Well, I thought this might be fun to do since I have free time now. Yesterday was technically day 1 but I was busy so I didn't write anything.
6:40ish yesterday - got up and got ready for school and taking Ryan to the airport
7:00ish - Ryan and I stop briefly at my house to weigh his bags for the trip on a scale. There is a 50 pound weight limit and he was JUST on the mark EXACTLY.
7:30ish -went to Ryan's workplace to pick up the last amount of stuff for him to leave with.
8:00ish - arrived at airport and went back and forth a couple times between two air terminals before finding out which one was the one the plane takes off from.
8:30ish - After waiting with Ryan had to go to school so I kissed him good bye and he was "Leaving on a Jet Plane."
So yah I was at school and school started at 9...it was boring and I don't remember what went on with that...I do remember that I ended up deciding to not take the job I was training for.
1. I dont get paid the garuntee unless I make EXACTLY the amount of presentations...if I'm 1 under I get no money for the whole month and all the hours I put in.
2. If I don't make a sale I don't get money.
3. I spent a half an hour between jobs waiting in my car and burning up the remaining gas in my tank with no compensation for it...and this is time I could spend doing homework...
4. I have been rejected from every house I have gone to except 1
5. 1 person said they had requested not to have a presentation but they sent me anyways, 1 of them had alziemers and didn't remember being called, 1 thought she was getting a free gift and 1 thought the presentation was only 15 minutes long and had to leave for something else in that time.
6. Better Business Beureau had nothing good to say about my company
7. In the end the company seemed seedy and I didn't want to waste my time on something that will not give me anything in return.
So now I'm unemployed
6:40ish - Kaia became very loveable and wanted to be cuddled...damn cat...I'm asleep and she chooses now to croak and purr (she doesn't meow a lot so it's a croak when she does)...this cat has been evil for 5 months and not liked Ryan and I but in the last 2 or 3 she's just kinda given up and decided she likes us...and at wierd times even love us....
7:40ish - Tygah has the same notion of love. He climbs onto the sink and then climbs up my torso onto my shoulder so I can cradle him like a baby for awhile. He hates to be carried...so I thought...so this was unusual.
8:30ish - at school
12:05ish - mom comes and gets me from school so I can get my medication.
3:00ish - I get my depo shot...the doctor either used a too large of a needle or hit a nerve...cuz it burned and it hurts even now
3:30ish - went to Ryan's house and picked up all my junk, was going to clean but hip hurts lots from injection so I'll do that on the weekend.
4:00ish - returned home and am now writing this smile
krysil · Thu Feb 02, 2006 @ 10:53pm · 0 Comments |