Arian rosewater-
Nickname: Arian, or Airy either one is fine with me.
Age: Whats it to you?
Race: Im human babe
Sexual orientation: Come and find out. -straight-
I look like?: I am five foot six. I am pretty slender but i have curves. I'm about a C cup since i know that is important to you. I have some pretty long legs. My skin isn't super pale or anything. My blue eyes will send shivers down your spine if you look to deeply. Just stick with the reflecion of your face and you things will stay pretty warm. I have blonde hair that is just past my shoulders. and its curly.
Woah Fashion: I tend to dress differently during differet seasons. I am intellegent enough to not wear shorts in the snow. I like to wear colors that set off my blue eyes but I will wear almost any color. I like tops that are flowy or at least comfertable. That doesn't mean i will be all covered up or anything. I wear heels to work and when im out at a club or party but otherwise its boots or sneakers.
Whats my personality like?: I am pretty short tempered and i like to stick to myself. I am helpful in a fight and I would be more then happy to bandage you up afterwards. That being said I won't let you mess with me and if you did you woud be one hurt number. I am known as a feminine Tom-boy. That should be enough bout my personality.
My story: Well I grew up in a pretty well-rounded home.My mom worked with my dad at his shop. I never knew what he meant by "A working woman your momma is. Though im not sure if she is working at my shop as a cashier , advertisment, or whore. " Turns out it was all three. That doesn't mean my mom wasn't a good mother. Oh no she was a pretty good lady. Im still not sure what happened to her though. when i was ten I remember coming home and my paps was sittin' at the table he handed me a letter and a small safe that had the combination taped to the bottom. The letter said she left to pursue her dream of working on motorcycles and that she was headed to sturgis. My Daddy once told me that it was on the ack of another mans motorcycle that she drove away on. Which kinda made sense seeming as how she had left her custom painted bike behind. The bike was a beauty, Electric blue and peach with beautiful designs. Anyways momma had left and once i was alone I cracked that safe open and found out what a highly paid profession being a whore was. It must have been over 10 grand in there all cash. She had told me in the letter to use it whenever i felt nessicary. Well Most people would have thought my dad would be heart broken. The funny thing was he was overjoyed. About six months later he married a pretty woman who was always stopping by his shop telling him she was just looking.
While she couldn't replace my mom she did help me out in the areas my father couldn't. I grew up working on bikes and cars. I left home when i was 16. I remember looking at my paps ad saying "Hey I know you hae taken care of me really well over these years and hey man I love ya and all but Im headed out on my own. I'm gonna be an exchange student for this kid. Im headed out to Japan in the next few days. I will write ya don't you worry bout that none. I got to get out there and see more if im gonna be a sweet mechanic and out live this little small town." He let me leave and I left my bike to his wife Mariee. I told her i was geting my own and that I didn't want to just thrw this one away or sell it so she took it. Yeah its a whole lot to cover but Im pretty much done. there is ton more stuff I coud write bu i figured i will spare you that.
What I like: Big dogs, Muscular guys perferablly american and perferablly southern. Mechanics, Ramen noodles. Hispanic people rock my world.
I don't like: The Number 15, Backseat drivers, People who tell me how to do my Job, snobby rich girls.
My fears: Getting arrested. Really controlling guys.
Habits: I dont smoke. Yah i know te picture blah blah.. Drumming fingers clicking pens. And I will throw tools when angered.
Hopes and goals: Paying my mom a visit. Owning a mechanic and details shop for bikes and cars. Owning a beautiful Pick up truck. And makeing out with at least five rebel southern boys before my 25th birthday.
Forgot to mention: Oh I adore all animals, and I love coca cola and serra mist ruby splash.