Current Events
I was supposed to have finals yesterday and today but they were canceled because of my school having a snow day and have been moved up to next Monday and Tuesday which on that Monday I also will be having trials with three different clients possibly being a judge at one of them and for sure a defense on another one of them, the other I'm not sure yet. I handed in an application to work at a newer restaurant/store and they'll hopefully get back to me on it promptly. I still haven't heard back from the recruiter but that could be in part because my phone along with all the cellphones at my house have been shut off. ~_~ OH CRUD!! I just realized. . . . I put the contact number on the application as either mine or my mother's phone number~ both are cellphones~_~ sighs* Weeeell I'll just go in and change it at least it'll make me stand out from amidst the other applications. I am to go to my dad's house tomorrow sometime in the morning for my b day weekend. I'd rather not but oh well b days for kids that have two sets of parent's isn't for their leisure but to help them practice being diplomats. ^_^ Cuz if this was just what i wanted I'd have the day with dmitri all to myself.