A Cornucopia of Love

•age 19
•height 5’4”
•skin tone Pale (but not full out white)
•eye color bright blue
•hair color White with black tips
•hair style her hair is kind of choppy starting short in the front and getting longer as it goes to the back which is a little bit more than shoulder length but not quite mid back.
•fur (tail, ear) color white with black tips
•build not like really skinny she has some weight to her but no where near fat. She has a decent chest size and somewhat of a curve.
•clothing style Kirana is some what fashion blind. She often wares crazy T-shirts and cargo pants (normally gray or black in color). She almost never wares shoes or hairpins. Though she has been seen in pretty dresses and stunning outfits (which kika has created) when she is attacked by Kika.
•favorite colors Blue, black, purple, red and silver
•extra notes
--Kirana always wares her collar which is checkered blue and red. The tag is a red heart. (if the checkers are to hard for you, you are free to make it plain blue, red or black)
--She is playful and goofy so don’t be afraid to get playful with her.
--If you do a group you can draw her with Koja (friend/little brother like relationship), Coop (love relationship), Sal (owner/pet like relationship), Kikani (sister/best friend like relationship), Austin (little brother like relationship) and Rini (son/owner and pet relationship).
--Kirana is a wolf fox demon so she has a second form, which is a small wolf/large fox with pure white fur. Her paws, tips of her ears and tail how ever are pitch black.
--She loves shiny things and knives *w*
xxx(Really good example of creativity!)
xxxxx (example by me XP)
•age 24
•height 6’
•skin tone almost Asian skin tone with darker stripes (kinda think Henna tattoos) on his arms and face (not on his chest or legs)
•eye color orange
•hair color black
•hair style Short-ish and messy
•fur (tail) color Orange
•build Tall and skinny-ish has some slight muscle
•clothing style Koja is a elegant gentle man, and considers himself such, so he does enjoy dressing up in tuxedos and dignified clothing. Though most of the time you will find that he wares Jeans (not skinny jeans DX) with a tight-ish muscle shirt. A belt or a couple belts (lol) normally hold up his pants. He normally wares combat like boots and a trench coat (kinda like the coal gunner coat here on gaia)
•favorite colors Orange and black
•extra notes
--Koja is a Vampire that was cursed to be a huge orange cat so when you draw him (human like) add a tail and his stripes.
--He is a rather reserved fellow, who doesn’t show a lot of emotion. Though is often abused “lovingly” by Kirana
--If you do a group you can draw him with Coop (rival like relationship), Austin (playing cat like with him), Kikani (being abused by her(in a sibling manner) friend like relationship) and Kirana (abused cat/Ignored love like relationship)
--Koja does not find if funny or cute to be thought as sparklie… And says if he ever meets the “Twilight Lady” He may maul her….Yes he’s serious O.O
-- Koja is a cursed vampire so he is mainly a cat. When he is in cat form he is Big (think 30lb big) though not fat. He is orange with white paws and chest
xxx <3 (stripes not quite this orange...but still awesome )
xxxx(bad idea for clothing, but good skin tone)
xxxxx (yes I know I drew him with ears, but it was me being playful, don't put them unless asked kay O3O)
xxx(ignore oro...the grey cat)
•age 10
•eye color blue
•fur color He is fire so it’s more like swirling blues with a little purple and white
•build For the most part fox-shaped but he is a flame so his shape can be more or less what ever you want…he can even be a ball with eyes and ears.
•favorite colors Blue
•extra notes
--Rini is more or less Kirana’s pet son, as she created him on accident when playing with magic.
--Rini, even though he is a flame, can control what he burns unless he is starving and weak.
--Rini is rarely seen with out Kirana, though Kirana can be found without Rini. This is not because Rini has disappeared but rather because he is probably in her pocket.
--If you do a group you can draw him with Kirana (mom/owner relationship), Coop (curiously checking him out), Austin (checking him out), and Koja (Playing with him child like).
xxx*points to kirana's arm*
•age 20
•height 5’ 11”
•skin tone not pale not tan
•eye color blue
•hair color blue
•hair style messy bangs that get longer as they go back. The back of his hair is about to mid back. His hair is some what held back by a pony tail that is in his hair near his shoulders.
•fur (tail, ear) color blue ears and tail, with the tail having a white underside.
•build Lean, slightly muscular though
•clothing style Wares a lose dark blue (almost black) sports Jacket with coat tails, over an olive green/purple striped long sleeve T-shirt. Ware a tight military like belt. He wares black Skinny pants that have large pockets on the back and side that get baggy after you hit the knee. He wares a wallet chain on his left and he had a pocket watch on his right (FMA pocket watch chain is shorter than the wallet chain). He has black converse shoes. Also he wares a black dog collar with a round tag. He also wares a skull cap it is gray with two black stripes one on the rim and one just a little above it, with the Sly Cooper logo on it.
•favorite colors Blue, black and Silver
•extra notes
--He some times smokes joints
--Has a reckless personality (little crazy/loony)
--Doesn’t think things through
--He rides Bajaj Chetak scooter called Zungguzungguguzungguzeng Everywhere(sometimes with Sal)
--If you do a group you can draw him with Kirana (love/friend like relationship), Koja (rival like relationship), Austin (Jealous when Aussi flirts with Kira, but other wise friends), Kikani (friends like or fighting relationship) and Rini (owner/pet like relationship).
--Will attempt murder upon anyone (but Kira) who takes his skullcap.
--Is obsessed with the number 27
--Has the ears and tail of a Husky
•age 3-4 years old
•eye color blue
•fur color think black hayate
•build Normal lean husky build
•favorite colors Blue, black, purple, red and silver
•extra notes
--Some times seen in Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses or a Skull cap helmet and goggles.
--Sometimes smokes with Coop
--Rational, down-to-earth personality, but sometimes random and uninhibited
--Sal’s left ear’s tip is droopy (unless he’s excited, scared, surprised or hurt)
--If you do a group you can draw him with Kirana (owner pet like relationship), Kikani (Playing or being loved on by kika), Austin (playing with him) and Coop (owner/pet or best friend relationship).
--He knows how to talk
--Favorite food dog biscuits but if you put anything in front of his nose he’ll chew it up, if not eat it.
--He loves women (regardless of species)
Austin (Aussi-kins)
•age 23
•height 6’5”
•skin tone pale
•eye color his Left eye is brown and his right is Blue (your left and right)
•hair color Orangie brown
•hair style The sides of his head are shaved, while the hair on top is long and pulled back into a pony tail; Which is curly and falls to just above his shoulders which curls up a bit at the end.
•build Very lanky non muscular
•clothing style Aussi-kins is as fashion blind as Kirana (is probably why they make such good friends). Aussi is often found wearing a Long (almost covering his boots), black Skirt, with some sort of band shirt and Bright lime green arm warmers. Though when Kikani attacks him, he has been seen in all sorts of interesting and fun clothing (which kika has created herself).
•favorite colors Black, red and Lime Green
•extra notes
--He is Obsessed the color lime green
--He likes to flirt with kika and kira.
--If you do a group you can draw him with Koja (playing with him as a kitty), Coop (wanting to be friends oblivious of any hate like relationship), Sal (petting or playing child like with him), Kirana/Kikani (flirting or little brother like), and Rini (looking at him curiously).
--Likes Marilyn Manson, and most rock bands.
--Loves his green arm warmers more than life itself.
--Is strait but loves to cross dress and ware pretty things.
•age 19
•height 5’3”
•skin tone slightly taned
•eye color bright blue
•hair color Black and Purple
•hair style The back of her hair is black and stops at about her mid back, while her bangs are purple and stop just above her eyebrows
•fur (tail, ear) color white
•build Short and kinda skinny, but not like anorexic
•clothing style Suprisingly she does not wear her own clothes and instead enjoys wearing T-shirts and jeans. She'll wear about anything as long as it is fashionable and matches.
•favorite colors The rainbow
•extra notes
--She Enjoys "attacking people" and dressing them up in clothing she's made especially the boys. She enjoys putting them in her dresses.
--If you do a group you can draw her with Koja (friend/little brother like relationship), Sal (playing with or hugging him to death), Kirana (sister/best friend like relationship), and Austin (little brother like relationship).
--She likes the rainbow (especially neon rainbow) but is not lesbian
-- She has snake bites.
--Has wolf ears and tail.
•age 5
•height 3’
•skin tone almost albino
•eye color right eye blue, left eye is a blue violet color (your left and right)
•hair color Black
•hair style Long and shaggy (think skater boy)
•fur (tail, ear) color Black
•build awkwardly lanky and really skinny
•clothing style He wares what ever Kikani puts him in..
On her good days she dresses him in normal boy clothing,
On her bad days she dresses him in very girly frilly dresses.
•favorite colors Green and Black
•extra notes
--He can Speak English tongue.
--He values Kikani as a mother.
--Has a second form, which is a little wolf pup, with a black pelt and big paws.
--The end of his tail got chopped off so it’s more of a nub than a point. Though it still curls up and is really fluffy.
--He likes Turtles, which he calls Selles (pronounces it Shellies)
--If you put him in a group you can draw him with Kikani (mother like relationship), With Kirana (auntie like relationship), Coop (STRANGER DANGER!), Koja (Father like relationship), and Austin (big brother relationship).

•age 19
•height 5’4”
•skin tone Pale (but not full out white)
•eye color bright blue
•hair color White with black tips
•hair style her hair is kind of choppy starting short in the front and getting longer as it goes to the back which is a little bit more than shoulder length but not quite mid back.
•fur (tail, ear) color white with black tips
•build not like really skinny she has some weight to her but no where near fat. She has a decent chest size and somewhat of a curve.
•clothing style Kirana is some what fashion blind. She often wares crazy T-shirts and cargo pants (normally gray or black in color). She almost never wares shoes or hairpins. Though she has been seen in pretty dresses and stunning outfits (which kika has created) when she is attacked by Kika.
•favorite colors Blue, black, purple, red and silver
•extra notes
--Kirana always wares her collar which is checkered blue and red. The tag is a red heart. (if the checkers are to hard for you, you are free to make it plain blue, red or black)
--She is playful and goofy so don’t be afraid to get playful with her.
--If you do a group you can draw her with Koja (friend/little brother like relationship), Coop (love relationship), Sal (owner/pet like relationship), Kikani (sister/best friend like relationship), Austin (little brother like relationship) and Rini (son/owner and pet relationship).
--Kirana is a wolf fox demon so she has a second form, which is a small wolf/large fox with pure white fur. Her paws, tips of her ears and tail how ever are pitch black.
--She loves shiny things and knives *w*
xxx(Really good example of creativity!)
xxxxx (example by me XP)
•age 24
•height 6’
•skin tone almost Asian skin tone with darker stripes (kinda think Henna tattoos) on his arms and face (not on his chest or legs)
•eye color orange
•hair color black
•hair style Short-ish and messy
•fur (tail) color Orange
•build Tall and skinny-ish has some slight muscle
•clothing style Koja is a elegant gentle man, and considers himself such, so he does enjoy dressing up in tuxedos and dignified clothing. Though most of the time you will find that he wares Jeans (not skinny jeans DX) with a tight-ish muscle shirt. A belt or a couple belts (lol) normally hold up his pants. He normally wares combat like boots and a trench coat (kinda like the coal gunner coat here on gaia)
•favorite colors Orange and black
•extra notes
--Koja is a Vampire that was cursed to be a huge orange cat so when you draw him (human like) add a tail and his stripes.
--He is a rather reserved fellow, who doesn’t show a lot of emotion. Though is often abused “lovingly” by Kirana
--If you do a group you can draw him with Coop (rival like relationship), Austin (playing cat like with him), Kikani (being abused by her(in a sibling manner) friend like relationship) and Kirana (abused cat/Ignored love like relationship)
--Koja does not find if funny or cute to be thought as sparklie… And says if he ever meets the “Twilight Lady” He may maul her….Yes he’s serious O.O
-- Koja is a cursed vampire so he is mainly a cat. When he is in cat form he is Big (think 30lb big) though not fat. He is orange with white paws and chest
xxx <3 (stripes not quite this orange...but still awesome )
xxxx(bad idea for clothing, but good skin tone)
xxxxx (yes I know I drew him with ears, but it was me being playful, don't put them unless asked kay O3O)
xxx(ignore oro...the grey cat)
•age 10
•eye color blue
•fur color He is fire so it’s more like swirling blues with a little purple and white
•build For the most part fox-shaped but he is a flame so his shape can be more or less what ever you want…he can even be a ball with eyes and ears.
•favorite colors Blue
•extra notes
--Rini is more or less Kirana’s pet son, as she created him on accident when playing with magic.
--Rini, even though he is a flame, can control what he burns unless he is starving and weak.
--Rini is rarely seen with out Kirana, though Kirana can be found without Rini. This is not because Rini has disappeared but rather because he is probably in her pocket.
--If you do a group you can draw him with Kirana (mom/owner relationship), Coop (curiously checking him out), Austin (checking him out), and Koja (Playing with him child like).
xxx*points to kirana's arm*
•age 20
•height 5’ 11”
•skin tone not pale not tan
•eye color blue
•hair color blue
•hair style messy bangs that get longer as they go back. The back of his hair is about to mid back. His hair is some what held back by a pony tail that is in his hair near his shoulders.
•fur (tail, ear) color blue ears and tail, with the tail having a white underside.
•build Lean, slightly muscular though
•clothing style Wares a lose dark blue (almost black) sports Jacket with coat tails, over an olive green/purple striped long sleeve T-shirt. Ware a tight military like belt. He wares black Skinny pants that have large pockets on the back and side that get baggy after you hit the knee. He wares a wallet chain on his left and he had a pocket watch on his right (FMA pocket watch chain is shorter than the wallet chain). He has black converse shoes. Also he wares a black dog collar with a round tag. He also wares a skull cap it is gray with two black stripes one on the rim and one just a little above it, with the Sly Cooper logo on it.
•favorite colors Blue, black and Silver
•extra notes
--He some times smokes joints
--Has a reckless personality (little crazy/loony)
--Doesn’t think things through
--He rides Bajaj Chetak scooter called Zungguzungguguzungguzeng Everywhere(sometimes with Sal)
--If you do a group you can draw him with Kirana (love/friend like relationship), Koja (rival like relationship), Austin (Jealous when Aussi flirts with Kira, but other wise friends), Kikani (friends like or fighting relationship) and Rini (owner/pet like relationship).
--Will attempt murder upon anyone (but Kira) who takes his skullcap.
--Is obsessed with the number 27
--Has the ears and tail of a Husky
•age 3-4 years old
•eye color blue
•fur color think black hayate
•build Normal lean husky build
•favorite colors Blue, black, purple, red and silver
•extra notes
--Some times seen in Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses or a Skull cap helmet and goggles.
--Sometimes smokes with Coop
--Rational, down-to-earth personality, but sometimes random and uninhibited
--Sal’s left ear’s tip is droopy (unless he’s excited, scared, surprised or hurt)
--If you do a group you can draw him with Kirana (owner pet like relationship), Kikani (Playing or being loved on by kika), Austin (playing with him) and Coop (owner/pet or best friend relationship).
--He knows how to talk
--Favorite food dog biscuits but if you put anything in front of his nose he’ll chew it up, if not eat it.
--He loves women (regardless of species)
Austin (Aussi-kins)
•age 23
•height 6’5”
•skin tone pale
•eye color his Left eye is brown and his right is Blue (your left and right)
•hair color Orangie brown
•hair style The sides of his head are shaved, while the hair on top is long and pulled back into a pony tail; Which is curly and falls to just above his shoulders which curls up a bit at the end.
•build Very lanky non muscular
•clothing style Aussi-kins is as fashion blind as Kirana (is probably why they make such good friends). Aussi is often found wearing a Long (almost covering his boots), black Skirt, with some sort of band shirt and Bright lime green arm warmers. Though when Kikani attacks him, he has been seen in all sorts of interesting and fun clothing (which kika has created herself).
•favorite colors Black, red and Lime Green
•extra notes
--He is Obsessed the color lime green
--He likes to flirt with kika and kira.
--If you do a group you can draw him with Koja (playing with him as a kitty), Coop (wanting to be friends oblivious of any hate like relationship), Sal (petting or playing child like with him), Kirana/Kikani (flirting or little brother like), and Rini (looking at him curiously).
--Likes Marilyn Manson, and most rock bands.
--Loves his green arm warmers more than life itself.
--Is strait but loves to cross dress and ware pretty things.
•age 19
•height 5’3”
•skin tone slightly taned
•eye color bright blue
•hair color Black and Purple
•hair style The back of her hair is black and stops at about her mid back, while her bangs are purple and stop just above her eyebrows
•fur (tail, ear) color white
•build Short and kinda skinny, but not like anorexic
•clothing style Suprisingly she does not wear her own clothes and instead enjoys wearing T-shirts and jeans. She'll wear about anything as long as it is fashionable and matches.
•favorite colors The rainbow
•extra notes
--She Enjoys "attacking people" and dressing them up in clothing she's made especially the boys. She enjoys putting them in her dresses.
--If you do a group you can draw her with Koja (friend/little brother like relationship), Sal (playing with or hugging him to death), Kirana (sister/best friend like relationship), and Austin (little brother like relationship).
--She likes the rainbow (especially neon rainbow) but is not lesbian
-- She has snake bites.
--Has wolf ears and tail.
•age 5
•height 3’
•skin tone almost albino
•eye color right eye blue, left eye is a blue violet color (your left and right)
•hair color Black
•hair style Long and shaggy (think skater boy)
•fur (tail, ear) color Black
•build awkwardly lanky and really skinny
•clothing style He wares what ever Kikani puts him in..
On her good days she dresses him in normal boy clothing,
On her bad days she dresses him in very girly frilly dresses.
•favorite colors Green and Black
•extra notes
--He can Speak English tongue.
--He values Kikani as a mother.
--Has a second form, which is a little wolf pup, with a black pelt and big paws.
--The end of his tail got chopped off so it’s more of a nub than a point. Though it still curls up and is really fluffy.
--He likes Turtles, which he calls Selles (pronounces it Shellies)
--If you put him in a group you can draw him with Kikani (mother like relationship), With Kirana (auntie like relationship), Coop (STRANGER DANGER!), Koja (Father like relationship), and Austin (big brother relationship).