alrighty, now for a reason of absence. My mom removed my computer from my room. So now I have to use the downstairs computer. This is a computer that hooks up to the TV. the way my house is set up, the kitchen, dining room, and family room, are ALL one room. The only way to tell the difference is where tile stops and carpet starts. We have a rather large flatscreen TV. If I get on the copmputer, and my mom is say, cooking dinner, reading a book, cleaning, etc. She simply has to look up and see exactly what I'm doing on the computer. Having said that, you should all know the kinds of RPs I partake in twisted . my mom doesn't approve of these, and they were the reason for a month long ban from gaia almost a year ago. Since then I have been more careful about what I tell my mom about gaia. I have to sneak my replys on gaia, for when mom isn't home, when she's showering, etc. At the moment I'm supposed to be doing a research project, I'm sneaking on while my mom is in a different room putting lights on the christmas tree. I'm going to reply to PMs, but forum RPs and slots are gone for a while...give it a few years, then I'll be back in all my amazingness <3