The Death of me
By: tarandomrainbowbubbles
Coco sighed as she walked through the little house into the kitchen. She paused for a minute as she noted Phoenix relaxed on the table still sorting through the documents of his current mission. His golden eyes shown through his hair while the rest of his face was hidden, quick and calculating were those eyes, at a time like this he resembled the wise bird he was named after. Coco, not meaning to disturb Phoenix, walked to the fridge with light feet. Slowly opening the flimsy door only to slam it shut once the smell of rotting meat reached her nostrils, while she doubled over, gasping and wheezing for fresh air, she caught the end of Phoenix’s small chuckle. Raising her body a little she glared at him, “What’s your problem? Couldn’t you have warned me?” she asked. As if on queue Rob walked into the kitchen, fully awake he nudged Coco out of the way and threw open the fridge, letting the foul odor release itself further into the kitchen. He began to shift through the contents of the small fridge not even so much as noticing the stench. After a minute of shifting through everything he pulled out a container, with a smile of victory plastered on his face, he removed the lid. After a quick second of eyeing the contents Coco bellowed, “What in the world is that?”
“Well I thin thad it was once thad white cheese and sum of thad steak put together.” Rob firmly asserted while selecting the right granite handled drawer, and with a noiseless sound, opened it. Coco, feeling the odor of Robs latest breakfast meal begin to overtake her new position, dove for the cupboard under the kitchen sink, that was already filled with dirty dishes, to open a fresh air freshener. Inhaling gratefully, and deeply she took in the scent of a long favorite smell, Ha the comforting smell of cinnamon. She shot one glare at both the men, sizing them up before turning lightly on her feet and again departing for the safe haven of her bedroom.
![]() Elylbroong Community Member ![]() |