ponders- getting mad easily sometimes?
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Shoe Size: 'bout 9.
Innie or Outie? Heeeeey... That can be tak... nevermind. Kinda both.
Parents Still Together? Ayup~!
The Shoes You Wore Today: Green Converse <3
Your Weakness: Many... Oh... So... Many...
Your Fears: Not accomplishing my dreams...
Your Perfect Pizza: Meat lovers, with lots of onion... mmm... and cheese!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Uhm... Make a personal AMV.
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: Ne.
Thoughts First Waking Up: "I'm so sleepy...".
Your Best Physical Feature: People say my Eyes...
Your Bedtime: Depends. Can be: 9pm, 10pm, 11pm, 12am, 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am...
Your Most Missed Feeling: Feeling that... there can be a special someone out there...

Your favourites
Favorite color? Black/Green/ForestGreen/DarkGreen/Blue/DarkBlue/Red/BloodRed/White/Grey...
Food? Food, what else? Pizza I guess.
Sport? Soccer...
Animal? Winter Fox. Then wolves.
Ice Cream? Chocolate~!
Candy? Chocolate! Lol
Store? Hot Topic/Marshalls/Different Vision...
Salad Dressing? Caesar?
Actor? -twitches- Uhm... idk...
Song? They are many.
Letter? Dunno, really.
Number? 4,7,12...
Gum? Anything minty.
Holiday? Christmas.
Season? Winter.
Toothpaste Flavor? Psh, any
Radio Station? 105.7, Alpha Rock~
Perfume? Psh, any that I consider good~
Scent besides perfume? Heeey... I dunno.
Body part on the opposite sex? -Ubber blush blush blush- Next question please!!!

friends and life:
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? I am grown up. Graphic Designer, Animator.
How Do You Want To Die? I don't... but I guess, from old age.
Turn ons: ... Only hint, neck. Enough said.
Turn offs: Stupid arguments, uhm... the rest is censored.
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You? Leo~! Lol
Who's The Loudest? I am.
Who Makes You Laugh The Most? Defenetly Leo
Who Have You Known The Longest? Leo... Lol
Who's The Shyest? I am... sometimes.
When Have You Cried The Most? Last year... november 14... still imprinted on my head... Somebody, make me forget...
What Is The Best Feeling In The World? Feeling in love, honestly.
Worst Feeling? Satisfaction in hatred.
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up? Well, Maybe Japan, or Canada. Who knows where I'll end up.
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be? Meh Face... Or body?
How Long Do You Think You'll Live? I dun want to know.

finish the sentence
Let's walk on the - park!
Let's look at the - Stars <3
What a nice - night
Where did all the - people go?!?
Why can't we - be together...
Silly, little - you
Isn't it weird that - the cat is floating?
Never under any circumstance - piss me off. Lol.
I wish - I wish I may, I wish I might...
Everyone has a - chance, I don't.
I am - who I chose to be.

have you ever....
Been In Love? I guess.
Been To Juvie? Huh? Don't think so.
Mooned Someone? ...... NO. Not in the showing arse manner, but the diccionary says to moon, is to yearn. Therefore, yeah, I have mooned FOR someone. But that was long ago.
Been Rejected? Psh, all my life, but hey...
Ran Away From Home? Nah.
Pictured Your Crush Naked? ...... You know, I never did, to be honest.
Skipped School? Not school, but yeah, some classes.
Thought About Suicide? A lot.
Slept Outside? Yeah! <3
Laughed So Hard You Cried? Almost everyday baby, come join me! : D
Cried In School? Ayup.
Thrown Up In School? Nope, thank God.
Wanted To Be a Model? Nope, I don't want to be those walking sticks, that please the world through modified pictures.
Cheated On Someone? Nope. Hellooo? Does one real-close bf count?!? ONLY ONE DAMN IT.
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today? Yep... Many things, xD
Seen A Dead Body? Yeah...
Been Bitched Out? Totally, it happens, s**t happens.
Drank Alcohol? Yeah, don't like it though.
Smoked? Nope.
Been On Drugs? Nope.
Eaten Sushi? I want to!
Been On Stage? Define Stage.
Gone Skinny Dipping? Nope.
Shoplifted? Once, when I was like 6? Hey! I was a kid!
Been Drunk? Nope.
Been Called A Tease? Yeah, kinda like it because it's funny.
Been Beaten Up? Nope.

do you....
Swear? Sometimes...
Sing Well? When my throat decides, and if the song/timing is right.
Shower Daily? Of course!
Want To Go To College? I am in College.
Want To Get Married? Yeah... Will it ever happen?
Believe In Yourself? In some things.
Get Motion Sickness? Nope. Not yet... I think.
Think You Are Attractive? Nope, not at all.
Get Along With Your Parents? Yup.
Like Thunderstorms? Only if there's rain along with it. But yeah, I love them.
Play An Instrument? I used to play the guitar.
Own An IPOD? Yup, it's all f*up
Pray? Ayup.
Go To Church? Ayup <3
Sleep With Stuffed Animals? Yes! I adore them!!! <333
Keep A Journal/Diary? Nah.
Dance In The Rain? I love to.
Sing In The Shower? Yes!

this or that
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi.
McDonald's or Burger King? BK, sorry.
Single or Group Dates? Single...
Chocolate or Vanilla? Choco!
Strawberries or Blueberries? Strawberries
Meat or Veggies? Both.
TV or Movie? Both.
Guitar or Drums? Both!
Adidas or Nike? Uh... Converse.
Chinese or Mexican? Both?
Cheerios or Corn Flakes? Cheerieos
Cake or Pie? Depends.
MTV or VH1? Neither
Blind or Deaf? Blind, I can tell you many reasons why so, along with arguments.
Boxers or Briefs? ... Don't ask me.

can you...
Do The Splits? I used to... now, I barely can, well, almost...
Write With Both Hands? Nope. Complete failure with the lefty.
Whistle? Yup.
Blow A Bubble? Yup.
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle? How do you want it? sideways? carpet?
Cross Your Eyes? Yup, and tilt them rapidly.
Walk With Your Toes Curled? I guess I can.
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose? Nope.
Dance? Yup.
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry? No...

who was the last person you...
You Touched: Dad. Gave him a hug x3
You Talked To On The Phone: My sister.
You Instant Messaged: Leo.
You Hugged: DAD
You Yelled At: It's been a while since I yelled at someone...
You Played A Sport With: uhm...

what's the last....
Time You Laughed? Earlier.
Time You Cried? Month(s) ago... I think I still need to though.
Movie You Watched? Australia.
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed? Spearmint
Joke You Told? Inner Joke.
Song You've Sung? Brooke Fraser - Scarlet

at this moment...
Where Are You? Home, living room.
What Can You See Out Your Window? Darkness, with dim lights.
Are You Listening To Music? Nope.
What Are You Wearing? Clothes and underwear.
What's On Your Mousepad? It's a laptop.

Do you believe there is life on other planets? There could be a possibility, who knows?
Do you believe in miracles Ayup~
Magic? Nope.
Love at first sight? Yeah.
God? Yes!~!
Satan? Yeah...
Ghosts? Nope.
Santa? Never did.
Evolution? There could be a possibility.

in a boy/girl.....
Fav Eye Color: Any, really.
Fav Hair Color: Black
Short or Long Hair: Depends on how it fits him.
Height: Anything taller than me.
Weight: Psh, could care less.
Best Clothing Style: Their own.

What Country Would You Most Like To Visit? Japan!
Number Of CD's I Own: About 5...
Your Good Luck Charm: myself?
How many pillows do you sleep with? two or three
Do you drink milk? Yup
Person You Hate Most: nobody. Well, myself.
Most Outdated Phrase: "Que se va hacer" What else can be done.
Do you think God has a gender? Who knows.
Where do you think we go when we die? Maybe heaven? Maybe not. Who knows.
How many rings until you answer the phone? Depends when I hear it.
What is something scientists need to invent? Teletransportation! or ZOIDS, LOL
Are you a health freak? Nope.
Are you a virgin? Yep. Still waitin' on that special someone. ( CALL ME CHEESE, I DONT CARE )
If you could travel into space, where would you go? Anywhere really.
What is the worst weather? Too much heat.
Did you play with Barbies as a child? Never did
How many grades have you failed? None, yet.

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