I was alone that day. House empty. Just the sounds of birds outside to keep me company. Trying to think of something to do I walked into the neatly setup kitchen. The fridge was open, which I found strange, I never leave the fridge open. I thought nothing of it; I had been very tired the night before. I reached into the fridge and it was very…dusty? “What on earth?” I thought out loud. I rubbed my finger across the once cold surface. It was pollen…not dust. I looked to the window. It was open too. Must have been left open from yesterday. I slowly and cautiously walked over to close it. I didn’t think too much about it. I simply got the first thing I touched in the fridge to eat. Potato salad. As I walked back to the living room I was pondering the happenings in the kitchen. Was it really possible that all that pollen got in the fridge from outside the open window? I sat down, started eating my potato salad, and that’s when it happened.
I was still thinking about the pollen in the fridge. How in the world could wind blow the much pollen into it? It wasn’t anywhere else in the kitchen, only in the fridge. I just didn’t understand it. Very strange. Suddenly something flickered out of the corner of my eye. I didn’t care about that at this point; too many strange things were going on. I was trying to forget about theses things when I saw something flash once more. I knew I saw it this time. Pink it was, pink indeed. I became immensely confused as I realized since I had closed the window there was nothing open in my avocado home. As soon as that thought crossed my mind a butterfly zoomed at my face! “NO!” I screamed, swatting at the annoying pest, “NO! I’m eating my potato salad!” I was so taken aback by the random butterfly invading the peacefulness of my avocado that I didn’t realize it circled around and was flying back at me. Straight into my ear it flew. It took a few seconds to realize what had happened, but by then it was too late. Little pink butterfly wings sprouted from my temples. I rose into the air, slowly at first, the burst through the ceiling! Flying above all the other avocado homes in my village I got a sudden craving for something I couldn’t identify. The I remembered the abnormal substance I found in the fridge earlier that morning. Pollen. I needed pollen. I flew lower to the ground, just hovering over the flowers blooming bright shades of purples and reds. Then a long, curly nose protruded from where mine was supposed to be. With my newly formed proboscis I gathered all the pollen I could. Instinct took over from there and I went flower to flower pollinating them.
While I was doing my duty as a brand new, inexperienced butterfly I heard a loud, annoying buzzing coming from somewhere nearby. Then I saw it. The huge, yellow and black bee was flying right at me! This was just not my day…I didn’t know what to think because as if I, a human, flying around with wings at my temples wasn’t strange enough, the bee was flying at me backwards and upside down. I was at a loss of words. When I finally realized I was in trouble the bee was almost to me. I shot forward as fast as my little wings would go and tried to escape. The bee was too fast. I felt its stinger slightly caress my leg and that was enough for me to know I had to do something. The bad thing about knowing tat though was the fact that the only thing on my mind all day was pollen. I knew I had to do something. That was obvious. I mean danger was right behind me, but all I could think was pollen, pollen, pollen. This being the case, I turned around suddenly and flung all the pollen I had gathered at the bee. It looked very surprised and confused. It was probably wondering why on earth I just threw pollen in its face, after all, bees live off it too. Then out of nowhere the bee started to tremble. It was quit obvious it was now afraid. Then the trembling stopped. The bee looked overjoyed and started flying towards me again. Then BAM! The bee spontaneously combusted. I was in shock as dusty pollen rained down upon me and the flowers around me. Now elated by the fact that I got rid of that fowl beast forever, I flew all the way back to my avocado…
Waking up suddenly, flinging myself upward, I immediately put my fingers to my temples. Nothing was there, good. It was all just a dream. I got out of bed to go to the kitchen in search of something to drink. When I opened the fridge something was wrong…is that dust?
Community Member
I think the "dream" is foreshadowing something ;D