Minor details will start here, on this blank sheet of paper.
Worlds will collapses, and hearts will be broken.
Love will prevail, evil will strike.
"It was a Tuesday as I recall." Said Renn. Her face pale, her body covered in red. She walks over to greet the new visitors whose whispers can be heard for miles. Sitting down on a broken bench she opens a notebook, beginning her tale.
Monday morning:
"... I am so bored! Mr. Miko is talking about the same thing he has been for days. Yammering on about the invasion of "the others" and how we need to be prepared for whats to come. Maybe he caught what Issac has, I hear its suppose to make you delirious. I should go check on him after school. Oh... lunch time :] "
Renn walks out of the class room, into the crowded halls of Northwerk High. She goes to her locker to get her lunch. As she closes her locker door behind it is her friend Adam.
" Whatcha got today squirt?"
"Ugh, Adam how many times do I have to tell you? I'm not a squirt anymore."
" I know, I just like bugging you, I think its cute how you get all worked up about it."
As they walk with each other to the lunch room Adam seems to be down about something.
" Whats wrong babe?"
" I'm not a pig" Reply's Adam.
" I know. But really, whats going on?"
" Nothing, its just... I can't find a date to prom, and I am beginning to think there's something wrong with me."
" Adam! That's not true. You are the perfect date, and I won't let anyone tell you less." " Then.... will you go with me? Renn tilts her head at Adam.
"Well?" ...
" I can't, I already have a date." Adam looks stunned, " Well, well, well. Who is the lucky guy? " Renn smiles while her face turns ruby. " Thats for me to know, and for you to find out." Adam smiles at her, " Alright, I get it. " They continue to eat their lunch.
After school, Renn decideds to walk over to Issac's house. As she walks to the door she hears a loud noise. Never minding it she rings the bell. No answer. " This is odd." Renn thought. " Why isn't anyone coming to the door?" She sat there for a moment, then walked away. As she was leaving, she heard another noise. Now she was a little worried, but didn't take a second glance back.
As she was walking back to her house, she felt something behind her. Looking back, there was nothing there. She could still feel a slight presence. Picking her speed up, she finally makes it to her home.
"Good evening child!" Shouts a voice from the kitchen. "Hey grampus!" Renn shouts back. Putting her satchel and jacket on the chair next to her. She swiftly walks into the kitchen, grabbing a water and snack from the fridge. " What did you learn today?" Asked her grandfather. " Oh, you know, the same boring thing I learn everyday... nothing." Renn smirks. Her grandfather chuckles a little as he stirs his tea. "Grandfather, may I ask you something?" "Shoot for it." Renn sits up in her chair. " Have you ever liked someone, but didn't know how to tell them, because you don't know what they'd say back?" Renn's Grandfather looks at her and sighs. " If you're talking about that boy Adam"--- "Oh, oh no!" Renn quickly reacts. " I wouldn't want to like Adam any day, at any time." Grandfather looks at Renn and smiles. "Well, we have all been in that situation. The best thing you can do is just tell them, and if you're dissapointed, there are other fish in the sea to catch." Grandfather gets up. " In fact, I must go catch those fish now." Renn hugs her Grandfather, " Be careful Grampus. I heard the sea will be rough on you tonight."
As Renn gets ready for bed, her thoughts race in wonder about Issac. Why wouldn't get come to the door just like any other time? Was he that bad off? She drifted to sleep.
The next day when Renn arrived to Northwerk there seemed to be havoc around school. Strange men in Velcro vests were stationed at every door. She over heard one student saying there was a raid. As Renn gathered her books she heard shouting down the hall. " NO! YOU CANNOT COVER UP THE TRUTH! THEY ARE OUT THERE! THEY ARE COMING FOR US, NO ONE CAN STOP IT!!!!" She recognized the voice. It was Mr. Miko. Two men restraining him on the ground, picking him up violently, taking him out the side doors. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and for a few moments the school was silent. The headmaster's voice comes over the inner-com "ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS, REPORT TO YOUR CLASSROOM IMMEDIATELY!" Everyone raced to their rooms like bats out of hell. As Renn reached her seat, everyone in the room is talking about the men in Velcro vests and Mr. Miko was mentioned around the room. A woman draped in a long black dress, her hair black as a cat pinned back to her head, and her skin milky white walks into the room. "Hello class." She says. " Mr. Miko will not be joining you today, I will be taking his place." All attention is on her now. A girl speaks out. " Where is Mr. Miko?" The woman calmly yet creepily responds " We have taken him to.... eh, a better place." Everything is becoming so odd. Passing time comes, and Renn races to her locker to find Adam.
Adam is already there waiting for her. He is acting like there isn't something strange going on. " Hey squirt." ....
"Adam, why are you being so calm about all of this?"
"About what? Renn, are you alright?"
" They took Mr. Miko this morning!"
All of a sudden men out of no where start storming the halls, almost in a S.W.A.T. type form. "Adam look out!!!" Renn pulls Adam closer into the door as the Velcor men start opening fire. " We have to get out of here!" Renn screams. Adam runs over to the windows and busts one open. "This way!" Adam frantically screams. As Renn and Adam start running for cover, they hear horror from behind them. The clouds pure darkness, and explosions of fire from the sky.
"We have to find Mr. Miko!" Renn says to Adam as they find shelter. " He is the only one who knows whats happening." Adam opens the door to his houses cellar, as he helps Renn climb down into it. Her steps light, followed by Adam. "Care to fill me in?" Adams eyes widen and sweat pouring down his face." I'm not exactly sure Adam. I'm scared." Adam pulls Renn close to his body giving her a hug. " Whatever it is, I will make sure nothing happens to you."
A few hours has past, and the sounds outside have calmed down. Adam peaks out the cellar door to see what has happened to his town. " There's so much dust out here, I can't see a thing." He whispers. "Renn, we need supplies. stay here." Renn tugs Adams shirt. "Wait." She says, giving him a hug. " Be careful." " I will." He says in confidence.
As Adam slowly peaks himself out into the open, he see's something in the near distance. Carefully he closes the door making little sound as possible. He hides behind a wall, analyzing the creature. " What the hell is that?" Adam thinks to himself. As he watches it slowly peering around the corner. He dashes quickly to his mothers garden shed. Preparing for what ever is out there, he grabs a shovel. " This will have to do for now." He says to himself. Adam walks out into the cloudy town searching for any survivors. He reaches the school, now in a flame of hot iron and burning paper. "Adam, is... is that you?" A faint voice from behind rubble says. Adam quickly walks over to the rubble. Its Ben from English class. His clothes torn, and his skin thrashed. "Ben, are you alright?" Adam asks.
" They took everyone." Ben says in a blank stare.
" Where did they take them?"
" I'm... not sure. I had to hide before they got to me."
Ben's voice starts to get quiet. "I don't feel so well man." His wounds are worse than what Adam had thought. Adam tries to apply pressure, but its too late. Ben is gone.
Adam stands away from Ben's limp body. Tears begin to well in his eyes. He holds back. " I have to move on." He says, while taking one last look at Ben.
Renn is sitting in the cellar where Adam had left her hours ago. She is panicking, but holding on to what Adam had told her. " He will be back for me, I know it". Renn talks to herself. Everything is getting darker than it was before. She knows it's getting late. Pacing back and forth, Renn decides to leave the cellar to find Adam. As she perches out the cellar doors, everything as she knew it was gone. What once was the towns center, now a pile of rock and broken branches. Renn's body is shaking in fear with each step she takes. Not knowing what might meet her at the next corner. " I have to make it to Issac's house." Renn thought to herself.
As she reaches Issac's home, it seems to be the only house left standing on the street. She picks up a rock, and throws it into a window. Carefully, she slides her body into the empty frame entering the house. "Issac? Issac are you here?" She yells softly. She creeps herself up the staircase, and into the hall of Issac's room. Opening the door, she doesn't believe what now surrounds her. Long, black cloaked men stand around Issac's bed. One looks to Renn. She freezes. He starts coming towards her. " Do not be frightened." He says to her. " I am Orik, seeker of all things good." Renn freaks out. Running down the stairs she dives through the window pane, catching her shirt and ripping it on the glass. She quickly bounces back from her fall. Running anywhere, just to get away. She finds herself catching her breath at the docks. " I hope Grampus is alright." She said to herself. Tears swelling her eyes, " He is all I have."
Adam reaches the stores. Empty, as if it had been abandoned for years. He grabs a shopping cart, going down each isle grabbing anything and everything he can. As he walks out to leave, he is confronted with the creature from earlier. Slamming the cart into the wild beast, he quickly hits it with the shovel. The beast attacking Adam with its claws, he catches a slice of skin. Adam hits the beast again, this time damaging it. The beast runs off. Adam grabs his cart, and heads forward to the towns hunting supply store. As he enters, he finds what he thinks may help him and Renn fight off the creatures. Adam finally returns to the cellar. Opening the doors he pushes the cart in first. It slams into the ground, followed by Adam. " Renn, I grabbed what I thought was necessary, you wouldn't believe what is out there." He says while fumbling with a flash light. " Renn? " Adam searches the cellar with panic. " Renn? Renn!?" He realizes that Renn isn't there anymore. " Stupid girl! I told her to stay here!" He shouts while leaving the cellar.
Adam creeps back outside, this time, armored for any type of battle that comes to him. He thinks of where Renn would possibly want to be at, in any type of situation. He starts mapping out places in his head. Adam clings to the shadows, and any hidden wall he could think of, between the walk from his house, to hers. He finally reaches the building, climbing up the echoing stairs with little noise as possible. His ears quiver with what they hear.
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