These are some old poems I wrote not TOO long ago.
-Note: any stealers will be shot and pissed on.
I am 99.9% sure they don't like me..
But I think it may be the 00.1% that keeps me hanging on..
Why do I put myself through this? So many have gone...
I'm not sure if you ignore it, or you really don't here my calls..
I've gone through so many falls...
Why is it so hard?
I feel like my mind is barred...
These scars I have, and continue to create, on my arm....
They are not my self-inflicted charm.
For they are a mere reflection of my suffering.
Why do I do it?
I just can't quit..
It seems as though only the bad feelings sit.
I miss you..
But everything I do...
such little to no reaction, makes me blue.
These feelings are well over-due.
I wish I could say the things I want to say to you.
But who would care for a nobody such as me?
Will you ever see..?
-no title-
Deep within the shadows of which I creep
Is there something that I seek?
To find a reason why I live,
For in fear of death, it's death I give.
Anyone who crosses my way,
Won't live to see another day,
As long as there are people to kill,
This world is completely at my will.
Is it I or is it you?
Try to see this from my point of view.
Full of bloodlust, full of hate,
I never had a choice in fate.
Is this darkness, or is it light?
Who can teach me wrong from right?
I am the Angel of Death so you'd better watch out,
I'll kill you all, without a doubt.
What can save me from this life I dread?
It's the word that's been scarred in my head.
This loneliness that eats me inside,
These horror-filled fears that I try to hide.
Now the whole world can read what I lost,
I was made a weapon, and my life was the cost,
My mind is unstable, you may think me a freak,
But you'll tremble in fear because I am so bleak.
I love no one, and fight for me only,
You wouldn't understand, you've never been lonely.
Innocent souls, or my demonic mind,
Who is the victim of this crime?
Shunned by everyone, and feeling this pain,
Now do you understand why I'm insane?
Surrounded by darkness, no where to hide,
If I socialize, I feel I'll be eaten from inside.
Your blood will make for a tasty meal,
Is this true aliveness I feel?
Something is missing, something's not right,
Am I just like them, and them like me?
Is there something that I can't see?
Perhaps there is something more to life,
But how can I look past my strife?
Why can't I see it? It's very clear,
It's only the aloneness I fear,
Is there truly a lesson to learn?
I think my life is in for a turn,
For better or worse? I may never know,
But I will have to accept that what will come, will go.
Confusion is suffocating me, I'm up to my head,
If this keeps up, I might as well be dead,
A new reason to live? What might that be?
We'll just have to see....
As Daylight Dies
As daylight dies,
I live on…
As the daylight shall die,
And fade,
I shall continue to live,
My existence shall not fall alongside daylight.
The sun shall fall,
And the daylight shall die,
But I will live.
My existence shall not fade,
My focus shall not fail,
I shall not fall,
Nor shall I despair.
The earth turns,
The sun appears to fall.
And the night shall linger.
I shall walk my lonely existence away.
Then, as the earth shall continue to turn,
The sun will appear to rise once more,
And I shall die.
But as daylight dies,
I shall live once again,
And walk my lonely existence away.
In this lonely reality we call life,
I shall walk,
And I may seem living,
To those who do not see with their mind’s eye.
But those who live life with an open mind,
And look at things with their mind’s eye,
Shall see the difference…
For I am dead, inside…
As daylight dies…
Darkness Flows Within
Wipe the tears from your eyes,
Feel the sorrow grow from within.
Feel the anger grow,
The frustration,
The pain,
The solitude…
Learn to channel them,
Then, let them all turn to just anger, frustration, and solitude.
Become the darkness your mind has been longing for all this time.
The darkness that was always there,
Release the darkness within you.
It shall always remain there.
Waiting for the day in which it will awaken,
And flow~
Let the darkness flow through your mind and soul.
Harness it.
Obtain the power in which it holds.
Feel the power, flow.…
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Nya nya nya~
"There are people in this world who prefer solitude. But there is no one who can withstand it." - Makarov
"There are people in this world who prefer solitude. But there is no one who can withstand it." - Makarov
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