I am currently learning the Japanese language! These are some words I have learns from websites, and friends! [THANK YOU SO MUCH!!]
Onee-sama~older sister
Onii-sama~older brother
Sama~to show respect for someone [ sweatdrop so I guess I would be Joyce-sama if you wanted to show respect..Which I know u wouldn’t do]
Senpai~senior [to show respect for people who are in higher grades]
Kohai~freshmen*I think*[a lower grade class]
Sarangheh ( sweatdrop spelling might not be right sweatdrop ) ~I love you*Korean
Kwaie [pronounce it as KOO-why or KOO-Way????]~scared
Dayshavoo~are you ok?
haru-haru [day by day, in Korean], more will be added..Arigato [thank you]
~~~*! More will be added!!Please help me learn more Japanese by PM's and profile comments! Please~and a whole lot of Thank youz!!! !*~~~
If you’d like to learn more words; Click HERE!
Please post and tell me what you think!! I wanted to thank that website so much!! *GIVE CREDIT TO WEBSITES, PPL, AND ANYONE YOU COPYED SOMETHING FROM*
PS. All rights reserved!! PLZ DO NOT COPY ANYTHING YOU SEE B4 YOU. Ask permission, and give me [and the people who helped me] credit!!
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Bits of me.
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I met my first love on Gaiaonline. Due to a series of unfortunate events,
and because we live over 2500 miles away from one another,
we aren't together anymore.
But last summer, I met him for the first time in 8 years.
Thank you for always taking my time, SFP.
July 27, 2009 - September 3, 2017

and because we live over 2500 miles away from one another,
we aren't together anymore.
But last summer, I met him for the first time in 8 years.
Thank you for always taking my time, SFP.
July 27, 2009 - September 3, 2017