I would sit under a tree on a park bench. I would sit and reflect on my life as I watch the children play with their dogs. Throwing the frisbee, I watch this one little girl say "Thank you lady" as she runs off with that plastic toy. Children are so innocent and fragile...it kills you knowing that when they are gone, the world just doesn't seem right anymore.
I am eighteen and waiting for something meaningful in my life to happen. Something special to happen with my special someone. School for me will be out in May, and Senior Week and Prom will be right around that next corner.
Looking back on my last four years of school, I realize how far in life I have gotten. How many friends I have made, how many I have lost. It makes me sad to know that one day I may never see half of them again. We are all the graduating class of 2010, and to see the people I nearly grew up with leave me is depressing in on itself.
Life is cruel, beautiful, vile, and disgustingly amazing. We take advantage of it's endless possiblities because once happiness is stolen, it may never find it's way back.
I'm Rebecca, and my story is one of special love...