You were sitting right by the phone when you drew the #2 slip. You jump when the phone rings but as you go to pick it up you are flattened by Tenten who tells you, "Come on, _____. No cheating and seeing who you get!" When she answers the phone all you get to hear is, "What's up guys?... Yeah it's _____. She got #2 so send in letter B!... mmm*cough* (she muffled a laugh) OK bye." Now everyone is cheering you on and you are getting more and more nervous. Trying to regain your composure you stop outside the door. The girls are still encouraging you and you look back over your shoulder as you open the door, but as you go to take a step inside your foot catches on the carpet! You stumble into the dark hallway and the girls giggling shut the door behind you. Just as you feel that you are totally going to fall on your face you run into a very solid chest and strong arms help you rebalance yourself. You hear him say, "Wow,____. You're more clumsy than me." You can tell it's Naruto by his voice, and now your face is burning up with embarrassment and anger, but before you can make an angry comment he surprises you by kissing your forehead. Next, the tip of your nose. Then softly on your lips. He sighs and gives you some breathing room but still hasn't let go of you. He's quiet for a little bit and then says, "I'm sorry. I know a lot of people think I'm annoying, but I really like you and if I didn't do something now then I might never have told you." You raise your eyes to meet his and realize you're both the same height. Since you're still too shocked to say anything you put your hand on his cheek. It's warm just like yours and you think *So he's blushing, too* In the dim light you can still see his whisker marks and you gently trace them with your index finger as you say quietly, "I don't think you're annoying. You're one of the bravest people I know." With that said Naruto got pretty excited and nearly knocked the two of you over with his next kiss. You let out a little squeak of surprise but kiss him back and throw your arms around his neck and smile into the kiss. Soon he licks your lip but you didn't really want it to go this fast. but while you hesitated Naruto moved his right hand from your hip and just tickled your side enough to get you to gasp a little. So you figure if he was that intent on getting in you'd let him. Soooo you two spend the remaining time making out but not too intensely. After a while the doors opened and there were many flashing cameras. Since Naruto was speechless for once, you took your chance and shouted, "BELIEVE IT!!!" (because secretly you always wanted to razz ). That snapped him back into his senses and he laughed. So you went over to the guys room with Naruto where he sat on the couch and pulled you onto his lap and put his orange jacket on your shoulders. Eventually everyone was paired up (only a few were really awkward so they played a board game)and you both fell asleep on the couch.
"one" you said looking at the paper. Ino and Sakura gasped and tears came to their eyes. You guessed then that it was Susuke and your guess was confirmed as he stood up. 'Wonderful, i get to kiss emo fan girl man!' you thought to yourself you followed him into the closet and shut the door. He looked into your eyes passionetly.
"Listen...i've always really liked you, i mean you dont care what others think and you are so kind and gentle..." he stuttered. Your mouth dropped open, you had never seen Sasuke act this way, and it warmed your heart. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he put his hands on your hips. He leaned down and kissed you gently and then more roughly through passion...His tounge licked your lips, asking permission to be let in and you gladly let it. Suddenly the door opened and Ino and Sakura were standing there as red as tomatoes.
"YOUR SEVEN MINUTES IS UP!!!" they screamed. You walked out of the closet and sat back down, Sasuke sat down next to you and you layed your head on his shoulder while her rubbed your leg the rest of the game.
Your kiss was: Passionet and loving, yet rough and tasteful
Afterwards: Sasuke asked you out
"Three" you said standing up, wait for the person who also had three. You gasped as Kakashi got up...sure he was a Sensai, but he was also very HOTT. You followed him in into the closet.
"Uhhh...." you stammered looking down at your toes. Kakashi removed his mask and his eyes looked at you lovingly. He leaned forward and you turned bright red. He kissed you gently and cupped your chin in his hand.
"you have always been so beautiful and so loving." He said and than returned to your kiss. It felt like you had been in there for ages when Sasuke opened the door to find you two lying on the floor without any clothes on.
"AHHHHHHH! IM SCARRED FOR LIFE!!!!" he quickly shut the door and ran away screaming you locked the door and returned to what you were doing...(i dont think i need to explain it!)
Your kiss was:Furthered on to something else
Afterwards:You married Kakashi and had his daughter.
You pull out a card with a blue triangle on it. "Blue triangle..." you say, an eyebrow raised.
You see Sasuke quickly glance at you and then walk to the closet, hands in his pockets, looking at the floor. Ino looks at you in an angry sort of way. "Don't worry, Ino," you say with a smile. "We're just friends." She smiles back and you walk into the closet after Sasuke, closing the door behind you.
You go to lean on the wall, but notice that it was softer and warmer than the wall. "Whoops! Sorry, Sasuke ^^;," you say.
"Eager, are you?" he replied with a laugh. You just laughed, nervously. "So we're just friends, eh?"
"You heard that?" you reply, feeling sort of badly.
"Yeah, I hear everything," Sasuke said, smirking.
"Well, did you want to be more than friends?" you said, returning the smirk with your own.
"Hnn," was his only reply, as he crossed his arms and looked to his side.
"I was only asking..." you said, leaning back on the wall across from Sasuke. "but if you don't...then that's fine with me. I told Ino I wouldn't do anything, anyways."
"I never said I didn't like you," he replied. "and besides...she never said I couldn't do anything..."
The next thing you knew, he pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened, but you calmed down after a while, deepening the kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and you hesitantly placed yours around his neck. Startling you, he bit your bottom lip and you gasped, allowing him entrance biggrin lol.
Finally, he pulled away for air and said, "That works, right?"
"I guess," you said, blushing and smiling at the same time. "I just hope she's not angry..."
"What she doesn't know won't hurt her," Sasuke replied, smirking once again. You giggled, and he kissed you again.
Ino opened the door. "Time's up!" When she opened the door she gasped and turned red...angry red, not embarassed biggrin lol (just clarifying it).
"I didn't do it," you said, grinning. Sasuke laughed, put his arm around your waist and walked you back to his seat where he held you close and glared at Ino every time she gave you the death stare.
Later... Sasuke talked to you for a long time, holding you close. and at the end of the party, he walked you home.
"Thanks, Sasuke," you said. "I had a good time...I didn't think I would at first."
" problem," he said, smirking. "Anytime."
"Well why not have some more fun?" you said. He smiled, and you let him into your house.
You pulled out a card that had a green smiley face on it. "A green smiley face," you said, indifferently.
"Heh heh, that's me," Naruto said, blushing wildly.
He jumped up and walked into the closet, grinning goofily at you the whole time. You followed and closed the door behind you.
"Hey, ____-chan..." Naruto started, nervously. "I know we're on the same team and everything so it's kinda weird...but I...erm..."
You just giggled, which made him blush even more.
"Aww, that's fine Naruto," you replied. "I kinda like you too ^^."
"Really? Sweet!" he said, excitedly. "Can I...umm...heh..."
"Sure," you chuckled. He awkwardly stepped towards you, smiled, and pecked you on the lips, and backed his head away. You smiled back, closing your eyes, but to your surprise, Naruto kissed you again...this time with more force. He became more agressive and wrapped his arms around you. You did the same and he pushed you against the wall.
He kissed you passionately for a long time. It seemed like a minute, but all of your time was up. Sasuke opened the door and rolled his eyes (for some reason or another biggrin lol).
You two walked out, holding hands, and Naruto pulled you to his spot where he hugged you for the remainder of the time.
Later... When everyone was leaving, Naruto held you back. "Hey, _____-chan," he began. "you wanna go get some ramen?" He smiled and you couldn't resist, so you nodded and he took you to Ichiraku's. You two are getting along great, and he asks you to be accept, and live happily ever after
"Hyacinth..." You sound out. The flower was unfamiliar to you and you hoped you pronounced it well enough. "Yatta!" Naruto jumped up. You quickly turned and walked to the closet. A slight blush crept across your cheeks and you wanted to get into the dark before anyone noticed. You heard and felt Naruto follow you into the closet. As soon as the two of you walked through the door, Sakura giggled a little and closed the door. You walked to the back of the closet and leaned against the wall with your head slightly down. "What was it we were supposed to do in here again?" Naruto asked. You sighed, "Ino said anything we wanted." "Oh yeah, hee." Naruto smiled. You couldn't see too well in the dark, but you knew he had a huge grin on his face. "So ______-chan, what should we do?" He asked. "Doesn't matter to me, whatever you want is fine." You said in a quiet voice; the blush on your face getting darker. "Hmm..." Naruto mumbled and walked over to you. You pushed yourself closer to the wall and kept your eyes down. "Are you okay?" Naruto asked with some concern. "You look like you have a fever." He pressed his hand to your forehead. "Uhhhh, no I'm fine." You stammered. "We only have a few minutes left, so..." You trailed off and felt that accursed blush of your getting even deeper. "Yeah, I dont know what to do...guess I'm not too good at this game." Naruto lowered his head a bit. "Do you think Im annoying too?" He asked in a quiet voice. Fearing he might be sad, you shot your head up. In the process, your lips brushed his. The sudden contact made both of you blush brilliantly and a few seconds passed before either of you thought to break contact. "Uhhhh, sorry I didn't realize you were so close. I..." You began, but were cut off when Naruto suddenly pulled you into a hug. "Can I just hold you?" Naruto asked in shy voice. You nodded and snuggled into his warm chest. You spent the remaining few minutes wrapped in Narutos arms. "Times up!" You heard Sakura's voice on the other side of the door. Just before the door opened, you and Naruto separated from the embrace. "Alright come out." Sakura grinned at you. Naruto walked out first, and you noticed he had a slight blush across his face. Seeing his red face made you think of the events in the closet and you felt your face get hot too. "'Huh? Naruto's actually quiet?" Ino remarked with a slight smile. "Their faces are all red too." Kiba grinned. Several others began to giggle and you didn't really want to know what they were thinking. You took a glance around the room and saw Hinata looking at the floor. You had a feeling shed been using her Byakugan to look through the door and you felt a bit sorry for her. After all, she liked Naruto just the same as you. Once the giggles and comments died down a bit, Sakura passed the bowl to and the game resumed. You wound your way through the group and spent the rest of the game sitting next to Naruto.
"Anemone" You slowly read out. A slight movement caught your eye, and you turned to see Sasuke walking into the closet. Your face flushed ever so slightly and you turned to the closet. You turned your back to the group and felt a dangerous aura directed at you. Not wanting to see the evil looks you were sure Sakura and Ino were giving you, you quickly entered the closet. "Have fun." Tenten smiled as she closed the door. You were happy to have pulled out Sasuke's flower, but dreaded the exit from the closet since you knew the dangerous auras you felt came from Sakura and Ino. You heard a sigh from the other side of the closet and turned to face the direction of the sigh. "What do you want to do?" Sasuke asked abruptly. "Ummm...I don't know. What do you do in a closet?" You asked not really expecting a response. Sasuke didn't respond and you heard him slide to the floor. "We could talk..." You half-heartedly suggested, but didn't expect much of a reply. "What did you want to talk about?" You felt Sasuke glare at you, and you knew you had to answer carefully. Obviously, he didn't mind talking, but you knew if the discussion annoyed him in the slightest hed clam up and ignore you. Or, tell you to be quiet. "Ummm...well I did want to ask why you chose anemone as your favorite flower." You meekly said. "Does it matter?" Came Sasukes gruff reply. "Not really. I just wondered." You looked down at your feet. "You sound like Sakura." Sasuke admonished. You slid down and sat on the floor. Sasuke's comment hurt a bit, but you knew he didn't necessarily mean to be harsh. "Sorry, I'm just not used to quiet places. I like having people around, but Ill be quiet now." You felt like crying, but at least Ino and Sakura wouldn't have a reason to get too mad. Suddenly, you felt Sasuke get up and walk the few steps to you. Your heart beat a little faster and you reminded yourself you still had several minutes of the game left. You could hardly believe it when Sasuke stopped next you and sat down just inches from your right. His presence so close to you made you nervous and you involuntarily shivered. "Are you cold?" Sasuke asked. His casual question surprised you a little and a tiny blush crept across your face. "No, Im fine." You quietly answered. Sasuke leaned closer to you and looked at your face. "Your face is a bit flushed, are you sure you are okay?" He asked. You couldn't respond with his face so close to yours. Instead you stared into his dark eyes. The expression there wasn't warm per say, but it wasnt cold either. Suddenly he pressed his forehead to yours and your blush burned brighter. "I..Im fine really." You stammered and tried to push him away. Pushing directly in front of you rather than to your right, you fell forward. Before you hit face first into the floor, an arm wrapped around you and pulled you safely to Sasukes body. "You are not alright." Sasuke proclaimed and continued to hold you. Rather than deny his statement and risk him pushing you away, you snuggled further into his embrace. A few minutes later, a chorus of angry words broke your bliss. "Alright, times up!" Sakura and Ino flared. Tenten opened the door and Sasuke helped you up. He put his arm around your waist and supported part of your weight. You blushed and avoided making eye contact with either Ino or Sakura. "Woot! Sasukes got a girlfriend!" Naruto whistled and several other guys joined in with a few wolf whistles. Tenten passed the bowl on and the game resumed. You spent the rest of the evening ignoring the game and avoiding eye contact with Ino and Sakura since Sasuke was hovering protectively near you.
Kakashi "Wine..." You read off the sheet of paper. Figures. The guys all probably put down alcoholic beverages. Oh well, you said you'd play. You got up and saw Kakashi head to the closet. You sighed and followed. Kakashi wasn't too bad. He read some perverted books, or you guessed they were perverted since you'd never actually read them, but he was good looking and had a decent personality. The two of you entered the closet and Kurenai closed the door with a sympathetic look. Kakashi walked to the back of the closet, and you refused to follow. If he had to kiss you, he'd have to come to you. You leaned against the closet door and stared at Kakashi. He sighed and walked over to you. "I guess you aren't going to play nice are you?" He questioned and leaned in toward you. "Nope. You guys made me play this game, so you have to do everything yourself." You smugly replied. "Well, I guess in cant be helped." He sighed and pulled up his forehead protector. "Sharingan? What do you plan to do with that?" You asked surprised. Kakashi smiled and pulled down his facemask. You couldn't help but stare. His face was perfect. Even the scar across his eye enhanced his features. "Kak...." You began, but were interrupted when his lips met yours. "Nnnn...." You softly moaned out of shock. Your lips parted ever so slightly and Kakashi ran his tongue across them before sliding in. You tried meekly to push him away, but Kakashi's arms wrapped around you and pulled you closer. He deepened the kiss and explored your mouth with his tongue. You tried not to follow Kakashi's pace, but the kiss was good enough to make you melt. He pulled you into a crushing hug and massaged your tongue with his. A surge of defiance reared up in you, and not wanting to loose to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck. You moved your tongue to explore his mouth, and battle for dominance. Kakashi responded to your fervor by moving his hand from your back down to your thigh. With his thumb, he massaged the back of your thigh, and you ran your fingers through his silver hair. The moment was so good you did not want to end it, but Kakashi suddenly broke the kiss. Your entire body was disappointed in the release from Kakashi's touch. Wanting more, you nuzzled his neck and lightly ran your tongue across his jaw line. Kakashi gently pushed you off and traced a finger across your jaw. He leaned toward your ear. "I thought you didnt want to play." His voice tickled your ear and he lightly nibbled the lobe. You held back a moan of pleasure and wrapped your arms around his neck to pull yourself to him again. "I decided I like this game." You whispered with a light hint of seduction to your voice. Kakashi finished toying with your ear, and lightly kissed down your neck. "Times up!" The very obnoxious voice of Gai came from the other side of the door. Just before he pulled open the door, you and Kakashi straightened up and stood at opposite sides of the closet. "Ha! You can't get very far with a girl can you Kakashi? You just don't have enough youth." Gai victoriously jeered at Kakashi. "Shut up Gai." You said and pushed past the obnoxious man. Kakashi followed you out and the two of you sat near a window. The bowl was passed to Kurenai, and the game resumed. While everyone was busy with the game, and not keeping tabs on you, you and Kakashi snuck out through the window and found a nice place to continue what was started in the closet.
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