Chapter 1- A new friend

I hear footsteps approach from behind. I start running as fast as I can into a near by ditch. As I looked into the cloudy sky a large man blocked my view. When I looked into his hazy blue eyes I knew I wasn’t hidden. He looked down at me. “What are you doing in that ditch son?” He questioned. “What are you doing out here?” I countered. “I’m a trader, going to Lake Wood Country.” He answered. I remember that from somewhere . That was my hometown, I thought. “May I go with you, my name is Athoraxe.” I asked. “My name is Iren, you can come as long as you don’t cause trouble AND, answer my question! Why are you here?” He questioned. I blinked and thought what to say. I explained my childhood story to Iren. He frowned like he was telling me ‘I’m sorry for you.’ The black haired, thin bodied man grabbed my hand and hoisted me out of the muddy, bug infested ditch. I felt a Freezing breeze. My hair blew out of my face. While I ventured for my family I found some Sharp pieces of glass, and rusty scissors that I managed to cut my hair with. Its short but not cut straight, Its ragged. But its smooth. “Hey kid!” said Iren. “Its Athoraxe…”I murmured. “I have some apples want one?” Questioned Iren. “Sure!” I answered. Iren passed me an apple. As I bit into the apple it’s juices seeped into my mouth, making me feel refreshed. When there was only the core of my apple left I threw it into the ditch I once stood in and we were off. A few hours later We stopped, “ Don’t move a muscle.” hissed Iren. Laying in front of us was a snake, green eyes fixed right on us with a piercing look. I felt like ripping put my Buck Knife and cutting the friken’ things head off. The snake opened its mouth and I knew this wasn’t the kind of snake to do that with. It was a Black mamba. At that moment Iren looked… relived, he knelt down and picked it up. “Sheba, where have you been? Don’t bite Athoraxe!” Iren yelled at the snake. The snake nodded it head, and closed its mouth. “Sorry for not telling you about my pet. She won’t harm you, her name is Sheba.” Iren pointed out. “A pet snake?” I asked questioningly. “Yes she (my snake.) is a messenger snake from a science lab, she had to be my messenger because, no one can kill her easily…she can kill others easily though. As I said she was…Is a lab umm… snake, she was tested in a lab and the tests looked like they failed but, they didn’t. I adopted her as mine no one else wanted her.” his smile faded, then he continued. “So, I needed a messenger to talk with other messengers. Their were other animals in the lab, but, she was the only one who caught my eye.” Iren Finished. The snake seemed to smile, she handed Iren a rolled-up paper with her tail. Iren read it aloud.
One of the other traders has been murdered by two large dark figures. You must stay on your guard. The dark figures are in a human type shape with a dark purple glow around their outline. They were last seen going west, and it looks like they are after something. It seems they maybe going to Lake Wood Country. Iren stopped. “Those sound like the figures that captured me when I was little!” I shouted. “They maybe coming for my parents… OR ME AGAIN!” I yelled.
I looked in every which way. No one was there I let out a large breath. “take it easy. The letter says they might be very far behind us or very far ahead of us so I’m thinking If I haven’t seen them then they are behind us, because, I have been ahead of all the other traders. I am always ahead. I start walking on the trails before everyone else. I haven’t seen any black figures pass this way.” Iren said in a casual voice. I felt relived.
I am different then most people. I am built up, not fat built but muscle built. From the day I was born I have been this way, I gain muscle very easy so I thought I might be a challenge to these Dark Figures that are behind us. If one of the traders were killed by them I was kind of concerned because if I look at Iren he is probably in his 30’s and he has some muscle on him a lot of it in fact. So He could maybe take one of them down but I’m not sure how much stronger or weaker they are now then they were 11 years ago.
“This might be a tough walk to Lake Wood Country. As a Team we might be able to take on one of those Figures. But I’m not sure what they are like a lot. When I was caught by them they knocked me out but didn’t give me a concussion so they might be able to now or, they might have stayed the same.” I said to Iren. “That might be either of them might be right. But have you ever thought they wanted you to wake up and search for your parents just too torment you again later killing you. They might have had a fight with your parents. And now getting revenge with you. By killing you or just got mad at something or someone and take it out on you.” Iren stated. I thought very hard and was having a hard time remembering the Figures ever finding my parents before. I thought for miles, and miles I couldn’t figure it out.
BANG!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard a gun shot and ran out of my tent. Outside I saw Iren standing there with a Gun in hand. I peered down a hill and saw it. He shot a deer. “Hey! I’m glad your up I just shot dinner help me carry her up the hill to the fire!” Shouted Iren. “Okay.” I yelled running down the hill to the deer’s body. When I got to the dead animal I lifted it at the back legs and Iren took the front legs. We carried the body to the fire. “I will Cook it you just look for some herbs.” Iren Licked his chapped lips gazing at me, more like right through me. I stared at him for a quiet moment then got down on my knees looking for herbs.
The sky was dark, It was early morning and I didn’t want to look for food but I knew I had to if I wanted to eat. I was by a small river and I wanted to just drink the water but then I noticed something in the water. It was a dead fox. I ran back up the hill yelling at Iren. When I got up the hill I smelled the food. Yum, I thought. Thinking back to the water got back to subject. “IREN! There is a dead fox in the water down there what should I do!” I yelled acting like a three year old who found a dead bug. Iren looked up. “There must be something wrong with the water. This stream starts all the way at where I started walking. The Figures must have contaminated the water to poison us and the fox went to take a drink and… he fell in dead.” Iren looked like he was deep in thought. I rocked back and forth on my feet, shivering thinking of what they might have done to people in Iren’s town. I got out of thought when I heard Iren start to talk. “We should get going we can eat the fruits I have in my pack for breakfast. Lets go.” Iren started packing up his stuff.