Digging you nails in the floor, you screamed, " NO NOT HIM ! NOOO ! " Someone pulled you by your ankle, and placed you on his back. " WOAH ! " Your head snapped to the right, seeing a person with a cat like hat. " NO ! LEMME DOWN NOW ! " You pounded on Kankurou's back, and he winced. A few minutes ago, you pulled out a yellow peice of paer; it was Kankurou. So you tried to escape from him; after all he did give you the creeps. {[ sorry ' K ' fans, it goes with the story. ]} Temari tagged along, " Kankurou, don't hurt her. " She whispered loudly. He smirked, " Oh I won't. " Wide eyed, you kept on pounding your fists on his back.
Grunting, you rolled on the floor. You stopped and spit out dirt that entered your mouth. Growling, you got up brushing yourself. " Kankurou, you moron ! You recked my favorite shirt ! " He just chuckled, " Ah don't worry. I'll make it up for you ... " Cocking an eyebrow, you teased, " Oh really? " Smirking, you felt ragged breaths on your neck. How the hell he got there, even I have no idea. You felt arms around your waist, and you both swayed to the side. " Kankurou? " You said sleepily. " Hmm? " A growl escaped from your throat, " Get your hands off me, or you'll be missing some body parts. " Smirking, he trailed butterfly kisses down your neck. Closing your eyes, a moan escaped from your lips, as he sucked on your collarbone. You opened your eyes, realizing what you said. " ____ , giving up so easily? " Kankurou asked, chuckling. You growled, and pushed him off of you. " No. That just -- ARGH ! YOU ARE SO ANNOYING ! " Stomping, you opened the close door; grumbling some curses under your breath.
You looked yourself in the mirror, seeing a pink spot on your collarbone. ' Damn a hickey. ' Trying to scrub it off, you heard a knock. " Eh? Go away, I'm busy. " You answered annoyily. Wind was being chewed up, so you stared at the person in the doorway. Growling, you asked in a monotoned voice, " What the hell you're doing here Kankurou? " He sighed, " Gotta take a piss. " You rolled your eyes, " Well it ain't happening ! I'm using the bathroom ! " He smirked when he saw the pink spot on your collarbone. " Oh yeah ! This!? YOU GAVE ME THIS ! MY PARENTS WILL KILL ME YOU MORON ! " He sighed, " Well it ain't my fault, your just so damn beautiful. " Blushing, you formed a scowl on your face, " Yeah and you're so damn sexy. " You repled sarcastically. " Aren't I, ___? You can't deny. " You stared him, then smirked, " Maybe. " You continued scrubbing off the hickey with cold water, when he turned off the fuacent. " That won't do ... " You gave a confused face on, when you felt a strong pair off lips ontop of yours. Gasping, he took the oppurtunity to stick his tounge in your mouth. Still dazed and confused, you shyly glided your tounge with his. A flash was heard, and so was giggling. You pushed him away, and glared at Ino who had the camera. " INO ... " You threatened. After an hour of chasing her, let's say she had to be in the hospital for two weeks. XD
You sigh, as you pull the paper out of the hat. " Blue? " You called out boredly. Everyone began giggling, but Ino nor Sakura didn't. You sigh stubbornly, as a ' flush ! ' rang your ear drums. He was in the bathroom alright. Sasuke calmly walked out of the door, and when Ino and Sakura saw him, they ran towards Sasuke. " NO ! SASUKE ! DON'T LET ____ KISS YOU ! WE ARE YOU - " They kept on bambling, when Sasuke pushed them away. " Loser. " He said in a monotoned voice. Sighing, you walked towards the closet. ' Sasuke will be Sasuke, no doubt ' bout that. '
You sat down on the cold wooden floor, an hearing footsteps, you knew Sasuke was going to come in any minute now. Light beamed in you eyes, a figure was blinding you. " Oh. Hey. " You yawned. Sasuke sat down next to you. " So how' s it hanging? " Sasuke looked at you horrified. " Ne? Why you staring at me like that? " You asked, pink tinting your cheeks. He shook his head, boredly, " Nothing. " Being the enrage hormonic boy he is, he gave you a shy peck on the lips. You were in a daze, as your fingers slid down your lips. After three minutes of dazing, you both flung forward, eyes closed; and you felt breathing on your lips. He closed the gap, and your lips met in an innocent childish kiss. You felt the intense heat rising on your face. Your eyes opened, as did his. His whole face, if possible, was a crimson red. Everyone started giggling, when you realized your time is up. Brushing yourself, you calmly stood up, while your face told a differnt story- you were blushing like mad. Sasuke Uchiha gave you a kiss ! CONGRATS ! Ahem on to the results ....
You gulped down your Kool Aid {{ LOL ]} , when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You head snapped to your right, and you saw an enraged Sakura and Ino. You sweat dropped, and backed up. Flailing your arms barck and forth, you yelled, " HONEST ! NOTHING HAPPENED ! " Cracking their necks and knuckles, you began to panic. {[ why would you? You would beat them anyway. But anywho, it's part of the mini story here ... ]} Sasuke walked calmly towards the middle of the room, when he heard screaming. Sighing he jogged towards Sakura and Ino, seperating them. " You guys are such losers. " He said in a monotoned voice. When he looked over at you, his bored expression haulted; and the blushing madness began.
You ran out of the circle, yelling insanely, " NO WAY YOU'RE PRESSURING ME IN THAT CLOSET OF DOOM !!! " Everyone sighed, as you felt your collar {[ no you're not a dog, collar from you shirt, ok? ]} being pulled. You kicked your legs, flunging upwards and downwards. After trying, you gave up; your head snapped to the left, seeing an annoyed Sakura. " Come on ____ , it's no big deal. " She stuffed your face with a hat, and your fingers dug deep inside. Pulling the paper out, you whailed, " TAN ! " You gave a death glare towards Sakura's directions, and she meeply shrugged. Naruto stood up, giving a thumbs up, " ALRIGHT ! SCORE ! " Sighing, and pratically begging, you grabbed Sakura's ankle, " PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE ! DON'T LEMME GO THERE ! " She shook you off, " ____ , such a weirdo ! Go inside already ! " She pushed you into the closet, which Naruto follwed.
You sat on the cold wooden floor, sucking your thumb like a baby. Naruto soon followed, sitting down; utterly feeling rejected. You looked over at him, and your scared expression faded. " N- Naruto ... ? " He just looked at you, " What a way to make me feel horrible, ____ . " You stared at his baby blue orbs, seeing sadness and rejection. Sighing you looked at your ankle, " No Naruto. It's not that I like you, which I do. I mean ... it's just that ... I don't know ... how ... to you know ... " You blushed madly as you said that last sentence. He stared at you wide eyed, and smile sheepishly. " That's it !? Hahaha ! Do you think I know how to do that too !? " He chuckled. A giggle escaped your lips. You felt wetness on your cheek; your fingers slid down on it, saliva. You looked over at Naruto, who was looking at his feet; with a crimson face. A smile formed on your features, as your head slowly came close to Naruto. He slowly closed his eyes; as did you, and your lips met in an innocent childish kiss. Still lip locked, giggles where heard. " GO NARUTO ! " Lee exclamied. You blushing like mad, you stomped out of the closet. {[ Good thing Hinata was in the bathroom, Lord knows what she's doing ! XD ]}
" LEFT FOOT ON GREEN ! " Ino yelled playfully. You put your left foot on the green circle there. Naruto's foot was close to yours, and being the clumsy person you are, you knocked his foot. " Wooah ! " He wailed, as did you. You two looked at each other, and after a minute of glaring at each other, you both giggled. " Ramen? Tommorow after training? " You suggested. He grinned. " Oh ! A date !? " You blushed madly, " Naruto ! "
You were pushed into a closet with Naruto close behind. Sakura smiled at both of you before shutting the door giving you just a little light from under the door. You looked over at Naruto making out his form in the dark. "Soo..." You trailed off looking down at your thumbs as you twiddled them. Naruto was one of your closest friends and you were glad that you had gotten him rather than some of the choices out there. Your feelings for him have been growing over the past two years and it was hard for you to express them to him without just coming out and telling him. This was your chance to tell him and you were chickening out.
"____ do you like me?" Naruto asked you sounding a bit nervous. You swallowed he had just asked you the dreaded question and you had to answer it honestly.
"Yes." You whispered still looking down at your hands. Naruto crawled over to where you were sitting.
"Really?" there was hope in his voice and you couldnt help but smile. Naruto had that effect on almost everyone even if they did find him annoying. You nodded, Narutos hand came up to the side of your face gently making you look up at him and you held your breath as your eyes met. Even in the dark you could see his blue eyes shining. "I am glad because I like you." He whispered as his thumb gently slid over your lips. You closed your eyes feeling his thumb going over your lips followed by his lips. They were tender and soft as they timidly pressed against yours. You smiled thinking about how sometimes he could have no confidence in himself. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you as your lips parted deepening the kiss. Naruto quickly gained his confidence and started to kiss you fervently his lips moving from yours down to your neck. He gently nibbled on your neck alternating from kissing to nibbling. You squealed with joy at the shivers that were running up and down your body. Naruto was holding you against the wall as he pushed himself against you making you moan softly.
You and Naruto continued your make out session for the full seven minutes before Sakura knocked on the door opening it with her eyes closed. You and Naruto were sitting next to each other holding hands when she finally opened her eyes sighing in relief. Naruto helped you up hugging you against him when you finally stood up. "Be mine forever." He whispered in your ear. You smiled at him and kiss him in response. He ran out of the closet dragging you behind. "I got a girlfriend! Believe it!" you laughed as everyone looked at you with shocked expressions. Naruto sat on the couch pulling you onto his lap wrapping his arms around you every now and then placing a kiss on the back of your neck as you watched the rest of them play the game.
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